Title: Scared Witless: Thirteen Eerie Tales to Tell, Author: Martha Hamilton
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eBook $13.49 $21.99 Current price is $13.49, Original price is $21.99.
Title: Scared Witless: Thirteen Eerie Tales to Tell, Author: Martha Hamilton
Paperback $10.29 $15.95 Current price is $10.29, Original price is $15.95.
Title: Ghost Stories of the Pacific Northwest, Author: Margaret Read MacDonald
Title: Ghost Stories from the American South, Author: W. K. McNeil
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Title: Between Midnight and Morning: Historic Hauntings from the Frontier, Hispanic, and Native American Traditions, Author: Patrick M. Mendoza
Title: World's Most Haunted Places, Author: Jeff Belanger
Title: Shadows and Cypress: Southern Ghost Stories, Author: Alan Brown
eBook $12.49 $20.00 Current price is $12.49, Original price is $20.00.
Title: Civil War Ghosts, Author: Daniel Cohen
Title: Ghost Stories of Manitoba, Author: Barbara Smith
Title: Haunted Heartland: True Ghost Stories from the American Midwest, Author: Beth Scott