Title: The Widow Wave: A True Courtroom Drama of Tragedy at Sea, Author: Jay W. Jacobs
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Title: Yale Law Journal: Volume 121, Number 5 - March 2012, Author: Yale Law Journal
Title: In Defense of Tort Law, Author: Thomas Koenig
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Title: Connecticut Torts: The Law and Practice, Author: Frederic S. Ury
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Title: Exam Pro on Torts (Objective), Author: John  Bauman
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Title: The Right to Privacy, Author: Samuel D. Warren
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Title: Harvard Law Review: Volume 125, Number 6 - April 2012, Author: Harvard Law Review
Title: Principles of Tort Law, Author: Rachael Mulheron
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Title: In Pursuit of a Remedy: A Need for Reform of Police Officer Liability, Author: Bonnie Bull
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Title: Stanford Law Review: Symposium - The Future of Patents: Volume 63, Issue 6 - June 2011, Author: Stanford Law Review
Title: Judge and Jury: American Tort Law on Trial, Author: Eric Helland
Title: Yale Law Journal: Volume 121, Number 6 - April 2012, Author: Yale Law Journal

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