Title: Plastic Man, Number 1, Game of Death (NOOK Comic with Zoom View): Digitally Remastered, Author: Yojimbo Press LLC
Title: The Ghost Rider, Number 1, Tale of the Ghost Rider (NOOK Comic with Zoom View): Digitally Remastered, Author: Yojimbo Press LLC
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#3 in Series
Title: The Ghost Rider, Number 2, Death's Stagecoach (NOOK Comic with Zoom View): Digitally Remastered, Author: Yojimbo Press LLC
Title: The Ghost Rider, Number 3, Blasts of Doom (NOOK Comic with Zoom View): Digitally Remastered, Author: Yojimbo Press LLC
Title: The Ghost Rider, Number 4, The Greedy Ghosts of Boot Hill (NOOK Comic with Zoom View): Digitally Remastered, Author: Yojimbo Press LLC
Title: The Ghost Rider, Number 5, The Spirit Speaks (NOOK Comic with Zoom View): Digitally Remastered, Author: Yojimbo Press LLC
Title: The Ghost Rider, Number 6, Heritage of Hate (NOOK Comic with Zoom View): Digitally Remastered, Author: Yojimbo Press LLC
Title: The Ghost Rider, Number 7, The Haunted Tomb (NOOK Comic with Zoom View): Digitally Remastered, Author: Yojimbo Press LLC
Title: The Ghost Rider, Number 8, The Inn On Skull Mountain (NOOK Comic with Zoom View): Digitally Remastered, Author: Yojimbo Press LLC
Title: The Ghost Rider, Number 9, The Vulture Swoops (NOOK Comic with Zoom View): Digitally Remastered, Author: Yojimbo Press LLC
Title: The Ghost Rider, Number 10, Ghost Rider Versus Frankenstein (NOOK Comic with Zoom View): Digitally Remastered, Author: Yojimbo Press LLC
Title: The Ghost Rider, Number 11, The Beautiful Witch (NOOK Comic with Zoom View): Digitally Remastered, Author: Yojimbo Press LLC
Title: The Ghost Rider, Number 12, The Devil Deals in Death (NOOK Comic with Zoom View): Digitally Remastered, Author: Yojimbo Press LLC
Title: The Ghost Rider, Number 13, The Ghost Ants of San Pedro (NOOK Comic with Zoom View): Digitally Remastered, Author: Yojimbo Press LLC
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