California Foraging: 120 Wild and Flavorful Edibles from Evergreen Huckleberries to Wild Ginger

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    by Judith Larner Lowry



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    Judith Larner Lowry has been the proprietor of Larner Seeds, specializing in California native plants and seeds, for the last 35 years. Lowry designs and plants native plant gardens, gives talks, and contributes to Orion magazine, BayNature magazine, and numerous other journals. She lives with her husband in Bolinas, California.

    Read an Excerpt

    One foggy summer day near the coast, I discovered an unexpected treasure trove of California hazelnut bushes. They were loaded with sweet, mild nuts that were ripe and ready to eat. I found a comfortable place to sit, a rock to crack the shells, and settled in for a session of hazelnut appreciation. To other hikers on the trail, I was hidden from view by the hazel’s leafy branches. 
    Soon, I heard two parents cajoling their children onward up the trail. The children sounded tired and complained about being hungry and bored. I thought momentarily of having them join me in my cozy fort under the hazel and sharing the bounty. 
    While I considered it, they disappeared up the path. Maybe I should have called out to them: There is delicious food here. Come join me. 

    I didn’t then, but I am calling out to you now. There is delicious food all around us. 

    Two unexpected strands have come together during the writing of this book. One, an even greater deepening of my appreciation for California’s native flora, I expected and welcomed. The other strand has taken me by surprise.
    For most of my adult life, I have been an advocate for California’s native plants. At my mail-order native plant seed and nursery business, we specialize in growing seed crops of native wildflowers, grasses, shrubs, and trees, some of them threatened with local extinction. 
    Through the years, my realization that many of these native plants are also food has felt like startling new information about old friends I thought I knew well. I first started to value California’s native plants for their drought tolerance and appropriateness to California’s climate and soils. Then they became a crucial part of my developing and deepening sense of home in the Golden State, and I wanted to live surrounded by them. Their importance as habitat for native bees, butterflies, birds, and other creatures added yet another layer to my appreciation of the grounding details of sharing life with the plants that evolved here. 
    Early on, I learned that many of the seeds we gathered from the wild were grain crops for California Indians. The wildflower meadows that drew me with their beauty represented to many native peoples a harvest of healthful seed foods, produced with no added fertilizer, pesticides, water, or plowing. That’s how the journey of this book began, with the seeds.

    When I hear people talk about the importance and value of diversified sustainable farming operations, I look at the wildlands and think about what a diversified sustainable farming operation they already are. Or once were, and could be again.
    At our seed-growing garden, I proclaimed a zero-tolerance policy for weeds, the better to learn how the native species grow when unimpeded by teasel, fennel, velvet grass, or other rampant invasive plants. My proclamation of this weed-free zone was made partly in jest, since there is no way to totally eliminate weeds. This I know from experience. But we didn’t allow them much of a presence here until my interest in eating naturalized European and Eurasian forbs, otherwise known as weeds, caused me to occasionally stay the weeder’s hand. The response was surprising, even to me, though I have watched this story so many times before, the old disappearing under the onslaught of the new.
    In one season, black nightshade, curly dock, and borage grew where they hadn’t been before. Sheep sorrel and chickweed appeared from out of nowhere. Huge colonies of lambsquarters sprang up overnight. The native clarkias, tarweed, and red maids may have been thinking, Oh no, not here, too, as my demonstration garden became a place of somewhat uneasy alliances.

    Soon, I was eating these weeds from elsewhere with gusto. Treating weeds as food crops required a close and constant attention and a rigorous control of weedy reproduction. I learned how to have my borage and control it too, making pesto, stews, and stir-fries using a combination of both weedy and native greens. I learned something about the proud histories of weedy greens, especially their roles in intriguing national dishes, like green sauces made in Germany with borage leaves, or salsas made with black nightshade berries in Guatemala.
    I began to savor this second strand: harvesting and eating the edible weeds to protect the native plants, while managing and harvesting the native plants in ways that increase their numbers. This pattern now guides my gathering days in the wild. It could be called sustainable foraging, and I hope it will guide yours too. 
    By imparting an interest in foraging to you, it is my hope that you will fall in love with wild edibles, their tastes, and their histories, forming alliances and culinary relationships all your own. That you will discover a pattern of interaction that benefits both you and the plants. And that the mantle of indifference toward land and plants that has replaced our evolutionary closeness will slip easily off your shoulders, as you welcome a new, knowledgeable intimacy with wild food plants.

    And now a few words about the organization of this book. The introduction provides an understanding of the rich nature of foraging in general, beginning with definitions, and then offering important guidelines, from safety issues to plant identification tips to legal matters. A brief discussion of the regions of California will help you locate both yourself and edible wild plants of interest to you. A Seasonal Gathering Guide will tell you what plant part you can find, when.
    Also included in the introduction is a brief pitch for the advantages of planting wild food plants as part of gardens around your home. A discussion of developing your own sustainable foraging ethic builds on this concept, which is woven throughout the book.
    The majority of the book is a section called Edible Wild Plants of California, with more than 120 California native and naturalized non-native edible species, organized alphabetically by common name. The index will help you find plants under their scientific, or botanical, names.
    Each plant entry includes one or more photographs with informative captions, a list of common names the plant is known by, the scientific name currently in use, and the edible parts of each plant, followed by an introduction to the plant, discussion of its identifying characteristics, where and when to gather, how to gather, how to use, responsible harvests as part of a sustainable foraging ethic, and any precautions needed in the use of the plant.
    At the end of the book, websites, books, and organizations are listed that will be helpful to both beginning and experienced foragers. Also included is a list of public botanic gardens throughout California, where labeled native plants can be viewed, a great way to learn. 

    Table of Contents

    Preface 8

    Introduction: Foraging in the Golden State 12

    Seasonal Gathering Guide for California 25

    Wild Edible Plants of California 38

    Angled onion 39

    Beavertail cactus 41

    Big leaf maple 43

    Black nightshade 45

    Bladderpod 48

    Blue camas 50

    Blue dicks 53

    Blue elderberry 57

    Blue flax 60

    Blue palo verde 64

    Blue wildrye 66

    Borage 70

    Bracken fern 72

    Bull clover 74

    Butterfly mariposa lily 76

    California bay laurel 78

    California blackberry 81

    California black oak 84

    California bottlebrush grass 87

    California brome 89

    California buttercup 92

    California hazelnut 94

    California juniper 97

    California oatgrass 99

    California oniongrass 101

    California wild grape 103

    California wild rose 105

    Candy flower 107

    Cattail 109

    Chalk buckwheat 111

    Chaparral yucca 113

    Checkerbloom 115

    Chickweed 117

    Chuparosa 119

    Common mallow 121

    Common tarweed 123

    Cow parsnip 125

    Coyote mint 128

    Creek monkeyflower 130

    Curly dock 132

    Desert ironwood 134

    Douglas fir 137

    Evergreen huckleberry 139

    Farewell to spring 141

    Fawn lily 143

    Fennel 145

    Foothills palo verde 147

    Giant blaring star 149

    Golden chia 151

    Golden currant 154

    Golden prettyface brodiaea 157

    Goldfields 159

    Gray pine 161

    Hairy bittercress 163

    Harvest brodiaea 165

    Himalayan blackberry 167

    Holly leaf cherry 169

    Honey mesquite 172

    Indian ricegrass 174

    Kellogg's yampa 176

    Lady fern 179

    Lambsquarters 181

    Lemonade berry 183

    Madrone 185

    Manzanita 187

    Meadow barley 190

    Meadowfoam 192

    Milkmaids 194

    Miner's lettuce 196

    Mormon tea 198

    Mountain mule's ears 200

    Mountain pennyroyal 202

    Mountain sorrel 204

    Narrowleaf mule's ears 206

    Nasturtium 208

    Nevada stickleaf 210

    Nootka rose 212

    Northern California black walnut 214

    Ocotillo 216

    Oregon grape 218

    Perennial pickleweed 221

    Point Reyes checkerbloom 223

    Prickly pear 225

    Purple sage 228

    Purslane 230

    Pussy ears 232

    Red huckleberry 234

    Red maids 236

    Redwood sorrel 239

    Redwood violet 241

    Salal 243

    Saltbush 246

    Sheep sorrel 248

    Sierra mint 250

    Silverweed 252

    Singleleaf pinyon pine 254

    Soaproot 257

    Sourberry 260

    Springbank clover 262

    Stinging nettle 265

    Sugar bush 267

    Sugar pine 269

    Swamp onion 271

    Tall coastal plantain 273

    Tanoak 275

    Thimbleberry 278

    Thistle sage 280

    Tidy tips 282

    Torrey pine 284

    Tree mallow 286

    Rule 288

    Valley oak 291

    Vetch 293

    Vine maple 295

    Wapato 297

    Watercress 299

    Western serviceberry 301

    Wild ginger 304

    Wild hyacinth 306

    Wild radish 308

    Woodland strawberry 311

    Wood rose 314

    Yellow pond lily 316

    Yerba buena 318

    Yerba santa 320

    Metric Conversions 323

    Resources 324

    References 326

    Acknowledgments 327

    Photography Credits 328

    Index 329

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    The Golden State is home to an abundance of delicious wild edible plants. From woodlands to wetlands, grasslands to mountains, and coast to desert, delectable and unique wild foods beckon the curious forager. Consider the delights of blending wild borage leaves into a pungent pesto and decorating a salad with the blue, star-shaped flowers. If you’re in the desert, sample the sweet-tasting blooms and pea-like seeds of blue palo verde. In wetlands gather cattail pollen for golden pancakes. Plan a foraged feast. 

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    From the Publisher
    This book is a triumphant celebration of California’s flora through gathering: a call to our species to see, touch, smell, taste, and tend the wild through the seasons. Lowry deeply inspires us to honor our hunter-gatherer ancestors, and build the foundation of a new indigenousness with the land.” —M. Kat Anderson, author of Tending the Wild
    “This book is an excellent deep dive into California’s wild edibles, revealing a real affection for and intimate familiarity with our state’s flora.” —Iso Rabins, founder of ForageSF
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