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Joan of Arc
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Title: Joan of Arc (SparkNotes Biography Guide Series), Author: SparkNotes Editors
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Title: DK Biography: Joan of Arc, Author: Kathleen Kudlinski
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Title: The Monks of Tibhirine: Faith, Love, and Terror in Algeria, Author: John Kiser
Title: Through Gates of Splendor, Author: Elisabeth Elliot
Title: Joan of Arc: By Herself and Her Witnesses, Author: Regine Pernoud
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Title: A Daughter's Love: THOMAS MORE AND HIS DEAREST MEG, Author: John Guy
Title: St. Joan of Arc, Author: John Beevers
Title: The Maid and the Queen: The Secret History of Joan of Arc, Author: Nancy Goldstone
Title: Joan of Arc: Maid, Myth and History, Author: Timothy Wilson-Smith
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Title: On Fire for Christ, Author: Dave Jackson
Title: Joan of Arc: A Military Leader, Author: Kelly DeVries
Title: Through Gates of Splendor, Author: Elisabeth Elliot
Title: Joan of Arc: A Life, Author: Mary Gordon
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