Title: Ausserung: Studien zum Handlungsbegriff in Soren Kierkegaards
Title: Autopsia: Self, Death, and God after Kierkegaard and Derrida, Author: Marius Timmann Mjaaland
Title: The Passion of Infinity: Kierkegaard, Aristotle and the Rebirth of Tragedy, Author: Daniel Greenspan
Title: Kierkegaards Deiktische Theologie : Gottosverhaltnis Und Religiositat in Den Erbaulichen Reden, Author: Michael O. Bjergso
Title: Criticism and Modernity: Aesthetics, Literature, and Nations in Europe and Its Academies, Author: Thomas Docherty
Title: Four Seminal Thinkers in International Theory: Machiavelli, Grotius, Kant, and Mazzini, Author: Martin Wight
Title: The Scandal of the Gospels: Jesus, Story, and Offense / Edition 1, Author: David McCracken
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Title: Representation and the Mind-Body Problem in Spinoza / Edition 1, Author: Michael Della Rocca
Title: Anxiety in Eden: A Kierkegaardian Reading of Paradise Lost / Edition 1, Author: John S. Tanner
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Title: Freedom and Reason in Kant, Schelling, and Kierkegaard, Author: Michelle Kosch
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Title: Wittgenstein and Analytic Philosophy: Essays for P. M. S. Hacker, Author: Hans-Johann Glock
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Title: Kierkegaard's Philosophy of Religion, Author: Louis Pojman
Title: Perspicuous Presentations: Essays on Wittgenstein's Philosophy of Psychology / Edition 1, Author: George Liska
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Title: The Magic Prism: An Essay in the Philosophy of Language, Author: Howard Wettstein
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Title: From Spinoza to L[[[, Author: Ze'ev Levy
Title: Patterns in Twentieth-Century European Thought (Studies in Modern European History Series), Author: S. P. Fullinwider
Title: C. S. Lewis: A Philosophy of Education, Author: S. Loomis
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Title: A Confusion of the Spheres: Kierkegaard and Wittgenstein on Philosophy and Religion, Author: Genia Schonbaumsfeld
Title: Slavoj Zizek: A Critical Introduction (Modern European Thinker Series), Author: Ian Parker
Title: Thought's Footing: Themes in Wittgenstein's Philosophical Investigations, Author: Charles Travis

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