Title: The social spirit in America, Author: Charles Richmond Henderson
Title: The Lawrence Welk Show, Author: Frederick Hoehn
Title: Speech on conciliation with America, Author: Edmund Burke
Title: Live questions: including Our penal machinery and its victims, Author: John Peter Altgeld
Title: Everything You Always Wanted to Know about Watergate But Where Afraid to Ask, Author: Brian J. O'Connor
Title: Dulles: A Biography of Eleanor, Allen and John Foster Dulles and Their Family Network, Author: Leonard Mosley
Title: Life in the Teamsters: The History of D.R.I.V.E., Author: International Brotherhood of Teamsters
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Historical Newspaper Articles, Volume 1
by Various
Narrated by  LibriVox Community
Title: House Report: Hillary Murdered, Author: Frederick Hoehn
Title: The World Jewish Congress during the Holocaust: Between Activism and Restraint, Author: Zohar Segev
Title: The Valiant Soldier, Author: Jason Wallace Poetry
#43 in Series
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There's a certain slant of light
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The Chronicles of Canada Volume 03 - Founder of New France : A
Title: Cauldron of Turmoil: America in the Middle East, Author: Barry Rubin
Title: American Ideals and Other Essays, Social and Political, Author: Theodore Roosevelt
Title: Life In the Teamsters: The Civil Rights Movement, Author: International Brotherhood of Teamsters
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A Woman's Journey Round the World
Title: Paved with Good Intentions, Author: Barry Rubin
Title: James R. Hoffa: Messages to the Membership, Author: International Brotherhood of Teamsters
Title: Growing up with Dick and Jane: Learning and Living the American Dream, Author: Carole Kismaric

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