Title: The Ku Klux Klan or Invisible empire, Author: Laura Martin Rose
Title: The San Bernardino Massacre, Author: Frederick Hoehn
Title: My Lunch at Chick-Fil-A, Author: Yuma Shinohara
Title: Invisible No More: Police Violence Against Black Women and Women of Color, Author: Andrea Ritchie
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In Defense of Women
Title: Mr. President....Black America Is On Line 2, Author: Raymond Sturgis
Title: An Accursed Race, Author: Elizabeth Gaskell
Title: Why Bill Cosby Should Stop Criticizing Black People and Continue Eating His Jell-O, Author: J. Richard Singleton
Title: Behind the Wall of Segregation: Playing Cowboys, Author: Anne Wortham
Title: The Souls of Black Folk, Author: W. E. B. Du Bois
Title: In Defense of Women, Author: H. L. Mencken
Title: Thoughts on African Colonization (Illustrated), Author: William Lloyd Garrison
Title: THE NEGRO, Author: W. E. B. Du Bois
Title: The Mis-Education of the Negro, Author: Carter G. Woodson
Title: The Holy Bible (New Testament), Author: Simon Abram
Title: The Many Faces of A Black Man: The Triumphs and Trials of Being A Black Man In America, Author: Raymond Sturgis
Title: Homophobe: A Logical Response to an Ignorant Ideology, Author: J. J. Morrow
Title: The Negro Problem, Author: Booker T. Washington
Title: Black Power: Strategies For Achieving And Utilizing Power In America, Author: Michael Townsend
Title: In Defense of Women, Author: H. L. Mencken

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