Title: A Train Ride to Grandma's (With No Chocolate Donut!), Author: Stacy Shortle
Anger Management Techniques : A Resource for Children
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Title: Clothes Have Feelings Too! Charlie Learns to Care for His Things, Author: Ari Mazor
Title: El Valiente y Pequeño Panda, Author: Asians Against Violence of Asian Alliance for Health
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Fun Training Resource for Children: A Resource for Children
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Helping Parents and Children Understand Fears: A Resource for Adults and Children
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Mindfulness for Kids - Red Light to Anger and Tantrums: Improve sleep and self-esteem. Bring about greater calmness, relaxation, and awareness.
by Brenda Shankey
Narrated by  Brenda Shankey
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Title: The Princess and the Ruby: An Autism Fairy Tale, Author: Jewel Kats
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Winning Ways for Children : Getting Along Better with Parent and Adults
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