Table of Contents
Series Foreword xiii
Preface xv
Part I Overview 1
1 Background and Definitions 3
What Is Mental Health, Mental Illness, and Discrimination? 3
What Is Mental Health? 3
What Is Mental Illness? 5
What Is Discrimination? 7
How Many People Are Affected by Mental Illness and Discrimination? 10
Early Documentation Efforts 10
Current Challenges in Documenting Mental Illness 11
Current Data on Mental Illness 13
Gender Concerns 14
2 Changing Belief Systems and Historical Treatment of the Mentally Ill 17
Ancient Beliefs 17
Medieval Beliefs 20
Modern Beliefs 23
The Renaissance 23
The Reformation 24
Beliefs in the Age of Reason 26
Early American Beliefs 26
Moving toward Scientific Causes of Mental Illness 32
3 Discrimination and the Formation of a Modern System of Care for the Mentally Ill 35
The Madhouses 36
The Elizabethan Poor Law of 1601 36
The Madhouse Act of 1774 38
The County Asylum Act of 1808 39
The Poor Law Amendment Act of 1834 40
The County Asylum Act of 1845 and the Lunacy Act of 1845 41
The Lunatic Amendment and County Asylum Amendment Acts of 1853 and 1862 44
Metropolitan Poor Act of 1867 46
The Lunatics Law Amendment Act of 1889 and the Lunacy Act of 1890 48
4 Early American Society and Discrimination against the Mentally Ill 51
Almshouses, Poorhouses, and Workhouses in the United Slates 52
Dorothea Dix 53
Early Hospitals and Asylums in the United States 56
Dr. Benjamin Rush and the Pennsylvania Hospital 57
Francis Fauquier and the Eastern State Hospital 59
The New York Hospital and the Bloomingdale Asylum 60
The Public Hospital of Baltimore (Spring Grove) 61
Thomas Scatlergood and the Friends Hospital 61
Reverend Louis Dwight, the Massachusetts General Hospital, and the Worcester Lunatic Asylum 62
Thomas Story Kirkbride and the Pennsylvania Hospital for the Insane 63
5 How Treatment Movements Influenced Discrimination against the Mentally III 67
The Movement toward Physical Treatments 67
The Medication Management Movement 69
Approaching Mental Illness as Public Health 72
What Is the Public Health Approach, and How Does It Relate to the Mentally Ill? 72
How the Public Health Approach Affects Discrimination 74
Deinstitutionalization and Community Mental Health Centers 77
Persistent Overcrowding 78
The Costs of Treating Mental Illness 79
The United Kingdom and Other Developed Nations 81
Approaching Mental Illness as a Disability 82
What Is the Disability Movement? 82
The Connection between the Disability Movement and Mental Health Advocacy 82
Approaching Mental Illness as a Behavioral Health Issue 85
What Is Behavioral Health? 87
How a Behavioral Health Approach Can Affect Treatment and Discrimination 88
6 Forms of Discrimination against the Mentally Ill and the Influence of Diversity 89
Basic Human Rights of the Mentally Ill 89
How Federal and State Laws Affect the Rights of the Mentally Ill 93
Limits of Confidentiality and Privacy 93
Educational Discrimination 97
Lack of Educational Supports for the Mentally Ill 97
Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) 98
Restrictive Policies Adopted by Educational Institutions 99
Cultural Discrimination 100
Social and Religious Beliefs about the Causes of Mental Illness 100
How the Mentally Ill Are Portrayed in the Media 100
Political Discrimination 102
Political Attitudes toward the Mentally Ill 102
Their Participation in the Political Process 103
How Diversity and Discrimination Affect the Mentally Ill 104
Gender Differences 105
Age Differences 105
Differences in Racial/Cultural/Ethnic Identity 105
Sexual Identity Differences 106
Part III Controversies 109
7 How Comorbidity Affects Discrimination 111
Mental Illness and Substance Use Disorders 111
Nicotine Use Disorder 112
Medication-Assisted Treatment 113
Other Issues and Controversies 114
Mental Illness and Other Chronic Health Disorders 118
Mental Illness and Gambling 120
Mental Illness and Neuro-Developmental Disorders 123
Defining Neuro-Developmental Disorders 123
How Many Children Are Affected? 124
Potential Causes and Outcomes 124
Treating Co-Occurring Disorders 127
Who Provides Treatment and Where? 127
Medical Staff 127
Nonmedical Staff 128
Treatment Locations 129
Mental Illness and PTSD-The Veteran Connection 132
What Is Stress? 132
The Stress Response 133
Trauma 134
Responding to Veterans 135
Suicide 136
PTSD Indicators 137
Suicide Indicators 138
Issues Contributing to Ongoing Discrimination 138
8 Mental Illness and the Criminal Justice System 141
Who Are the Criminally Insane? 141
Historical Treatment of the Criminally Insane 141
Current Estimates of the Criminally Insane 143
Problem-Solving Court Model 144
Training of Correctional Personnel 146
Civil Rights of Institutionalized Peoples Act (CRIPA) of 1980 147
Approaches to Public Safety 147
Scarce Resources 149
Legal Representation 149
Rehabilitation versus Punishment 151
Post-Incarceration Resources 152
Voluntary and Involuntary Commitment 154
2-PC or Two Physicians Certify 154
Mandatory Medication Management 157
Voluntary 157
Involuntary 158
9 Preventing Discrimination against the Mentally Ill 161
Is Discrimination Preventable? 163
What Are the Ways to Prevent Discrimination? 163
Focusing on Prevention 163
Changing Societal Attitudes 164
Ensuring Access to Quality Medical and Psychiatric Health Care 166
Part III Resources 171
Sources for Further Information 173
Important Documents 177
Glossary 203
Timeline 207
Index 217
About the Author 237