Title: Contes du jour et de la nuit, Author: Guy de Maupassant
Title: Harry Potter et le Prince de Sang-Melé (Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince) (Harry Potter #6), Author: J. K. Rowling
Title: Harry Potter et le Prisonnier d'Azkaban (Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban) (Harry Potter #3), Author: J. K. Rowling
Title: Harry Potter et la Chambre des Secrets (Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets) (Harry Potter #2), Author: J. K. Rowling
Title: Harry Potter à l'École des Sorciers (Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone: Harry Potter Series #1), Author: J. K. Rowling
Title: Harry Potter et la chambre des secrets (Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets) (Harry Potter #2), Author: J. K. Rowling