Title: English poems, Author: Walter Cochrane Bronson
Title: English poems, Author: Walter Cochrane Bronson
Songs of Innocence and Experience
Title: The Ballad of the White Horse, Author: G. K. Chesterton
Title: The collected works in verse and prose of William Butler Yeats, Author: William Butler Yeats
Title: The Visions Of A Macabre Mind, Author: Stuart Mackay
Title: The collected works in verse and prose of William Butler Yeats, Author: William Butler Yeats
Title: The Man in the Moon: Anthology of Poems, Author: Sam Cullingworth
Title: Paradise Lost and Paradise Regained, Author: John Milton
Title: These Broken Roads, Author: Francesca Smith
Title: The Little Avaganda Book of Poetry, Author: Albert Benson
Title: I Wanted Wings, Author: Mika Paananen
Title: Rotten Rhymes, Author: Gregory Edwards
Title: Follow Into The Night, Author: Elizabeth Agiantritis
Title: The works of William Shakespeare;, Author: William Shakespeare
Title: Four Poems By Dan Colcraft, Author: Dan Colcraft
Title: The works of William Shakespeare;, Author: William Shakespeare
Title: The works of Lord Byron, Author: George Gordon Byron Byron
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Spirits in Bondage
by C. S. Lewis
Narrated by  LibriVox Community
Title: The Empty Man, Author: Jonathan Antony Strickland

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