A Body Out of Balance

    A Body Out of Balance

    by Nancy Carteron, Ruth Fremes



    Customer Reviews

    Ruth Fremes, M.A., the author of nine books on health and nutrition and is the leader of a Sjögren's Syndrome support group.

    Nancy Carteron, M.D., is a fellow of the American College of Rheumatology in San Francisco. Her extensive research on autoimmunity has appeared in numerous medical journals and publications.

    Table of Contents

    What You Can Expect from This Bookxix
    Chapter 1Understanding Sjogren's Syndrome1
    Chapter 2Discovering a Diagnosis17
    Chapter 3You, Your Doctor, and Sjogren's Syndrome31
    Chapter 4Dry Eyes44
    Chapter 5Dry Mouth, Nose, and Throat63
    Chapter 6Extraglandular Involvement76
    Chapter 7Pain and Fatigue93
    Chapter 8Special Considerations101
    Chapter 9The Emotional Toll of Chronic Disease110
    Chapter 10Medications for Sjogren's Syndrome120
    Chapter 11Nutrition and Autoimmune Disorders135
    Chapter 12Complementary Medicine145
    AppendixClinical Guidelines for Oral Treatment and Dental Caries Prevention in Patients with Chronic Dry Mouth157

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    One of the most common yet underrecognized autoimmune and rheumatological disorders.  Sjögren's (pronounced SHOW-grens) syndrome, or SjS, affects more people than rheumatoid arthritis and lupus combined.  Difficult to diagnose, SjS is characterized by symptoms that shift almost daily, usually beginning with vague discomforts such as dry eyes and dry mouth, then advancing to more severe concerns such as joint pain and swollen glands.  A Body Out of Balance provides a comprehensive guide to the wide array of symptoms, traditional and complementary treatments, and invaluable coping methods, so patients may devise a personal treatment plan.  Co written by a woman living with the disease and by a physician who has treated countless SjS patients, this indispensable resource will enhance awareness and demystify this often-misunderstood disorder.

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    Library Journal
    "Having SjS is a bit like having a demanding, exacting, unpredictable but needy two-year-old in your life-forever nagging for your attention," writes Fremes, leader of a Sjogren's Syndrome (SjS) support group. Known as the "dry eyes/dry mouth" disease, this autoimmune and rheumatological disorder can affect other organs and systems with devastating consequences. About four million people in the United States, primarily women, have it. With rheumatologist Carteron, Fremes has written a consumer's guide that covers all the basics: a brief overview of autoimmunity, diagnosis, medical treatments, self-care, genetics, and current and future areas of research. Encouraging a wellness lifestyle and good nutrition, the authors suggest conventional and complementary therapies to bring back balance and to cope with diminished quality of life. Especially valuable is their detailed advice on various products and medications for dealing with lack of moisture. However, the authors do not always present their technical information in understandable terms-no glossary is provided, and there are few real definitions. Libraries already owning Teri P. Rumpf's The Sjogren's Syndrome Survival Guide could probably pass. Otherwise, recommended for consumer health collections needing current information. (Index not seen.)-Lisa McCormick, Jewish Hosp. Lib., Cincinnati Copyright 2003 Reed Business Information.
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