Title: Legion of Super-Heroes Volume 1: Hostile World (The New 52) (NOOK Comics with Zoom View), Author: Paul Levitz
Title: Star Trek / Legion of Super Heroes, Author: Chris Roberson
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eBook $10.99 $13.99 Current price is $10.99, Original price is $13.99.
Title: Legion of Super-Heroes (2012-) #0 (NOOK Comic with Zoom View), Author: Paul Levitz
Title: Legion: Secret Origin (NOOK Comics with Zoom View), Author: Paul Levitz
Title: Legion of Super-Heroes #14 (2011- ) (NOOK Comics with Zoom View), Author: Paul Levitz
Title: Legion of Super-Heroes #44 (1989-2000) (NOOK Comics with Zoom View), Author: Mary Bierbaum
Title: Legion of Super-Heroes #45 (1989-2000) (NOOK Comics with Zoom View), Author: Mary Bierbaum
Title: Legion of Super-Heroes #16 (2011- ) (NOOK Comics with Zoom View), Author: Paul Levitz
Title: Legion of Super-Heroes #46 (1989-2000) (NOOK Comics with Zoom View), Author: Mary Bierbaum
Title: Legion of Super-Heroes #47 (1989-2000) (NOOK Comics with Zoom View), Author: Mary Bierbaum
Title: Legion of Super-Heroes #48 (1989-2000) (NOOK Comics with Zoom View), Author: Mary Bierbaum
Title: Legion of Super-Heroes #49 (1989-2000) (NOOK Comics with Zoom View), Author: Mary Bierbaum
Title: Legion of Super-Heroes #17 (2011- ) (NOOK Comics with Zoom View), Author: Paul Levitz
Title: Legion of Super-Heroes #50 (1989-2000) (NOOK Comics with Zoom View), Author: Mary Bierbaum
Title: Legion of Super-Heroes #5 (2011- ) (NOOK Comics with Zoom View), Author: Paul Levitz
Title: Legion of Super-Heroes #51 (1989-2000) (NOOK Comics with Zoom View), Author: Tom McCraw
Title: Legion of Super-Heroes #1 (2011- ) (NOOK Comics with Zoom View), Author: Paul Levitz
Title: Legion of Super-Heroes #4 (2011- ) (NOOK Comics with Zoom View), Author: Paul Levitz
Title: Legion of Super-Heroes #2 (2011- ) (NOOK Comics with Zoom View), Author: Paul Levitz
Title: Legion of Super-Heroes #3 (2011- ) (NOOK Comics with Zoom View), Author: Paul Levitz

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