Title: A por la revancha! (Serie Gol! 30), Author: Luigi Garlando
Title: Cajas de carton: Relatos de la vida peregrina de uno nino campesino (The Circuit: Stories from the Life of a Migrant Child), Author: Francisco Jimenez
Title: El falso príncipe (The False Prince), Author: Jennifer A. Nielsen
Title: El martillo de Thor (Magnus Chase y los dioses de Asgard 2) (The Hammer of Thor), Author: Rick Riordan
Title: El oraculo de Delphi keep (Oracles of Delphi Keep), Author: Victoria Laurie
Title: El oráculo oculto (Las pruebas de Apolo 1) (The Hidden Oracle), Author: Rick Riordan
Title: El Principito (The Little Prince), Author: Antoine de Saint-Exupery
Title: El Principito (The Little Prince), Author: Antoine de Saint-Exupery
Title: El rugido (The Roar), Author: Emma Clayton
Title: En Las Profundidades, Author: Jude Watson
Title: La Cancion de Shao Li, Author: Marisol Ortiz de Zarate
Title: La espada del tiempo (Magnus Chase y los dioses de Asgard 1), Author: Rick Riordan
Title: No bailes con la muerte, Author: Kristen Parrish
Title: Tuck para siempre (Tuck Everlasting), Author: Natalie Babbitt
Title: Un partido decisivo (Serie Gol! 29), Author: Luigi Garlando