Title: Twelve Years a Slave, Author: Solomon Northup
Title: Illustrated Lives of the Saints, Author: Hugo Hoever
Title: Doctor Seuss - A Short Biography for Kids, Author: Josephine Madden
Title: The Book of Saints and Heroes, Author: Lang
by Lang
Title: Twelve Years a Slave, Author: Solomon Northup
Title: Maurice Sendak - A Short Biography for Kids, Author: Charlene Ryan
Title: What's So Great About Da Vinci? A Guide to Leonardo Da Vinci Just For Kids!, Author: Max Tanner
Title: What's So Great About Van Gogh? A Guide to Vincent Van Gogh Just For Kids!, Author: Max Tanner
Title: Artist You Should Know: Profiles for Kids, Author: Sam Simon
Title: What's So Great About Picasso? A Guide to Pablo Picasso Just For Kids!, Author: Max Tanner
Title: What's So Great About Walt Disney? A Biography of Walt Disney Just for Kids!, Author: Sam Rogers
Title: What’s So Great About Artists, Author: Max Tanner
Title: Vincent van Gogh - A Short Biography for Kids, Author: Josephine Madden
Title: Griffin el Dragon y como Lidiar con Un Maton, Author: Ken Mask
Title: Caravaggio: Painter on the Run, Author: Marissa Moss
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