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Title: Alien Legion: Uncivil War #2, Author: Chuck Dixon
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Title: America's Army #1 - Knowledge is Power, Author: M. Zachary Sherman
Title: America's Army #10 - Point of Contact, Author: M. Zachary Sherman
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Title: America's Army #3 - Under a Watchful Eye, Author: M. Zachary Sherman
Title: America's Army #4 - Escalation, Author: M. Zachary Sherman
Title: America's Army #5 - Tipping Point, Author: M. Zachary Sherman
Title: America's Army #6 - The Coming Storm, Author: M. Zachary Sherman
Title: America's Army #7 - Make Ready, Author: M. Zachary Sherman
Title: America's Army #8 - Proving Grounds, Author: M. Zachary Sherman

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