Title: The Wallaby's Fleas, Author: Millie John
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Guards Came Through and other Poems
Title: Neon Literary Magazine Issue Forty-Two, Author: Neon Books
Title: Collected poems of Alice Meynell, Author: Alice Christiana Thompson Meynell
Title: The Sonnets of William Shakespeare (Wisehouse Classics Edition), Author: William Shakespeare
Title: The works of William Shakespeare;, Author: William Shakespeare
Title: The collected works in verse and prose of William Butler Yeats, Author: William Butler Yeats
Title: Alfred lord Tennyson;, Author: Hallam Tennyson Tennyson
Title: Camel Droppings, Author: Jill  Martin
Title: Collected Poems 2011, Author: Richard Cheesman
Title: The Dog's Leg, Author: Glyn Essex
Title: One Hundred Poems, Volume X, Author: Tuomas Vainio
Title: These Broken Roads, Author: Francesca Smith
Title: The works of William Shakespeare;, Author: William Shakespeare
Title: Veiled Liberty, Author: PhilosopherKing
Title: Collected Poems of John Donne, Author: Neil Azevedo
Title: The works of Lord Byron, Author: George Gordon Byron Byron
Title: Darwin Rocks, Author: Jill  Martin
Title: Poems of Gerard Manley Hopkins: 1876-1889, Author: Gerard Manley Hopkins
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In Memoriam A.H.H.

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