The Conservationist

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    by Nadine Gordimer




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    • ISBN-13: 9780140047165
    • Publisher: Penguin Publishing Group
    • Publication date: 02/28/1983
    • Edition description: Reissue
    • Pages: 272
    • Sales rank: 183,047
    • Product dimensions: 5.10(w) x 7.70(h) x 0.60(d)
    • Age Range: 18Years

    Nadine Gordimer is the author of eleven previous novels, as well as collections of stories and essays. She has received many awards, including the Booker Prize (for The Conservationist in 1974) and the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1991. She lives in Johannesburg, South Africa.

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    Mehring is rich. He has all the privileges and possessions that South Africa has to offer, but his possessions refuse to remain objects. His wife, son, and mistress leave him; his foreman and workers become increasingly indifferent to his stewardship; even the land rises up, as drought, then flood, destroy his farm.

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    From the Publisher
    "A triumph of stle … It is not often that lyrical intelligence and political pupose are combined in so effective a way."
    —Paul Theroux

    "Gordimer has written what must be considered her masterpiece. The beauty and largeness of this land she loves is drawn with a breadth and scope that is breathtaking."
    —St. Louis Post-Dispatch

    "This is a novel of enormous power."
    —The New Statesman

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