Title: Veiled Liberty, Author: PhilosopherKing
Title: Alfred lord Tennyson;, Author: Hallam Tennyson Tennyson
Title: Neon Literary Magazine Issue Forty-Two, Author: Neon Books
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by Wilfred Owen
Narrated by  LibriVox Community
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Shakespeare's Sonnets (version 3)
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Shakespeare's Sonnets
Title: Sorrow Tears, Author: Elizabeth Agiantritis
Title: The collected works in verse and prose of William Butler Yeats, Author: William Butler Yeats
Title: Inmate, Earth: I, Poet Series, Vol I, Author: Anthony North
Title: When I Was Young, Author: Wendy Maddocks
Title: Free Verse, Author: Peter A. Reynolds
Title: The Fringe Poetry on the Move Three, Author: The Fringe
Title: Tears, Author: Peter Barns
Title: Collected Poems of William Blake, Author: Neil Azevedo
Title: The complete works of Percy Bysshe Shelley, Author: Percy Bysshe Shelley
Title: Snowdrop: a story in verse, Author: Rik Roots
Title: Collected poems, Author: Horace Smith
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Paradise Lost (version 2)
by John Milton
Narrated by  Thomas A. Copeland
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Shakespeare's Sonnets (version 2)
Title: One Hundred Poems, Volume I, Author: Tuomas Vainio

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