Title: The eNotated Idylls of the King, Author: Alfred Lord Tennyson
Title: We're All In the Same Boat, Author: Gregory Edwards
Title: Eternal Shades Of Love, Author: Elizabeth Agiantritis
Title: Collected verse of Rudyard Kipling, Author: Rudyard Kipling
Title: Redman, Greenman., Author: Zanda Ferron
Title: The Big 'C', Author: Adam Elias Zain
Title: Sweet Oblivion, Author: Ricky Armellino
Title: One Hundred Poems, Volume X, Author: Tuomas Vainio
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Songs of Action
Title: Let's Go Ahead, Then!, Author: Glenn Telfer
Title: A Book of Famous Verse, Author: Agnes Repplier
Title: Alfred Lord Tennyson;, Author: Hallam Tennyson Tennyson
Title: Autumn Leaves, Author: Peter Allchin
Title: Shadows of an Afterlife, Author: Elizabeth Agiantritis
Title: Twen2y-Ei8ht, Author: Zac Thraves
Title: The Rat and Other Poems, Author: Malcolm Whyman
Title: The Fickleness Of Love, Author: Mystic Thoughts
Title: To Posterity, Author: Rik Roots
Title: The Wallaby's Fleas, Author: Millie John
Title: The Works of Robert Burns, Author: Robert Burns

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