Title: Selected Poems (1973 - 2014), Author: Mu Pi Chan
Title: Poems of Coleridge, Author: Samuel Taylor Coleridge
Title: Collected verse of Rudyard Kipling, Author: Rudyard Kipling
Title: Epiphany in Azure, Author: Glenn Telfer
Title: The works of William Shakespeare;, Author: William Shakespeare
Title: Poems of Life, Author: Christopher John Scott
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Lyrical Ballads (1798)
Title: Your Call, Author: Jill  Martin
Title: The Flip Side & The Funny Side, Author: Elizabeth Stanley
Title: Poems, Author: Alfred Lord Tennyson
Title: Rural Poems, Author: Glenn Meganck
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The Rape of the Lock
Title: Collected Poems of Ford Madox Hueffer, Author: Ford Madox Ford
Title: The Trace Beginning, Author: James Bryce
Title: Elephant Small Vol 5, Author: Stanski
#5 in Series
Title: Collected verse of Rudyard Kipling, Author: Rudyard Kipling
Title: Collected Poems of William Wordsworth, Author: William Wordsworth
Title: Cautionary Tales, Author: Peter Barns
Title: The Love Of All Things Dark, Author: Andrew James Wells
Title: Friends And Other Confusions, Author: Paul Whybrow

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