Title: House of Darkness House of Light: The True Story Volume Two, Author: Andrea Perron
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Scary Ghosts
by Jim Whiting
Narrated by  Various Narrators
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Title: Haunted Lighthouses, Author: George Steitz
Title: The Ghost Orchid Ghost: And Other Tales from the Swamp, Author: Doug Alderson
Title: Ghosts of the Georgia Coast, Author: Don Farrant
Title: Florida's Ghostly Legends and Haunted Folklore: Volume 1: South and Central Florida, Author: Greg Jenkins
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Title: Florida's Ghostly Legends and Haunted Folklore: Volume 2: North Florida and St. Augustine, Author: Greg Jenkins
Title: Florida Ghost Stories, Author: Robert Jones
Title: Ancient City Hauntings: More Ghosts of St. Augustine, Author: David Lapham
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Title: Florida's Ghostly Legends and Haunted Folklore, Volume 3: The Gulf Coast and Pensacola, Author: Greg Jenkins
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Title: Haunting Sunshine, Author: Jack Powell
Title: More Ghosts of Georgetown, Author: Elizabeth Huntsinger Wolf
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Title: Scottish Ghosts, Author: Lily Seafield
eBook $7.49 $7.99 Current price is $7.49, Original price is $7.99.
Title: Hauntings of Williamsburg, Yorktown, and Jamestown, Author: Jackie Eileen Behrend
Title: Ghosts of the Southern Tennessee Valley, Author: Georgiana Kotarski
Title: Oldest Ghosts: St. Augustine Haunts, Author: Karen Harvey
Title: True Irish Ghost Stories, Author: John Seymour
Title: Coast to Coast Ghosts: True Stories of Hauntings Across America, Author: Leslie Rule
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Title: Your Neighborhood Gives Me the Creeps: True Tales of an Accidental Ghost Hunter, Author: Adam Selzer
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Title: Chasing Spirits: The Building of the

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