Birds of Florida

    by Bill Pranty, Kurt Radamaker, Gregory Kennedy



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    • ISBN-13: 9789768200068
    • Publisher: Lone Pine Publishing
    • Publication date: 06/15/2006
    • Pages: 384
    • Product dimensions: 0.22(w) x 0.33(h) x 0.75(d)

    Bill Pranty has lived in Florida since 1978, when he and his family moved from their native Pennsylvania. Bill works for Archbold Biological Station in central Florida and has authored or co-authored more than 150 articles and reports on Florida's avifauna. He is especially interested in the state's rare birds and exotic species. He is a member of the American Birding Association, American Ornithologists' Union, Association of Field Ornithologists, Florida Ornithological Society, The Nature Conservancy and Wilson Ornithological Society.

    Kurt Radamaker has been interested in nature and birding most of his life. He grew up in Southern California where he started birding at the age of 8 and completed Cornell Laboratory's Seminars in Ornithology at age 15. Kurt taught ornithology at the University of La Verne in California in the early 1990s. He and his wife Cindy both remain avid birders who have traveled extensively in leading bird tours to several areas in the U.S., Mexico and Central America. He is a member of the Florida Ornithological Society, a member of the Arizona Bird Committee and a founding member of the Arizona Field Ornithologists. Kurt and Cindy live in Fountain Hills, Arizona.

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    Two renowned Florida birders share their expertise and passion in this wonderful field guide to 324 species of birds found commonly in the Sunshine State. Each account features comprehensive information on the species and full-color illustrations, including changes in coloration during breeding seasons. For each species, this guide gives a full natural history with size, range, habitat, sounds, nesting and feeding habits, and tips to distinguish from other similar species. Includes over 500 detailed illustrations and 325 maps, and a guide to best birding areas.

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