Title: Bunny Double, We're in Trouble! (My Weird School Special Series), Author: Dan Gutman
Title: Nellie Green the Jelly Bean: Easter Egg Hunter, Author: EF Clark
#8 in Series
Title: The Easter Bunny Caper, Author: Cassandra Rose
Title: Easter Bunny: Stories, Jokes, Games, and More!, Author: Uncle Amon
Title: Easter Mice!, Author: Bethany Roberts
Title: Easter Mice!, Author: Bethany Roberts
Title: Chickens Lay Eggs, Not Rabbits!!, Author: Nancy Stearns Theiss
Title: Harry the Hamster's Aspen Easter, Author: Dr. Jane J. Jenkins
Title: Spring/Easter Collection: Short Stories & Poems, Author: WimhÃusl SÃngerinnen

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