Title: The Hearts of Horses, Author: Molly Gloss
Title: Lonesome Dove, Author: Larry McMurtry
Title: The Goodnight Trail (Trail Drive Series #1), Author: Ralph Compton
Title: Appaloosa (Virgil Cole/Everett Hitch Series #1), Author: Robert B. Parker
Title: The Lonesome Dove Series, Author: Larry McMurtry
Title: Down on Gila River, Author: Ralph Compton
Title: Riders of the Purple Sage, Author: Zane Grey
Title: The Virginian (with an Introduction by Struthers Burt), Author: Owen Wister
Title: English Creek (McCaskill Trilogy Series #1), Author: Ivan Doig
#1 in Series
Title: The Chisholm Trail (Trail Drive Series #3), Author: Ralph Compton
#3 in Series
Title: Texas Blood Feud (Byrnes Family Ranch Series #1), Author: Dusty Richards
#1 in Series
Title: Pearl River Junction (Sons of Daniel Shaye Series #3), Author: Robert J. Randisi
Title: A Good Day To Kill, Author: Dusty Richards
#6 in Series
Title: Montana Mavericks: Big Sky Grooms: Spirit of the Wolf/As Good as Gold/The Gamble, Author: Susan Mallery
Title: Ralph Compton Tucker's Reckoning, Author: Ralph Compton
Title: The Bandera Trail: The Trail Drive, Book 4, Author: Ralph Compton
Title: The Deadwood Trail (Trail Drive Series #12), Author: Ralph Compton
Title: The Good Old Boys: A Hewey Calloway Novel, Author: Elmer Kelton
#2 in Series
Title: The Bozeman Trail, Author: Ralph Compton
Title: The Old Spanish Trail: The Trail Drive, Book 11, Author: Ralph Compton

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