Title: Amateur Astronomer's Handbook, Author: James Muirden
Title: Universe and Beyond, Author: K. P. Walker
Title: We Can Go There: How Did We Miss This?, Author: Matthew H Burch
Title: The Black Hole Universe, Author: Jurgen Zerth
Title: Ceenom: The Message, Author: KKMK
Title: Nobody Knows the Big Bang!: How Many Universes Can Dance on the Head of a Pin?, Author: Nobody!
Explore Series
Title: Nothing, Author: J. P. Kurzitza
Title: Cosmic Coding, Author: Martin Kimeldorf
Title: The Coming Dark Age: And the Death of Science, Author: Jack Rigby
Title: Ucenie Dzual Khula: Astronomia i kosmologia, Author: Tatiana Danina
Title: The Magic Furnace, Author: Marcus Chown
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Science - History of the Universe Vol. 1: Astronomy
Title: Water on Mars?, Author: Frederick Hoehn
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Great Astronomers
Title: Stable State Universe Theory, Author: Stephen Webb
Title: Astronomy Proves God Made the Universe (TA), Author: Charles W Gehrke
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Curiosities of the Sky
Title: Research on
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May Day
Title: Hello? Who's Out There?: The Search for Extraterrestrial Life, Author: Don Dwiggins

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