Title: The Best Paleo Dessert Recipes, Author: Dana Carpender
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Title: Recipes for Life After Weight-Loss Surgery: Delicious Dishes for Nourishing the New You, Author: Margaret Furtado
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Title: 1,001 Low-Carb Recipes: Hundreds of Delicious Recipes from Dinner to Dessert That Let You Live Your Low-Carb Lifestyle and Never Look Back, Author: Dana Carpender
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Title: The Best Paleo Breakfast Recipes, Author: Dana Carpender
Title: 300 Low-Carb Slow Cooker Recipes: Healthy Dinners that are Ready When You Are, Author: Dana Carpender
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Title: The Best Recipes For Paleo Salads & Side Dishes, Author: Dana Carpender
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Title: 500 Paleo Recipes: Hundreds of Delicious Recipes for Weight Loss and Super Health, Author: Dana Carpender
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Title: The Best Low Carb Egg & Dairy Recipes, Author: Dana Carpender
Title: The Best Paleo Entree Recipes, Author: Dana Carpender
Title: 15 Minute Low-Carb Recipes: Instant Recipes for Dinners, Desserts, and More!, Author: Dana Carpender
Title: The Best Low Carb Bread Recipes, Author: Dana Carpender
Title: Kale Recipes: The Complete Guide to Using the Superfood Kale to Make Great Meals, Author: Jennifer Knight
Title: 300 15-Minute Low-Carb Recipes: Hundreds of Delicious Meals That Let You Live Your Low-Carb Lifestyle and Never Look Back, Author: Dana Carpender
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Title: The Best Low Carb Appetizer & Snack Recipes, Author: Dana Carpender
Title: The Best Low Carb Sides and Salads, Author: Dana Carpender
Title: Cooking and Baking: Recipes with Raw and Superfoods, Author: Cindy Weeks

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