Beyond the Law of Attraction: How to Work with the Universe for a Happy and Successful Life Journey

    Beyond the Law of Attraction: How to Work with the Universe for a Happy and Successful Life Journey

    by Darrel Wells


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      ISBN-13: 9781504307086
    • Publisher: Balboa Press AU
    • Publication date: 03/29/2017
    • Sold by: Barnes & Noble
    • Format: eBook
    • Pages: 144
    • File size: 193 KB

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    Natural and Universal Laws

    This is one of man's oldest riddles. How can the independence of human volition be harmonized with the fact that we are integral parts of a universe which is subject to the rigid order of nature's laws?

    — Max Planck, Where Is Science Going?

    Oxford Dictionary

    Law a rule enacted or customary in a community as commanding or forbidding certain actions.

    Natural existing in or caused by nature.

    Universal of, belonging to or done etc. by all; applicable to all cases.

    Law Definitions

    For the purposes of this book, I differentiate between natural and universal laws:

    Natural laws are the laws of the physical world around us. These include our earth and all life living with us in our world.

    Universal laws are understood to be the laws governing and affecting the physical from a nonphysical place, be it mind or spirit. Each in itself affects the physical as well as the nonphysical world.

    In the Beginning

    There is an order, a harmony in the world we live in: a natural order and symmetry. Nature has its seasons, order of growth, blossoming, evolution, and transformation. In the animal kingdom, each species moves to the rhythm of its ancestors, each affecting the evolution of future generations of their species.

    Humankind also has its own seasonal evolution in birth, maturation, and death. For a variety of reasons, we humans need to better understand the world we inhabit, to learn from our surroundings. Perhaps our need to learn stems from the human nature we possess. Primal to this nature is the need to survive. Our survival is an instinct ingrained into our DNA. Imagine how our earliest ancestors would have observed experiences and then taught each following generation that art of survival. Those who survived longer than others sought to find ways and means to extend their own survival, along with those who were dear to them — their families and tribes. Recognising the nature of life around them, the processes and order of things, they were better equipped to survive. Humankind's natural curiosity leads each generation to uncover the nature of what has yet to be discovered, yet to be understood: why and how the world around us works in the way it does.

    Over time, that curiosity has extended to look inward, to better understand ourselves and others. Perhaps it began with wanting to know why others behaved in certain ways. In doing so, it was realised to know the self was equally important (and perhaps even more so). By understanding one other, as well as the world around us, we may better navigate this place we have found ourselves in: this life and our physical experiences.

    To better understand the world around us and ourselves, we only need to turn to the laws of nature, recognising therein the natural structure, order, and cycle of life. In the physical world, there are many laws that govern the order of the various areas within the physical realm. So too in the spiritual world are many universal laws that govern and maintain order of that which is beyond the physical.

    Many are unaware of the order within our natural world and how that has a bearing on our lives. Although science is taught in our schools, it is often deemed beyond understanding or not interesting enough. However, everyone knows at least to some degree, if only through observation and experience, the nature of the world around them. Interest often is only gained when there is a need to know.

    Science and Laws

    As stated before, natural laws are laws within nature that maintain order in our physical world.

    Universal laws bring order to the world within us, our minds, our thoughts, affecting the world without and around us. I do not wish to make a scientist of you as you read this information. Rather, I do this to give you a background of how humankind has explored the world to better understand it. And in so doing, show what previous generations have discovered helps us all to better navigate our surroundings. As we observe what is around us, we make up our minds as to what it is we are seeing. By making sense of what we see or hear, we make it mean something for ourselves. This is often called perception.

    As scientists, these men and women of learning wished to understand themselves and the world in which they lived. Each in their own ways uncovered various phenomena that they further explored, uncovering various natural laws. Over time, they came to see that the world and the parts within it had a symmetry and were balanced and in harmony within the aspects of nature. They identified laws that governed that balance and harmony. Some laws seemed basic in nature; some were hidden from view until eventually discovered. Each law had a differing degree of impact on our lives. Their discoveries helped scientists and then the general population to understand and navigate the world we all live in.

    Sir Isaac Newton's discovery of the law of gravity, Madame Marie Curie's discovery of polonium and radium, and Thomas Edison's work with the incandescent light bulb and the phonograph all affected our lives in powerfully positive ways. In their own way, they examined laws and principles within nature that governed these phenomena. Many of you studied various basic natural laws in school; the law of gravity is one such law. Other laws of physics that you may be familiar with include the laws of motion, reflection, relativity, thermodynamics, and quantum mechanics. There are further laws within each of the various sciences, including chemistry laws, geography laws, and biology laws.

    The story of Isaac Newton and the apple landing on his head is universally known. Whether he was daydreaming or just relaxing his mind, he was immediately intrigued as to why the apple fell. He came to the conclusion — now obvious to us all — that something caused that fall. And that something came to be known as gravity, a notion he apparently had been contemplating prior to the fall of the apple.

    Why is it we don't fly like birds or float off the ground? Why is it that things fall to the ground? Other scientists must have been curious and contemplated similar notions as Newton did, yet he went further. He wanted to know and know more. He believed there must be a force that pulls objects, including us, downward, and the law of gravity was uncovered.

    Although we have the law of gravity, humans have successfully flown, seemingly defying that law. Yet we didn't defy gravity. Rather someone uncovered another natural law to allow flight to be a reality for humans. Seeking to fly like a bird, individuals looked to the birds to understand how they achieved flight. Michelangelo often drew man with wings and winglike structures in an attempt to discover the secret to human flight. It was other natural laws that led to human flight. Gravity is not overcome to gain flight; rather, it is used for landing. So there is one law to fly and another to ensure we remain grounded.

    Nature and the Universe

    The law of gravity is a natural law, a scientific law of our natural world, governing our earth's atmosphere. The law of attraction is universal inasmuch as it governs our personal universe, universally. Was there gravity before Newton's discovery? Did it exist prior to his discovery? I'm sure some will argue the point philosophically, but there is no doubt people walked on the ground due to gravity's pull. It existed, whether or not it had been named. The world around us already had order and purpose, cycles, seasons, and reasons. It was up to humankind to make sense of it to successfully and happily survive in the world.

    Natural laws exist to maintain order in the physical and natural worlds. Universal laws explain the workings of the nonphysical world, primarily the world of the mind.

    Gravity was available to humans long before Newton discovered it, for it was always part of our atmosphere. So, too, the law of attraction was and is part of our universe. Who discovered the law of attraction is not known. However, the law was known to the mystics of old through their abilities to connect with the universe and its life force energy.

    The law of attraction, like the law of gravity, works whether you are aware of it or not. Until Newton discovered the law of gravity, did it exist? Of course! Apples fell out of trees, yet no one took particular notice until Newton came along. The law of attraction is the same. It has been working in your life and doesn't need your knowledge of it to exist. The law is of the universe, not of you. Knowing about it just makes it easier for you to work with the universe for your benefit. The universe and its laws were set up to serve you throughout your life experience.

    Although gravity exists, humankind is seemingly able to defy gravity and fly. Why? Because someone understood other scientific laws that made it possible to fly. The law of aerodynamics is one example. So, too, can we, with the knowledge and understanding of other laws of the universe, align ourselves with the law of attraction for our benefit. Knowing how to align ourselves with the universe and its laws is the first step to being able to work with these laws. We cannot manipulate universal laws, just as we cannot manipulate any natural laws. Although it may seem so, in some instances, it is always the use of another law that may make it seem like a law is being overridden. What alignment means and how it is achieved is valuable information in understanding how to work with universal laws for our betterment. Sometimes it is another law that will achieve a preferred outcome rather than the law of attraction.

    Laws in General

    We are all familiar with the laws that govern our society, our community, and our country. If you belong to a sports team, a religious group, or any other organisation, they all have their set of rules and laws you are expected to abide by. Even family membership and friendship connections have their own conditions and requirements. Many laws are written down. Others are unspoken yet no less considered and expected to be adhered to by those in the group. They are the understood parameters and boundaries that govern the members of the group, maintaining order and compliance of those involved, even if only in presumption. This is to maintain harmony and balance for all in the group. In developing a law, the overriding assumption is that it provides order for its members and prevents disturbance and disharmony. As there is law and order in our natural physical world, it seems to make sense to have law and order in our social world. Without realising, humankind has set in place their own individual laws, often unaware that the universe has already in place universal laws that also govern our personal and social order, balance, and harmony. Several of these are discussed in the following chapters.

    These laws have been part of our history since the earliest of times. The mystics of old, the metaphysicians dating back to Aristotle and Socrates, all knew of the universal laws that govern our lives; they wrote about them often. Out of their work of observation and discovery were born the sciences of today. The various fields of study were delineated into the specific areas of study and specialisation (physics, chemistry, biology, mathematics, geology, etc.). They chose to study these to know the how, what, and why of their particular field of interest. And over time, each area of the sciences uncovered natural laws that helped maintain order within our world.

    The Human Condition

    Humankind has always had a deep need to know itself and the world. How do we best fit into that world, who we are in this world, and finally, how do we want to live in it? Many are curious of the world around them, wanting to discover the seen and unseen world. They also want to uncover why they themselves as well as others behave a certain way. Wanting to know more, they search for the meaning and workings of the mind, discovering therein its natural (often referred to as universal) laws.

    We observe, perceive, and theorise on our world, others, and ourselves all the time. Perhaps the level of curiosity, a wanting to know, is within us all. You may not have known that you too are a student of science. Yet it is not only our curiosity that has moved us forward in life. It is also our instinct for survival. We need to know the world, all it contains, and how it gives us the vital information we need for our survival. Knowing what land to live on, which will ensure not only our comfort but our survival, is crucial. We need to know what food to eat and what is not poisonous. Knowing what people to befriend and trust is in our DNA from the days of our ancestors.

    Knowing ourselves better is another level of universal information that ensures not only our survival but one in which we flourish. Our ancestors fought to survive, and their legacy lives on in us all. Now the lay of the land, the food we digest, and the people we need to protect ourselves from is not the world without but the world within. Fear, ego, false belief systems, and self-deprecation are our true enemies of mass destruction. The lay of the land is our mind. The food we digest is for our survival. The food of mind is our thoughts. What do we feed our minds with? Are the thoughts of love or fear? The person we look at with fear is our own ego. The person we are willing to love is our true self. All thoughts of fear are due to a level of ignorance and unawareness. With good information, we gain understanding. With understanding comes knowledge. Self-knowledge brings with it self-mastery. Spiritual self-knowledge awakens within us the consciousness that we have nothing to fear, not even death.

    Knowledge, it is said, is power. And many people believe they have knowledge when what they truly have is information. Information, when acted upon, brings about better understanding of that information. When there is actioning of any information to understand it, in that understanding, knowledge is born.

    As human beings, we can work with natural or universal laws, or we may seem to work against them. We can do so in awareness or in unawareness, unconsciously reacting to the world around us. This then impacts our world within ourselves, creating for us a view of the world without. Or we can move beyond the human, transcending it by connecting with the divine source mind. This is where your genius resides. This is where the wisdom for your self is housed, ever waiting for the time, the day, the hour you become whole, once more in awareness of your connection with the Divine Source Mind.

    I am forever grateful to the men and women of learning, the curiosity seekers, the thinkers, the explorers, the adventurers, and yes, even the rebels. They each in their own way have paved the way for us to better understand and enjoy the world we have today.

    Channelled Insight

    When the two worlds of illusion and reality collide,

    then you will know the value of these laws in place for you,

    each in their own unique way protecting and providing what is needed for your knowing.

    Divine Source Love built a world, a universe, a playground,

    safe for your playing,

    safe for your learning,

    safe for your eternal returning,

    ever evolving, infinitely being

    that which is the beginning,

    for the purposes of no ending.

    In understanding this, comes the understanding of being.


    Affirmation statements work best when

    • you believe in the statement, at least on some level,

    • they are set in the now, and

    • they are said or written, adding power to the vibrational energy of the affirmation.

    Affirmations Statements

    • In all things I am in balance and harmony with the world and this universe.

    • I love, appreciate, and accept all that is in the natural world that surrounds me.

    • I am at one with the earth, the sea, the sky, and the animals of this planet.

    • I lovingly enjoy all that this earth provides abundantly to and for me.

    • I share in the riches of this planet.

    • I am given much in abundantly blessed experiences in this human journey.

    • I enjoy all that is available to me from my world.

    Follow-Up Tasks

    • Note your thoughts and feelings regarding the natural world around you.

    • Are you in fear of any part of the natural world? Look to the reasons for your fears.

    • Discover if you are governed mostly by your fears or by the laws of love.

    • Discover the laws that govern your everyday behaviour and interaction with others.

    • Note what information you are processing in your mind, with the knowledge that it will impact how you see the world around you. Is the information positive or negative?


    The Law of Attraction

    Like Thought Attracts Like Thought

    "What you love, you empower.

    And what you fear, you empower.

    And what you empower, you attract."

    — Unknown

    Oxford Dictionary

    Attraction 1 a. attracting or being attracted. b. attractive quality (can't see the attraction in it), c. person or thing that attracts. 2Physics tendency of bodies to attract each other.


    Excerpted from "Beyond the Law of Attraction"
    by .
    Copyright © 2017 Dr. Elizabeth Conway.
    Excerpted by permission of Balboa Press.
    All rights reserved. No part of this excerpt may be reproduced or reprinted without permission in writing from the publisher.
    Excerpts are provided by Dial-A-Book Inc. solely for the personal use of visitors to this web site.

    Table of Contents

    Introduction, xi,
    Chapter 1. Natural and Universal Laws, 1,
    Chapter 2. The Law of Attraction, 13,
    Chapter 3. The Law of Belief, 29,
    Chapter 4. The Law of Cause and Effect, 51,
    Chapter 5. The Law of Love, 69,
    Chapter 6. The Law of Mind, 85,
    Chapter 7. The Law of Creation, 105,
    Chapter 8. Conclusion, 121,

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    Just as there are natural laws governing the order of your physical world, there are universal laws governing your higher or spiritual self beyond the physical experience. The laws of the universe exist for your benefit. They govern the human realm, maintaining balance and harmony. The laws support the human journey. In Beyond the Law of Attraction, author Dr. Elizabeth Conway offers a discussion of universal laws to help you understand the power you possess to create the life of your choosing.

    Elizabeth, who has intensely studied universal laws, answers the following questions:

    • What is the The Secret and the law of attraction?
    • How do you implement them?
    • What are the other universal laws?
    • How do you use these laws to create a successful life experience?
    • How do the universal laws work with the law of attraction?
    • How do you connect with your spirituality?

    In Beyond the Law of Attraction, Elizabeth not only teaches you about universal spiritual concepts, she empowers you with the knowledge to help you create your life.

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