Billion-Dollar Baby Bargain

    Billion-Dollar Baby Bargain

    3.5 4

    by Tessa Radley



    Customer Reviews

      ISBN-13: 9781426837913
    • Publisher: Silhouette
    • Publication date: 08/01/2009
    • Series: Billionaires and Babies , #1961
    • Sold by: HARLEQUIN
    • Format: eBook
    • Pages: 192
    • Sales rank: 96,935
    • File size: 153 KB

    Tessa Radley loves traveling, reading and watching the world around her. As a teen, Tessa wanted to be a foreign correspondent. But after completing a bachelor of arts degree and marrying her sweetheart, she ended up practicing as an attorney in a city firm. A break spent traveling through Australia re-awoke the yen to write. When she's not reading, traveling or writing, she's spending time with her husband, her two sons or her friends. Find out more at www.tessaradley.com.

    Read an Excerpt

    August, two years ago

    The taxi pulled up outside the quaint white church where Suzy and Michael would be getting married tomorrow. Victoria paid the driver and leapt out, tugging her rollaway suitcase behind her.

    "Hey, Victoria, over here." Suzy stood in the churchyard, waving madly from behind a white-painted wooden gate, her curly blond hair bubbling about her face. "I'm so glad you made it."

    "Me, too."

    Opening the gate, Victoria abandoned her suitcase and stretched her arms out wide to give Suzy a fierce hug.

    "When my plane was delayed I thought I was going to miss the wedding rehearsal." She'd been away doing an audit for one of her largest clients. The text message from Suzy that she was getting married in five days' time had shaken Victoria—although in hindsight it shouldn't have. Over the past month, everything Suzy said had been prefaced by "Michael says." But Victoria hadn't expected the romance to escalate so quickly. "You certainly decided to get married in a hurry, didn't you?"

    Stepping away, Suzy grabbed Victoria's hand. "Come see what the church committee is doing with the flowers."

    "You're changing the subject," Victoria said with fond frustration.

    Suzy cast her a grin. "Tory, it's too late to try and talk me out of marrying Michael tomorrow."

    Victoria smiled at the woman she'd pulled from more scrapes than she cared to remember. "Well, I hope Michael knows what he's letting himself in for. Is he here yet?"

    "He and Connor—his best man—" Suzy tacked on at Victoria's questioning glance, "are on their way. We're taking you both out to dinner tonight to celebrate. I booked a table at Bentley's." She did a little jig. "I can't believe it's the last night we'll spend apart. Michael can't wait for tomorrow, either. Come on."

    "Wait, let me grab my bag." With a laugh, Victoria reached for the bag and let Suzy lead her through a courtyard overflowing with ivy and rambling roses, rolling her bag behind her.

    The late afternoon sun filtered through the branches of a lofty Norfolk pine, casting shadows across the sundial in the centre of the courtyard.

    Victoria came to a halt. Suzy slowed. "What now?"

    "Suz, don't you think it might've been better to wait? You've only—"

    "Known Michael for a month," interrupted Suzy, finishing the sentence with the familiar ease that came from twenty-four years of friendship, "but I knew after an hour that he was The One."

    "But Suz—"

    Suzy stamped her foot, managing to look sweet and determined at the same time. "No, don't say anything more. Just be happy for us. Please."

    Now, how on earth was she supposed to withstand Suzy's puppy-dog eyes? Truth was she'd never been able to say no to Suzy, despite the fact that Victoria was supposed to be the sensible one.

    The sound of footsteps prevented Victoria from responding. She glanced around and her eyes widened.

    It wasn't Michael—much as she liked him—who snagged her attention, but rather the dark-haired man who strode into the churchyard beside him. Tall and powerfully built with features that could've been carved from granite—angled cheekbones, a blade of a nose and a hard mouth—he made the hair on the back of her neck stand up.

    Victoria recognized the animal. She'd met them, done audits for the super-successful companies.

    A tycoon.

    Rich. Assured. Ruthless.

    And this was Michael's best man? Edging slowly forward, she glanced from one man to the other.

    Michael's fair good looks dimmed against the other man's dark strength. They were as different as day from night. Where had Michael found him?

    She must have said something because his gaze met hers. That was when her stomach flipped over. In contrast to his swarthy skin his pale-gray eyes held the unnerving translu-cence of crystal. But they contained utterly no emotion.


    "Connor North."

    He spoke in a crisp baritone, and Victoria instantly recognized the name. From its outset Harper-North Architecture had garnered buzz and awards for innovative restoration of Victorian homesteads and plans for cutting-edge new commercial buildings.

    With reluctance Victoria took the hand he held out. A hard hand ridged with calluses clasped hers—hardly the hand of an office-bound paper pusher.

    Yet from everything she'd heard, Connor North was very much a corporate animal. Financially astute, frighteningly efficient and with an uncanny talent for picking projects that would become landmarks. There was certainly no need for him to busy himself with the manual labor that the ridges on his palms suggested he did. The man was worth a fortune—and accumulating more. Last she'd heard Harper-North was considering launching a commercial-property venture to develop many of Auckland's old dockside warehouses into exclusive waterfront retail complexes. It would be a feather in her cap to land him as a client—and no doubt he'd be able to introduce her to some of the blue-chip companies he was associated with. One or two more accounts like that and she'd be propelled into the upper echelons of Archer, Cameron & Edge.

    He glanced down pointedly at their joined hands. A flare of embarrassment seared her as Victoria realized she still clutched his hand. Daydreaming. She dropped it as if she'd been scorched by a flaming torch.

    Even Suzy was staring at her. "Do you two know each other?"

    Victoria shook her head, not trusting her voice.

    "No." Connor North clearly didn't suffer from the same affliction.

    "Connor, meet Suzy's oldest friend, Victoria Sutton." Michael gave her an easy smile. "Despite his reputation, Connor won't bite."

    Victoria wasn't so sure. Connor North looked capable of doing a lot worse than biting.

    "Victoria is a partner at ACE," Michael informed Connor.

    Victoria knew she should be grateful for the punt, because she should be doing everything she could to land his very lucrative account.

    Instead, when Connor gave her the opportunity of a lifetime by asking, "The accounting firm?" she could only manage a nod, not trusting her voice. Her stomach, thankfully, seemed to have recovered from the tumbling sensation that had shaken her when she had first looked into his eyes.

    Bridget Edge, managing partner of Archer, Cameron & Edge Accounting, would be horrified to see her now. Faced with the opportunity of a lifetime, Victoria couldn't think of anything vaguely professional to say. All she could think of was getting as far away from the man as she could. He made her feel… the best word she could come up with was… unsettled.

    Still prickling with a mix of apprehension and a weird kind of tingling sensation, Victoria allowed Suzy to shepherd her up the stone stairs into the church while Michael disappeared to put her suitcase in his car.

    Inside the church a group of elderly ladies busily arranging white lilies and pristine long-stemmed roses in tall flower stands greeted Suzy with cries of delight. When Michael returned there were chirps about how fortunate he was to be marrying Suzy, and Victoria saw Connor North's mouth turn down at the corners.

    He didn't want Michael to marry Suzy!

    The realization rocked Victoria. How could anyone disapprove of dear, sweet Suzy?

    For the next fifteen minutes Michael smiled indulgently while Suzy cheerfully ordered everyone around and Connor grew increasingly remote.

    His phone rang six times while Suzy talked nonstop. Each time, Connor pulled his cell phone out of his pocket, glanced at it, then let it continue to ring.

    Victoria could feel herself growing tenser as Connor's disapproving silence continued, and she was ready to scream by the time Suzy called a halt, finally satisfied that the groom, the groomsman and the maid of honor knew what was expected of them.

    "I want tomorrow to be perfect." Suzy dimpled a smile at Victoria and moved on to include Connor, too. "Michael and I just want to thank the church ladies for the wonderful job they've done with the flowers, then we'll meet you outside."

    "We've been dismissed." Connor gave a grimace that Victoria supposed passed for a smile and stood aside for her to walk ahead of him up the aisle.

    Conscious of him stalking behind her, Victoria increased her pace.

    As they neared the vestibule his phone rang again. He checked it and this time said, "Excuse me, Verity, I have to take this call."

    Victoria pursed her lips. "Victoria."

    Connor North stared at her blankly with all the interest of someone examining a moth on the wall. It did nothing to endear him to her. She'd been away on an audit all week. She was hot, tired and he had her in such a tizz, while he barely knew she existed.

    "Victoria," she repeated tersely. "My name is Victoria."

    His gaze raked her and Victoria became aware that her white blouse was creased from the flight, that her long, straight black skirt clung to her hips and must make her look like a scrawny scarecrow. She ran her fingers past her ears, through her hair, and was relieved to find that the shoulder-length bob was as sleek as ever.

    "Sure." Connor shrugged dismissively, and turned away to answer his cell phone.

    Victoria followed slowly as he strode out of the church, knowing she ought to care that he'd seen her annoyance. After all, he would be an A-list client. But did she want to deal with him?

    No, she decided.

    In fact, she could think of nothing worse.

    Verity, indeed! Clearly all women were interchangeable in his mind. Like gray cats in the night….

    Startled, she pulled her thoughts up short. Where had that come from? There was no chance she would ever be one of Connor North's gray cats. Although his women would be far from gray. No doubt he was the kind of man who went for decorative, desirable D-cups.

    A rueful downward glance reminded her that she would be no contender.

    Skinny. Beanstalk. Swot. Four-eyes. She had to remind herself that the ugly labels were no longer true, and that only Suzy knew that pathetic creature had ever existed. It was ancient history. In the past. Now she held a partnership in a well-respected accounting firm. No one could take that away from her. She'd fought for it, not allowing cruel, childish taunts or her neglectful parents to roadblock her journey to success… and independence.

    Forcing herself not to dwell on the old, self-destructive memories, Victoria fixed a bright smile to her face as she stepped through the carved church doors to the vestibule where Connor paced, his cell phone glued to his ear. She let the scent of lavender hedges in the courtyard outside swirl around her, and slowly serenity returned.

    "Michael and Suzy have booked a table to take us to dinner," she told Connor when his call ended, in case he planned to bolt off on a hot date, forgetting all about the bridal couple.

    His mouth flattened. "I'm quite sure Michael and Suzy would prefer to spend a quiet evening together before the rush of tomorrow's wedding."

    Why hadn't she thought of that?

    As they started down the stone steps that led to the courtyard, Victoria noticed with surprise that Connor dwarfed her. It wasn't often that a man made her feel downright dainty.

    In the courtyard Suzy and Michael caught up to them. After tomorrow Victoria knew their friendship would never be the same again. A sense of loss filled her, yet she'd never seen Suzy look happier.

    She remembered Connor's clever suggestion. "Wouldn't the two of you prefer to have dinner alone tonight?"

    Suzy dumped a basket of hymn books into Victoria's arms. "Here, you'll need to give these to the ushers to hand out tomorrow at the door. And of course we want to take the two of you out—we'll have the rest of our lives to spend alone together." Suzy gave Michael a bittersweet smile and Victoria wondered if he, too, had seen the shadows in Suzy's eyes as she spoke… or knew the reason for them.

    The way he put an arm across Suzy's shoulders and pulled her close suggested he did. "Victoria, you're Suzy's oldest friend, and Connor's the closest thing I've got to a brother. It will be great for the four of us to have dinner together."

    Michael was so nice, Victoria decided. Maybe Suzy hadn't made a mistake. About to give Michael a grateful smile for setting to rest the doubts that Connor had raised, Victoria paused as she intercepted the glacial look Connor shot Michael.

    What was that about?

    Yet Michael, bless him, smiled in the face of Connor's icy disapproval. He clapped a hand on his best man's shoulder and leant forward to murmur something that caused Connor's pale eyes to flare with suppressed emotion as he shot Victoria a look of intense dislike.

    What had she done to deserve that? The unexpected unease he'd already roused in her coalesced into a hard ball of antipathy.

    As Michael went to fetch his car, Suzy added, "After dinner I'm going home—alone." She winked suggestively at Victoria. "I told Michael it's unlucky for him to see the bride before the wedding and I'm determined not to do anything that might tip the scales against us."

    "You shouldn't be getting married if you need superstitious hocus-pocus to make it last," Connor said from behind them, causing both women to start.

    As surprise—followed swiftly by hurt—flashed in Suzy's eyes, Victoria swung around and saw no levity in the man's strange eyes.

    Outraged that he'd attacked sweet, effervescent Suzy the moment Michael had vanished, she forgot her own reservations about the hasty marriage. Coldly she pointed out, "But Suzy and Michael are getting married. They love each other. And there's not a thing you can do about it."

    "Love?" Connor's eyes glittered in the dwindling sunlight and his sharp bark of laughter caused Victoria to bristle defensively. "Is that what women call it?"

    "It's what Michael calls it, too." A chill enveloped Victoria. She must be mad to challenge this man. "And what gives you the right to sit judgment on what Michael and Suzy feel for each other, anyway?"

    He stared down his nose at her. "Love is overrated."

    Hoisting the basket of hymn books to stop them falling, she said, "If you're that cynical then perhaps you shouldn't have agreed to be Michael's best man."


    "No, Suzy." She broke free of the bride-to-be's restraining arm. "What he said was rude and uncalled for."

    Suzy looked decidedly uncomfortable.

    "Can I take those for you?" Connor had the basket before she could object.

    "Thanks," she said ungraciously.

    "It looked like you were about to drop them."

    The superior tone annoyed her afresh. Victoria wondered if the hard, handsome man in front of her had ever apologized to anyone. He would, she vowed. "Are you proud of yourself?"

    "For helping relieve you of the basket?" He tilted his head sideways. "I suppose I am."

    "That's not what I mean." And he knew it. Splaying her hands on her skinny hips, Victoria faced Connor down. She was taller than Suzy by a head, yet Connor still loomed over her. For a moment her resolve wavered; then she stiffened her spine. "Is that what you wanted?" She nodded to Suzy where she stood, her shoulders sagging. "You're going to ruin her day if you carry on like this."

    There was a long, brooding silence.

    "Sorry." But he didn't sound sorry in the least.

    "That's the best you can do?" demanded Victoria.

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    Turned from best man to baby's guardian in one shocking moment, bad-boy billionaire Connor North intended to stake his claim. If maid-of-honor Victoria Sutton wanted any part in the child's life, she would have to play by the billionaire's rules. So Victoria moved into Connor's mansion. She even agreed to become his wife. And despite her initial disdain for the powerful businessman, she eventually succumbed to his charms.

    The bond they formed—to the baby and to each other—was an outcome neither had expected. But would a surprising truth destroy all they had finally found?

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