Title: Showdown at SunnyView Playground (a short-short), Author: Michael Crane
Title: Afterglow, Author: Ned Johnson
Title: Ever Onward Under Other Skies, Vol. 1, Author: Horizons Upward Bound
Title: The Frozen Ocean, Author: David Antonelli
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Title: Run, Author: Nelson Lowhim
Title: The Pianist, Author: Craig A. Hart
Title: Les ombres de la nuit, Author: Aaron J Clarke
Title: Chinese Novel Book Review: xiao shuo <<hua luo hua kai>> du zhe wang you shu ping ji, Author: Hongyang
Title: A Waltz Yes, a Heart No, Author: Barry Rachin
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Buch der Lieder
Title: The Comic, Author: Chris Lundy
Title: Madeleine's Life, A Short Story, Author: E. Miranda Hernandez
Title: Never, Ever, Bring This Up Again, Author: Jon Thorpe
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Title: Auraria: A Novel, Author: Tim Westover
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Title: Miles from Ireland, Author: Mary Kitt-Neel
Title: Heroes and Civilians (HD Battlespace Version), Author: Adam Ford
Title: The Great White Kings, Author: Marc D'Agosta

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