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Explore Series
Title: The Return of the Soldier, Author: Rebecca West
Title: River of Darkness (John Madden Series #1), Author: Rennie Airth
Title: Mrs. Dalloway, Author: Virginia Woolf
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Winged Creatures: A Novel
by Roy Freirich
Narrated by  Dion Graham
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The Return of the Soldier
by Rebecca West
Narrated by  Nadia May
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Title: The Return of the Soldier (Barnes & Noble Library of Essential Reading), Author: Rebecca West
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Mrs Dalloway
by Virginia Woolf
Narrated by  Juliet Stevenson
Audiobook (Unabridged)


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River of Darkness
by Rennie Airth
Narrated by  Christopher Kay
Audiobook (Unabridged)


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Title: The Return of the Soldier, Author: Rebecca West
Title: The Return of the Soldier, Author: Rebecca West
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Mrs. Dalloway
by Virginia Woolf
Narrated by  Phyllida Law
Audiobook (Unabridged)


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Title: Summer Session, Author: Merry Jones
#1 in Series
Title: The Return of the Soldier (Barnes & Noble Digital Library), Author: Rebecca West
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