Title: Cadavre X: Une enquête de Kay Scarpetta, Author: Patricia Cornwell
Title: Chambre noire, Author: Deborah Crombie
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Le Dahlia noir
by James Ellroy
Narrated by  Élodie Huber
Le Dahlia noir
by James Ellroy
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Derniers adieux
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American psycho
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American psycho
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La Rigole du diable
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La Rigole du diable
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Les morsures du passé
by Lisa Gardner
Narrated by  Élodie Huber
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Les morsures du passé
by Lisa Gardner
Narrated by  Ãlodie Huber
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Cartes sur table
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Cartes sur table
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La maison d'à côté
by Lisa Gardner
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Audiobook (Unabridged) $21.66
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L'homme au complet marron
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La maison des chagrins
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Destination inconnue
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Destination inconnue
Audiobook (Unabridged)

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La maison d'à côté
by Lisa Gardner
Narrated by  Ãlodie Huber
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