Backyard Birds of Washington: How to Identify and Attract the Top 25 Birds

    by Bill Fenimore



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    Author Bio: Bill Fenimore is owner of the National Best Environmental Stewardship Award-winning Wild Bird Center franchise in Layton, Utah. He conducts seminars and workshops educating the public about birds and their critical habitat needs, and he leads birding field trips for clients from around the globe.

    Read an Excerpt

    Description: The adult male has a rufous back and a dark throat. The gorget flashes a bright red when displayed. Underparts show a white chest with a rufous wash on the flanks and a rufous tail. Females have green upperparts and a white throat patch with small red spots. The underparts are white with a rufous tinge to the flanks.

    Table of Contents

    Foreword 7

    Introduction 8

    Rufous Hummingbird 19

    Anna's Hummingbird 21

    Red-breasted Nuthatch 23

    House Wren 25

    American Goldfinch 27

    Pine Siskin 29

    Bewick's Wren 31

    Black-capped Chickadee 33

    Violet-green Swallow 35

    Purple Finch 37

    House Finch 39

    Dark-eyed Junco 41

    House Sparrow 43

    Downy Woodpecker 45

    Golden-crowned Sparrow 47

    Evening Grosbeak 49

    Spotted Towhee 51

    Black-headed Grosbeak 53

    European Starling 55

    Varied Thrush 57

    American Robin 59

    Steller's Jay 61

    Mourning Dove 63

    Northern Flicker (Red-shafted) 65

    Sharp-shinned Hawk 67

    Reference Materials 68

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    BACKYARD BIRDS IS AN EXCITING SERIES of books that explores the top twenty-five backyard birds most commonly found in each state. It includes a profiled size scale that allows the reader to quickly identify the correct bird, and each bird entry is accompanied by a stunning color photograph and specific description, including identification marks, behavior, habitat, and nesting style-even the song the bird makes! As an added feature, author Bill Fenimore also provides expert tips for building the ultimate backyard bird sanctuary, from creating birdbaths and planting proper foliage to offering a bird's favorite foods.

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