Title: True Ghost Stories, Author: Steven Hager
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Ghosts I Have Met and Some Others
Title: The book of dreams and ghosts, Author: Andrew Lang
Title: The Haunted House: A True Ghost Story, Author: Walter Hubbell
Title: Historic Ghosts and Ghost Hunters, Author: H. Addington Bruce
Title: Irish Ghost Stories: Previously Unpublished Well-known Ghost Stories and Some Lesser-known Tales, Author: Padraic O'Farrell
Title: True Irish Ghost Stories, Author: John Seymour
Title: The Haunted House: A True Ghost Story, Author: Walter Hubbell
Title: Ghosts I Have Seen and Other Psychic Experiences, Author: Violet Tweedale
Title: Ghosts I Have Met And Some Others, Author: John Kendrick Bangs
Title: Ghosts, Author: Zachary Graves
Title: Ghost: Investigating the Other Side, Author: Katherine Ramsland
Title: Animals and the Afterlife: True Stories of Our Best Friends' Journey Beyond Death, Author: Kim Sheridan
Title: Ghosts of the Tower of London, Author: Geoff Abbott
Title: Ghosts I Have Met and Some Others, Author: John Kendrick Bangs
Title: Houses of Horror, Author: Hans Holzer
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Title: The Book of Dreams and Ghosts, Author: Andrew Lang
Title: The Book of Dreams and Ghosts, Author: Andrew Lang
Title: Ghosts I've Met, Author: Hans Holzer

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