The Dance of Connection: How to Talk to Someone When You're Mad, Hurt, Scared, Frustrated, Insulted, Betrayed, or Desperate

    The Dance of Connection: How to Talk to Someone When You're Mad, Hurt, Scared, Frustrated, Insulted, Betrayed, or Desperate

    3.3 16

    by Harriet Lerner



    Customer Reviews

      ISBN-13: 9780061851834
    • Publisher: HarperCollins Publishers
    • Publication date: 10/13/2009
    • Sold by: HARPERCOLLINS
    • Format: eBook
    • Pages: 272
    • Sales rank: 160,812
    • File size: 474 KB

    Harriet Lerner, Ph.D., is one of our nation’s most loved and respected relationship experts. Renowned for her work on the psychology of women and family relationships, she served as a staff psychologist at the Menninger Clinic for more than two decades. A distinguished lecturer, workshop leader, and psychotherapist, she is the author of The Dance of Anger and other bestselling books. She is also, with her sister, an award-winning children's book writer. She and her husband are therapists in Lawrence, Kansas, and have two sons.

    Read an Excerpt

    Chapter One

    Finding Your Voice

    The thread that unites my work both as an author and as a psychotherapist is my desire to help people speak wisely and well, sometimes about the most difficult subjects. This includes asking questions, getting a point across, clarifying desires, beliefs, values, and limits. How such communication goes determines whether we want to come home or stay away at the end of the day.

    This is no simple matter, as glib terms like communication skills or assertiveness training imply. Assertiveness is considered a good idea — if not a cultural ideal. But despite decades of assertiveness training and lots of good advice about communicating with clarity, timing, and tact, we may do our best to speak but still feel unheard. We may find that we cannot affect our husband or wife or partner, that fights go nowhere, that conflict brings only pain rather than an opportunity for two people to learn more about each other. We may have the same dilemma with our mother, sister or uncle, or close friend.

    The Limits of "Good Communication"

    We all want to communicate well and make ourselves heard. "He just doesn't get it" or "She's so critical" are sentiments I hear daily in my work. When we speak from the heart, we long for an ear to hear us, and we all have experienced that down feeling when we perceive ourselves as written off or misunderstood.

    I wish I could reassure you that reading this book will guarantee that you will finally be heard in your most difficultrelationships. Or that strengthening your voice win bring you the love and approval of others. Or that following my good advice will give you a deep sense of inner peace.

    Truth is, nothing you say can ensure that the other person will get it, or respond the way you want. You may never exceed his threshold of deafness. She may never love you, not now or ever. And if you are courageous in initiating, extending, or deepening a difficult conversation, you may feel even more anxious and uncomfortable, at least in the short run.

    All the assertiveness training and communication skills in the world can't prevent a relationship from becoming fertile ground for silence and stonewalling, or for anger and frustration, or for just plain hard times. No book or expert can protect us from the range of painful emotions that make us human. We can influence the other person through our words and silence, but we can never control the outcome.

    That said, what we can learn in the chapters ahead is enormous. We can maximize the chance of being heard and moving relationships forward. We can take a conversation to the next level when the initial foray doesn't bring the desired result, We can stop nonproductive conversational habits so that an old relationship will take a new turn. We can clarify what we feel entitled to and responsible for — and what we really want to say. Or, alternatively, we can learn to sit more comfortably with our confusion. We can operate from a solid position of self, even when the other person won't speak to us at all.

    Toward an Authentic Voice

    The challenge of finding an authentic voice within an intimate relationship is far larger than a word like communication can ever begin to convey. Authenticity brings to mind such elusive qualities as being fully present, centered, and in touch with our best selves in our most important conversations. Moving in this direction requires us to clarify — to ourselves and others — what's important to us. Having an authentic voice means that:

    • We can openly share competence as well as problems and vulnerability.

    • We can warm things up and calm them down.

    • We can listen and ask questions that allow us to truly know the other person and to gather information about anything that may affect us.

    • We can say what we think and feel, state differences, and allow the other person to do the same.

    • We can define our values, convictions, principles, and priorities, and do our best to act in accordance with them.

    • We can define what we feel entitled to in a relationship, and we can clarify the limits of what we will tolerate or accept in another's behavior.

    • We can leave (meaning that we can financially and emotionally support ourselves), if necessary.

    The second half of this list is about knowing our bottom line — that is, the values, beliefs, and priorities that are so crucial to preserving and protecting the self that we will not compromise them in any relationship. This is, perhaps, the most difficult challenge in couples.

    In the abstract, any or all of these actions may seem obvious and easy. But when we are dealing with difficult subjects or significant relationships, nothing is ever simple.

    Bold New Conversations

    The challenge in conversation is not just to be our self but to choose the self we want to be. What we call "the self" is never static, but instead is a work in progress. That's why we don't discover who we are by sitting alone on a mountaintop and meditating, or by being introspective and "going deeper," as valuable as these disciplines may be. The royal road for both discovering and reinventing the self is through our relationships with other people and the conversations we engage in.

    In a sad paradox, the more important and enduring a relationship (say, with a partner or relative), the more we tend to participate in narrow, habitual conversations where our experience of our self and the other person becomes fixed and small. My goal is to challenge us to engage in novel conversations that will create a larger, more empowering view of who we are and what is truly possible.

    Although I resonate with the phrase "finding our voice," the image it evokes is deceptive. We don't dig our authentic voice out of the muck, as a dog digs...

    Table of Contents

    Prologue: Back to the Sandboxxiii
    Chapter 1Finding Your Voice1
    Chapter 2Voice Lessons from My Father12
    Chapter 3Our First Family: Where We Learned (Not) to Speak24
    Chapter 4Should You Share Vulnerability?37
    Chapter 5In Praise of Pretending51
    Chapter 6Putting Our Parents in the Hot Seat70
    Chapter 7Love Can Make You Stupid88
    Chapter 8Marriage: Where's Your Bottom Line?107
    Chapter 9"I Can't Live with This!" Voicing the Ultimate in Marriage120
    Chapter 10Warming Things Up136
    Chapter 11Silent Men/Angry Women157
    Chapter 12Criticism Is Hard to Take169
    Chapter 13An Apology? Don't Hold Your Breath183
    Chapter 14Complaining and Negativity: When You Can't Listen Another Minute201
    Chapter 15The Sounds of Silence: Finding a Voice When You're Rejected and Cut Off215
    Epilogue: To Thine Own Self Be True233

    Reading Group Guide

    In her most groundbreaking book to date, Dr. Harriet Lerner takes us beyond The Dance of Anger and shows us how to "find our voice" with the people in our lives who matter the most. The Dance of Connection tackles the most difficult problems we face with people who hurt us.

    Drawing on her own experiences and those of some of the many clients that she counsels privately, Lerner illumines the most pervasive and profound relationship issues, including how to cope with feelings of rejection; how to embrace emotional vulnerability, how to take positive steps to deflect criticism or negativity from a family member or friend; and how to reinforce the positive in all of our relationships.

    Lerner reveals a startling new definition of what it means to have an "authentic voice" -- one that runs counter to the automatic ways we try to speak our truths. The Dance of Connection goes beyond "communication techniques" to provide bold and innovative "voice lessons." Lerner tells us when to lighten up and let things go, and when we need to take specific steps to heal betrayals, inequalities, and broken connections.

    With wit and wisdom, Lerner shows us how to "set things right," how to pay attention to and trust our "inner" selves, and how to heal the most painful disconnections with others.

    Discussion Questions
  • Harriet Lerner writes that "we all seek to control the flow of personal information about ourselves" (Chapter 4). How do you feel about being emotionally vulnerable -- is it something you prefer to avoid, or something that you actively seek? Are there situations where you are more comfortable with yourvulnerability than others?

  • In The Dance of Connection, Harriet Lerner talks about putting her family on "the hot seat," and she describes confrontations with her parents in which she openly acknowledges differences of opinion (Chapter 6). Do you find you are able to address sources of conflict with your parents or your children? Did any of her remarks ring especially true for you?

  • Lerner argues that we rarely evaluate prospective partners "with the same objectivity and clarity" that we bring to making major purchases (Chapter 7). Can you relate to this idea? Have you ignored important differences with a partner in order to continue a relationship that was ultimately doomed?

  • Harriet Lerner talks about establishing a "bottom line" -- a point from which you won't retreat -- to help a partner to realize that you are serious about a problem in your relationship (Chapter 9). Do you think this is realistic? Can you articulate your bottom line in your relationship with your partner?

  • Harriet Lerner writes that "there is no expert who knows what warms your partner's heart the way you do." (Chapter 10) Do you think this is true? What specific actions could you take to improve your relationship with your partner? What actions could your partner take?

  • Review Harriet Lerner's list of ten "do's and don'ts" in coping with criticism (Chapter 12). Do you agree with all of her suggestions? Are there any other strategies that you have learned over time that you think belong on her list?

  • In the anecdote about Joan and Corrine, Lerner describes a friendship that -- literally -- falls apart. Have you experienced any total breakdown of communication? How did you deal with it? Did your relationship recover? Were you able to get closure on the relationship?

  • Were there any individuals in The Dance of Connection whose stories you found especially poignant or relevant to your life, or whose experiences spoke to you? Who were they? What about their experiences did you find compelling? About the Author: Harriet Lerner, Ph.D., is one of our nation's most respected relationship experts. A renowned scholar on the psychology of women and family relationships, she served as a staff psychologist at the Menninger Clinic for more than two decades. Her popular trilogy, The Dance of Anger (1985), The Dance of Intimacy (1989), and The Dance of Deception (1993) has been published in more than 30 foreign editions, and has sold more than three million copies.

    Born in Brooklyn, NY, Harriet Lerner graduated from the University of Wisconsin, where she majored in psychology and Indian studies. Lerner received an M.A. in educational psychology from Teachers' College of Columbia University and a Ph.D. in clinical psychology from the City University of New York. It was there that she met and later married Steve Lerner, also a clinical psychologist. After a postdoctoral internship at Mt. Zion Hospital in San Francisco, the couple moved to Topeka, Kansas, for a two-year postdoctoral training program at the Menninger Foundation.

    Harriet Lerner and her husband reside in Lawrence, Kansas, and have two sons. In addition to her private practice, Dr. Lerner tours the country to lecture, consult, and present workshops on her findings. She has coauthored several children's books with her sister.

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    In her most affirming and life-changing book yet, Dr. Harriet Lerner teaches us how to restore love and connection with the people who matter the most. In The Dance of Connection we learn what to say (and not say) when:

    • We need an apology, and the person who has harmed us won't apologize or be accountable.
    • We don't know how to take a conversation to the next level when we feel desperate.
    • We feel worn down by the other person's criticism, negativity, or irresponsible behavior.
    • We have been rejected or cut off, and the other person won't show up for the conversation.
    • We are struggling with staying or leaving, and we don't know our "bottom line."
    • We are convinced that we've tried everything -- and nothing changes.

    Filled with compelling personal stories and case examples, Lerner outlines bold new "voice lessons" that show us how to speak with honor and personal integrity, even when the other person behaves badly.

    Whether we're dealing with a partner, parent, sister, or best friend, The Dance of Connection teaches us how to navigate our most important relationships with clarity, courage, and joyous conviction.

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    The nimble-footed author of The Dance of Anger and The Dance of Intimacy instructs readers on the fine art of transforming life’s rugged scrimmages into an amiable waltz. Dr. Lerner’s approach focuses on creating sustainable dialogue despite cross-purposes and misunderstanding.
    Anne Lamott
    I love Hariet Lerner's work.
    Library Journal
    A columnist with New Woman Magazine as well as a staff psychologist and a psychotherapist at the Menninger Clinic, Lerner is also a world-renowned expert on women and family issues whose Dance of Anger is a pop psychology classic. Lerner's mass appeal results from her ability to break down difficult psychological concepts into plain language. Her new work is similar to her other titles (which include Dance of Intimacy and Dance of Deception) but follows the human life cycle sequentially. After a brief explanation of the concept of inborn/individual traits and the influence of families of origin, Lerner shares her private family-of-origin stories which gives the book a vulnerability and humanness that other self-help titles lack. Lerner then discusses problems that can surface in adult relationships, including how adult children may talk with their parents. She shows that criticism, contempt, defensiveness, and stonewalling all have the potential to cripple or destroy a marriage. Each chapter analyzes a specific problem with case histories and possible solutions or outcomes. What results is an accessible and well-organized work that, with its predecessors, belongs in all libraries. Highly recommended. Lisa Wise, Broome Cty. P.L., Binghamton, NY Copyright 2001 Cahners Business Information.
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