Title: Catwoman: When In Rome (2004-) #6, Author: Jeph Loeb
Title: Catwoman: When In Rome (2004-) #5, Author: Jeph Loeb
Title: Catwoman: When In Rome (2004-) #4, Author: Jeph Loeb
Title: Catwoman: When In Rome (2004-) #3, Author: Jeph Loeb
Title: Catwoman: When In Rome (2004-) #2, Author: Jeph Loeb
Title: Catwoman: When In Rome (2004-) #1, Author: Jeph Loeb
Title: Catwoman: When In Rome, Author: Jeph Loeb
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Title: Catwoman: A Celebration of 75 Years, Author: Bill Finger
Title: Catwoman/Wildcat (1998-) #4, Author: Chuck Dixon
Title: Catwoman/Wildcat (1998-) #3, Author: Chuck Dixon
Title: Catwoman/Wildcat (1998-) #2, Author: Chuck Dixon
Title: Catwoman Volume 1: The Game (The New 52) (NOOK Comics with Zoom View), Author: Judd Winick
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Title: Catwoman Vol. 5: Backward Masking (NOOK Comics with Zoom View), Author: Will Pfeifer

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