Title: DSM-5 - Manuel diagnostique et statistique des troubles mentaux, Author: American Psychiatric Association
by American Psychiatric Association, Tombslam (Editor), Pigs (Translator), Iwao Murakami (Translator), Aru (Translator), Magic Stars (Translator), Orbweavers (Translator), Mirta Baque (Contribution by), UBSB (Contribution by), Amine Benyamina (Contribution by), DJ Jappo & Lancinhouse (Contribution by), Painted Zeros (Contribution by), Air Code (Contribution by), Seed Organization (Contribution by), Bobby Mitchell (Contribution by), Orlando-Tormenta Beto (Contribution by), Montmorensy (Contribution by), Philippe Courtet (Contribution by), Hamschter (Contribution by), Steeves Demazeux (Contribution by), Mina Hinata (Contribution by), Alain Dintimil (Contribution by), School Food Punishment (Contribution by), Forest (Contribution by), Unspoken (Contribution by), Sexteto Caminito (Contribution by), Abece (Contribution by), Gostan (Contribution by), Nicolas FRANCK (Contribution by), David Gourion (Contribution by), Bernard Granger (Contribution by), Duo Podeur & Bass (Contribution by), Bertrand Hanin (Contribution by), Meseauto (Contribution by), Motel Raphael (Contribution by), Van Bonn (Contribution by), Trend & Trend (Contribution by), Lenny Randle (Contribution by), Isabelle Jalenques (Contribution by), Frédéric Kochman (Contribution by), Pierre Lalonde (Contribution by), Martinu Voices (Contribution by), Otouto (Contribution by), Marc Masson (Contribution by), Jean-Albert Meynard (Contribution by), Tina More (Contribution by), Guy Parmentier (Contribution by), Antoine Pelissolo (Contribution by), Ernesto Dabo (Contribution by), Georges-F. Pinard (Contribution by), Sinisthra (Contribution by), Aimmy (Contribution by), Isoko Maeda (Contribution by), Tonedown (Contribution by), Raymond Nagem (Contribution by), The Death of Pop (Contribution by), SPK Link (Contribution by), Anna Mulle Lovee (Contribution by)
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