Title: Quick Review of Torts, 5th, Author: Lawrence Levine
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eBook $26.99 $30.75 Current price is $26.99, Original price is $30.75.
Title: High Court Case Summaries on Torts, Keyed to Epstein, 10th, Author: Publishers Editorial Staff
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eBook $28.99 $33.00 Current price is $28.99, Original price is $33.00.
Title: Stanford Law Review: Volume 63, Issue 5 - May 2011, Author: Stanford Law Review
Title: Tort Law and Human Rights, Author: Jane Wright
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Title: Harvard Law Review: Volume 125, Number 5 - March 2012, Author: Harvard Law Review
Title: Torts: A 1L Success Guide Outline, Author: Matt Racine
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Title: Medical Accident Liability and Redress in English and French Law, Author: Simon Taylor
Title: Tort Reform, Plaintiffs' Lawyers, and Access to Justice, Author: Stephen Daniels
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Title: Economic Analysis of Accident Law, Author: Steven Shavell
Title: Absolutely Small, Chapter 14: Bigger Molecules, The Shapes of Polyatomic Molecules, Author: Michael D. FAYER
Title: Stanford Law Review: Volume 63, Issue 1 - December 2010, Author: Stanford Law Review
Title: Friedman's Torts, Second Edition, Author: Joel Wm. Friedman
Title: Tort Law Defences, Author: James Goudkamp
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Title: “The Disorderly Conduct of Words”: Civil Liability for Injuries Caused by the Dissemination of False or Inaccurate Information, Author: Richard Ausness
Title: Philosophical Foundations of the Law of Torts, Author: John Oberdiek
Title: Jumpstart Torts: Reading and Understanding Torts Cases, Author: Ross Sandler
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eBook $29.99 $33.95 Current price is $29.99, Original price is $33.95.
Title: A Theory of Tort Liability, Author: Allan Beever
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Title: High Court Case Summaries on Torts, Keyed to Dobbs, Author: Publishers Editorial Staff
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Title: Toxic Torts in a Nutshell, Author: Jean Eggen
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eBook $29.99 $33.75 Current price is $29.99, Original price is $33.75.
Title: Covering Accident Costs: Insurance, Liability, and Tort Reforms, Author: Mark Rahdert

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