Title: Joyce and feminism, Author: Bonnie Kime Scott
Title: Discover Your Type of Beauty, Author: Carol Tuttle
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Woman in Science
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Roughing It in the Bush
Title: The Works of Hrotsvit of Gandersheim: Facsimile of the First Edition (1581), Author: Hrotsvitha Hrotsvit of Gandersheim
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A Vindication of the Rights of Woman
Title: The Surplus Woman: Unmarried in Imperial Germany, 1871-1918, Author: Catherine L. Dollard
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Eighty Years and More; Reminiscences 1815-1897
Title: Women and Power: A Short Overview of Social Changes and Women's Empowerment, Author: Zahra Al Timimi
Title: Some Reflections Upon Marriage, Author: Mary Astell
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Title: Maggie: A Girl of the Streets (Wisehouse Classics Edition), Author: Stephen Crane
Title: Let Spring Soon Come, Author: Ramu Mahanthi
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My Own Story
Title: Women's Emancipation and Civil Society Organisations: Challenging or Maintaining the Status Quo?, Author: Schwabenland
Title: The modern woman's rights movement: a historical survey, Author: Käthe Schirmacher
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Title: The Radium Girls Extended Excerpt, Author: Kate Moore
Title: Women in the Making: Feminism Versus the Maker Culture, Author: Isadora Santiago Aires
Title: Amazing Women In History: 5 Kick-Ass Women the History Books Left Out, Author: KeriLynn Engel

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