Title: Your Call, Author: Jill  Martin
Title: Penning Perfumes Volume 2, Author: Claire Trevien
Title: Eternal Shades Of Love, Author: Elizabeth Agiantritis
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A Book of Old English Ballads
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Shakespeare's Sonnets (version 4)
Title: English poems, Author: Walter Cochrane Bronson
Title: The Waste Basket, Author: Mel Thompson
Title: The Flip Side & The Funny Side, Author: Elizabeth Stanley
Title: Fedw, Author: Alex Burrett
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Wessex Poems
by Thomas Hardy
Narrated by  LibriVox Community
Title: A Different Gunpowder Plot, Author: Janet Swan
Title: A Child's Garden of Verses, Author: Robert Louis Stevenson
Title: Multiplicity of Being, Author: Tony Farnden
Title: When I Was Young, Author: Wendy Maddocks
Title: Tracks of Life, Author: Christopher John Scott
Title: Haiku & Senryu, Author: Elizabeth Stanley
Title: The Peppermint Major, Author: Jill  Martin
Title: Peter's Twittclass, Author: Peter Barns
Title: For the Love of Audrey Hepburn & Many Others: a collection of poems, Author: Martin Lee Bailey
Title: The collected works in verse and prose of William Butler Yeats, Author: William Butler Yeats

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