Do It! Marketing: 77 Instant-Action Ideas to Boost Sales, Maximize Profits, and Crush Your Competition

    Do It! Marketing: 77 Instant-Action Ideas to Boost Sales, Maximize Profits, and Crush Your Competition

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    by David Newman


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      ISBN-13: 9780814432877
    • Publisher: AMACOM
    • Publication date: 06/05/2013
    • Sold by: Barnes & Noble
    • Format: eBook
    • Pages: 288
    • File size: 1 MB

    DAVID NEWMAN is an acclaimed marketing expert, popular speaker, and founder of Do It! Marketing whose clients range from small and solo business owners to Fortune 500 companies, including IBM, Comcast, Microsoft, Accenture, and American Express. His expertise has been featured in major media including The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, Selling Power, Entrepreneur, Investor’s Business Daily, and Fast Company.

    Read an Excerpt


    77 Instant-Action Ideas to Boost Sales, Maximize Profits, and Crush Your Competition



    Copyright © 2013 David Newman
    All rights reserved.
    ISBN: 978-0-8144-3287-7




    A stern-looking executive stares out at you from the page in the magazine.

    The body of the ad reads:

    I don't know who you are.

    I don't know your company.

    I don't know your company's product.

    I don't know what your company stands for.

    I don't know your company's customers.

    I don't know your company's record.

    I don't know your company's reputation.

    Now, what was it you wanted to sell me?

    This ad first ran in BusinessWeek in 1958. And its message is even more relevant today: You must build relationships before you sell.

    If you're investing in trusted advisor marketing (it goes by several other names like inbound marketing, thought leadership marketing, and content marketing), then you've probably asked yourself, "How (and when) will this generate a sale?"

    And that is the completely WRONG question to ask.

    By the time you're done reading this book, you'll see exactly why—AND you'll be able to ask (and answer) much better questions to grow your business right away.


    Look at your e-mail spam or bulk e-mail folder. Yes, you. Yes, right now.

    I'll wait ...

    Tap-tap-tap- tap. You're back. Excellent.

    Did you see that spam e-mail from the toner cartridge company? Did you catch the pitch from the SEO firm that filled out your website's contact form? Did you respond to that great deal on vacation cruises? No?

    OK. Now pop over to your paper mail pile on your desk. Did you check out the latest triple-play offer from your friendly cable company? How about that compelling cell phone offer from Verizon? The Wall Street Journal subscription offer? Or how about that postcard—you know, the one from the home heating oil company? No?

    When's the last time you gave your credit card number to a cold caller who interrupted your family dinner? NEVER??

    I'm shocked!

    But you seem pretty excited about YOUR cold calls—and sending out YOUR spam, YOUR offers, YOUR postcards, YOUR sales messages.

    The problem with doing it this way? In four words:

    Zero. Value. For. Prospects.

    And hello? YOU don't BUY this way.

    What in the world makes you think your prospects DO?

    Look once more at the ad at the start of the chapter and answer a few simple questions:

    Question 1: What VALUE have I ADDED to my prospect's world in order to EARN the RIGHT to INVITE them to a conversation and OFFER my solutions to their problems, headaches, heartaches, and challenges?


    The next thing you're going to tell me is that you don't NEED to do any marketing because 99 percent of your business is repeat and referral business, and it's always been that way. You don't see how any newfangled marketing is going to move the needle toward closing more sales.

    Do you seriously think that referrals don't check you out online before picking up the phone? What messages are you sending to your valued referrals with:

    * Your outdated website. Articles from three years ago are outdated, friends. And from 2005, even more so. And design aesthetic from 1998 most of all.

    * Your sporadically updated blog that you leave dormant for two (or four or six!) months at a clip?

    * Your abandoned Twitter account that you set up because someone said you had to? Now it has 87 followers while your competitors have 5,000 (or a whole lot more).

    * Your sketchy, bare bones LinkedIn profile that has 200 connections but only two recommendations? (And they're from two years ago. From people with the same last name as you.)

    * Your "glory days" articles and TV clips and PR placements from 20 (yes, I'm serious), 10, or even five years ago. Nothing screams "has-been" like old media.

    Make no mistake: Getting repeat and referral business is great.

    But don't kid yourself that this absolves you from having a top-notch web presence, social media platform, and body of knowledge that is ultra-current, super-relevant, and obviously abundant.

    In fact, you are leaving yourself open to EMBARRASSMENT if your advocates hear back from their referrals and find themselves in the awkward position of having to defend your out-of-date marketing platform, which now casts your professional expertise into doubt.

    Question 2: Does my overall online presence REASSURE and REINFORCE the referrals I earn? Does it contain the most current, credible, and relevant marketing messages, positioning, content, resources, and value that will make my advocates LOOK BETTER—not worse—for referring me?


    And you don't get to eat the delicious golden-brown cheese without first layering on the meat! Here's what "four-layer" means:

    1. The first layer—at the core of the matter—is your Reputation. Your work. Your track record. If you stop there, you'll have a VERY hard time attracting NEW leads and prospects to your doorstep. "My work should speak for itself" is what a lot of very smart people say—smart people who have a hard time making their mortgage payments.

    2. The second layer is Amplification. Ways to make your signal stronger. Enter social media marketing, niche PR, article marketing, blogging, keyword research, and search engine optimization. This is the key to spreading your ideas and broadcasting your expertise.

    3. The third layer is Leverage. This is where you begin to capitalize on your trusted advisor assets such as articles, blogs, videos, podcasts, interviews, white papers, special reports, book excerpts, and other value-first marketing tools. You can now reach out to high-probability prospects both individually (on LinkedIn, for example) and collectively (on your blog, for example). This is where your job becomes putting the right bait on the right hooks in the right lakes to catch the right fish.

    4. The fourth layer is Gravity. This is like Jim Collins's flywheel concept in Good to Great: It takes a long time to get it spinning but then is very hard to stop because of the power of momentum. This is where you start to see payoffs: more leads, better prospects, bigger opportunities, more conversations, higher profile alliances, more invitations to speak, publish, guest post, contribute and teach, and [drum roll, please] more invitations to do great work at premium fees for great clients who NOW know you, like you, and trust you enough to hand over five- and six-figure checks because their level of confidence in your expertise is pretty close to 100 percent.

    Question 3: Do you want to make more sales to strangers? (Good luck with that). Or do you really want more people to recognize, respect, and request YOU by name when they have a need, project, or problem that they instantly see has "your name written all over it"? If that's your goal, then trusted advisor marketing is for you.

    Reread the ad at the beginning of the chapter, and let's do a twenty-first-century spin on it together.

    * I don't know who you are.

    * I don't read your blog. I don't subscribe to your newsletter.

    * I don't see your name in my industry's publications.

    * I don't hear my peers spreading your ideas.

    * I don't come across your content in Google searches.

    * I don't connect your solutions to my problems.

    * I don't feel the gravity of your credibility or credentials.

    * I don't have any tangible way to gauge your expertise or experience.

    * Now—what was it you wanted to sell me?

    So here's the ultimate (and most important) question for YOU:

    How can you realistically expect to SELL anything WITHOUT first setting the necessary preconditions for ANY sale with trusted advisor marketing?

    The answer is as simple as it is obvious: You can't. Just like you can't drive your car from Denver to Sheboygan if you haven't first filled up your gas tank.

    Only then can you get behind the wheel, plan your route, use your GPS, add more fuel along the way (and probably some beef jerky and Sno-Balls and root beer), AND put in the hours and the miles to get you to your destination.

    Nobody—and I mean N-O-B-O-D-Y—hires vendors, suppliers, or professional services firms sight unseen. You wouldn't. I wouldn't either.

    And the facts prove that today's buyers are just like YOU and ME. The kind of marketing we'll explore together in this book—trusted advisor marketing—is a marathon, not a sprint. And, as any marathoner will tell you, the best (and only) way to run a marathon is one mile at a time.

    On your mark ... get set ... GO!



    * What should be my company name?

    * What's the best headline for this web page?

    * What are the right words for our telemarketing scripts?

    * What do I say to people when they ask me, "So what do you do?"

    * What tagline will attract the right prospects and customers?

    * What should I say in this sales letter?

    "What—What—What?" needs to become "Wait—Wait—Wait!"

    You're wasting your time. Truly.

    "What?" is the wrong question.

    More specifically, it's the wrong FIRST question when it comes to your marketing.

    Let's boil this down to a very simple exercise. Imagine for a moment that I ask you to take out a piece of paper to write a letter.

    You do so, and, with pen in hand, you find yourself staring at a blank sheet of paper. In the upper left corner, you write the word, "Dear," and then you're stuck.

    Before you can get any further in your task, you need to ask me TO WHOM should the letter be addressed. The President of the United States? Your cousin Marvin in New Orleans? Your old high school sweetheart?

    It makes a difference, doesn't it?

    The assignment gets more interesting when I tell you that the letter is intended for your Aunt Sally. (Humor me, and pretend you do indeed have a dear old Aunt Sally!)

    So you fill in the top of your letter with "Dear Aunt Sally." So far, so good.

    Your next question might be WHY are you writing to your Aunt Sally? Is it to check on her health? To ask for her delicious apple pie recipe from last Thanksgiving? Or to thank her for those snappy Argyle socks she got you for Christmas?

    Let's say it's to ask for her family secret apple pie recipe.

    Having answered the WHO and the WHY questions, you would most likely get busy and create a compelling, fast, easy letter with no further questions.

    Notice all the things you would NOT need to worry about:

    * What do I say?

    * How do I say it?

    * What words should I use?

    * What words should I avoid?

    * Will she like the letter?

    * Will she act on the letter?

    * Fret, fret, fret ...

    * Worry, worry, worry ...

    You're just going to write the letter, get the recipe, and have a great relationship with your dear old Aunt Sally. And the reason will be that you connected with her with enthusiasm and authenticity for a specific purpose that made her feel valued, special, and important to you.

    Have you connected all the dots yet? This is how MARKETING is supposed to work too.

    Figure out WHOM you're talking to, TALK to them for a GOOD, SPECIFIC, RELEVANT reason, understanding who they are and what's important to THEM. Just do that, and you'll have all the professional copywriters and ad agencies beat in no time flat.



    This part of the book is titled "It's About Them, Really." So why is the first chapter called "Who Are You?" Because all leadership is self-leadership. All knowledge is self-knowledge.

    Ha! Gotcha—THAT was philosophical mumbo jumbo. You can never be too careful reading these business books. Stay alert!

    For you to be as successful as you deserve to be in your business—for you to be able to help THEM, support THEM, sell to THEM—you need to know what YOU want first. You need to know who you are, where you're going, and how you'll get there.

    First, think through and make some decisions about your business model, your revenue model, and your delivery model.

    Once you nail that down, you'll be able to focus your expertise and lay out all your possible offerings.

    This is a thinking, writing, and strategizing exercise.

    Allow between two and three hours for this work. It may take less time if you've already decided on some of these things, but it should not take more.

    Turn off e-mail. Turn off the phone. Concentrate for 30–60 minute chunks on these questions and on capturing your answers.

    Don't feel you have to write long responses; often key words or short phrases are fine. This work is internally focused, so approach it in the manner that is the most helpful to YOU.

    Here's how to begin.

    Take some time to answer the questions, or just jot down some detailed notes for further thought. Complete this exercise now, and you'll gain clarity on those BIG questions, and you'll be ready to make good decisions about the future direction of your marketing—and your business.

    Here are the questions:

    Business Model

    Are you building:

    * An organization (employees, sales force, offices, etc.)?

    * A practice (solo professional, no employees, work from home, etc.)?

    * A project-based consultancy (a loose affiliation of people and resources)?

    * Something that isn't any of these? Jot down your ideas.

    Revenue Model

    How will you make money?

    How much and from what sources?

    Do you want active income?

    * Selling products

    * Selling services

    * Selling expertise

    * Short-term projects (less than 1 month)

    * Medium-term projects (1-3 months)

    * Long-term projects (3 months to 1 year or more)

    Excerpted from DO IT! MARKETING by DAVID NEWMAN. Copyright © 2013 by David Newman. Excerpted by permission of AMACOM.
    All rights reserved. No part of this excerpt may be reproduced or reprinted without permission in writing from the publisher.
    Excerpts are provided by Dial-A-Book Inc. solely for the personal use of visitors to this web site.

    Table of Contents


    PROLOGUE: DOING YOUR BEST IS NOT ENOUGH....................     XIII     

    PART ONE: MARKETING ROCKS....................          

    Introduction....................     2     

    1. Stop Throwing Money into a Marketing Black Hole....................     4     

    2. Determine Who, Then Why—And Your What Comes Last....................     10     

    PART TWO: IT'S ABOUT THEM, REALLY....................          

    3. Who Are You?....................     14     

    4. What Do You Want to Be KNOWN For?....................     16     

    5. Who Are They?....................     19     

    6. Show Up With a Bucket....................     22     

    7. Hula Hoops And Kool Aid....................     23     

    8. Avoid Blah-Blah-Blah Marketing....................     25     

    9. Stop Selling Sugar....................     26     

    10. Visibility + Credibility = Buyability....................     28     

    11. 50 Reasons People Should Buy from You....................     31     

    PART THREE: LEARN TO SPEAK PROSPECT....................          

    12. Build Your Marketing Language Bank....................     38     

    13. Seven Questions to Identify Your Best Buyers....................     41     

    14. Don't Fall into the Same-O Lame-O Trap....................     42     

    15. Zero In on Your Pain/Gain Factors....................     45     

    16. How to Build Your Prospect Phrase Book....................     49     

    17. The Only Three Problems You Can Solve....................     52     

    18. You Solve People Problems....................     54     

    19. You Solve Process Problems....................     56     

    20. You Solve Profit Problems....................     57     

    21. Control Is Priceless....................     59     

    22. Your Buyers Are Lazy, Busy, and Befuddled....................     60     

    23. Clarity Indicates Expertise....................     62     

    PART FOUR: EXPERT POSITIONING....................          

    24. How to Profit from 3PR....................     66     

    25. CEO Speaking ls Your Best Weapon....................     69     

    26. Find Out Which Audiences Pay Off....................     71     

    27. Be Serious....................     74     

    28. Chasing Chum Makes You a Chump....................     78     

    PART FIVE: DOMINATE SOCIAL MEDIA....................          

    29. Create Killer Social Media Scripts....................     82     

    30. Seven Rules for Your E-Mail Signature File....................     87     

    31. The (Real) IDIOT's Guide to Social Media Marketing....................     89     

    32. I: "I, Me, My" Syndrome....................     90     

    33. D: Dumb It Down....................     91     

    34. I: Information Without Invitation....................     93     

    35. O: Overselling....................     97     

    36. T: Talk Without Action....................     101     

    37. S: Short-Term Focus....................     102     

    PART SIX: THE "S" WORD....................          

    38. Sell Like a Girl....................     110     

    39. Your Sales To-Don't List....................     113     

    40. You Don't Need Sales Training....................     120     

    PART SEVEN: GET BETTER LEADS....................          

    41. Market to People Who Are Already Listening....................     124     

    42. Why You DON'T Want to Be in the Book....................     125     

    43. Old Media Is Dead! Long Live Old Media!....................     126     

    44. Nobody Is Going to Steal Your Idea....................     128     

    PART EIGHT: GET BETTER PROSPECTS....................          

    45. Five Reasons You're Getting Referred to Losers—And How to Fix It.......     132     

    46. Build Your Referral Blurb....................     136     

    47. Don't Be a Referral Jackass....................     139     

    48. Work Your Network....................     141     

    49. Why Your Inbound Leads Are a 911 Call....................     147     

    50. Seven Stupid Ways to Blow Up Your Sales Process....................     149     

    51. Five Signs That Your Prospect Is Giving You Too Much BS................     152     

    52. Your Nine-Point Client GPS....................     153     

    53. How Good of a Client Will You Be?....................     155     

    PART NINE: ELIMINATE ROADBLOCKS....................          

    54. RBI Meets CSI....................     158     

    55. Become the Missing Piece....................     161     

    56. Stop Wasting Your Time Following Up....................     164     

    57. Nobody Leaves Hungry....................     172     

    PART TEN: YOUR BUSINESS DNA....................          

    58. Branding Is BS....................     178     

    59. Your Name Supports Everything You Do....................     179     

    60. BMW at One Dollar Over Invoice!....................     181     

    61. You're Competing With Idiots—And They're Winning....................     183     

    62. Diversify While Still Specializing....................     187     

    63. Focus on Strategy, Not Tactics....................     192     

    64. Planning Trumps Passion Every Time!....................     195     

    PART ELEVEN: PERSONAL SUCCESS STRATEGIES....................          

    65. Confidence Is Sexy....................     198     

    66. Charm Is NOT a Four-Letter Word....................     199     

    67. Lone Wolves Starve to Death....................     201     

    68. Live Out of Your Calendar Not Your Inbox....................     202     

    69. Five Ways to Use E-Mail Without Getting Sucked In....................     205     

    70. The Secret Sauce....................     209     

    71. Do WHAT You Love for PEOPLE You Love....................     210     

    PART TWELVE: TAKING ACTION....................          

    72. Five Marketing Moves for Business Success....................     214     

    73. Move Up....................     214     

    74. Move In....................     217     

    75. Move Ahead....................     218     

    76. Move Aside....................     220     

    77. Move Alone....................     221     

    PART THIRTEEN: YOUR 21-DAY MARKETING LAUNCH PLAN....................          

    DAY 1. Who Are YOU?....................     229     

    DAY 2. Who Are THEY?....................     231     

    DAY 3. Develop Your Platform-Building Plan—Part I....................     233     

    DAY 4. Develop Your Platform-Building Plan—Part II....................     236     

    DAY 5. Personal Branding, Domain, and Web Setup....................     242     

    DAY 6. Research and (Re-)set Your Prices....................     244     

    DAY 7. Article Day....................     245     

    DAY 8. Rest Day....................     247     

    DAY 9. Website Setup or Review/Revision....................     247     

    DAY 10. Building Inbound Links....................     248     

    DAY 11. Assembling Your Basic Presentation....................     249     

    DAY 12. Build a Simple Speaker One-Sheet....................     250     

    DAY 13. Find Speaking Leads and Places to Deliver Your Client-Magnet
    Presentation....................     250     

    DAY 14. Ask for AIR (Advice, Insights, Recommendations)....................     251     

    DAY 15. Article Submission Day....................     252     

    DAY 16. Rest Day....................     253     

    DAY 17. Product Development Day....................     253     

    DAY 18. Create Your E-Mail and List-Building Platform....................     255     

    DAY 19. Social Media Day....................     256     

    DAY 20. Map Out Your Organization Chart....................     256     

    DAY 21. You Made It!....................     258     

    Your 21-Day Do It! Marketing Playbook....................     260     

    ACKNOWLEDGMENTS....................     261     

    INDEX....................     265     

    ABOUT THE AUTHOR....................     273     

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    As a small-business owner or solopreneur, you wear many hats—perhaps the most important of which is marketer. But these days, with so many new ways to reach customers and clients and only so much time in the day, it’s hard to know where to start. Should you be using social media? Email? Blogs? Video? SEO? Small-business marketing doesn’t have to be a mystery. It’s just a series of simple decisions (and the action steps to implement those decisions) that will help you regain the clarity, confidence, and control you need to succeed. Do It! Marketing is a quick read and an encouraging kick in the pants that will reignite your marketing mojo. The underlying premise is that “only action creates results.” Packed with do-this-now ideas to attract, engage, and win more customers and clients, this no-nonsense book reveals how to: • Avoid blah, blah, blah marketing • Use magnetic marketing strategies that pull—not push—qualified decision-makers into your world • Get noticed • Position yourself as an expert • Become the obvious choice in your market • Do social media right • Zero in on your customers’ pain/gain factors • Learn to speak their language • Get a steady stream of referrals • Identify and focus on high-payoff activities • Cultivate and leverage enthusiastic advocates • And more Energetic, inspiring, and filled with concrete strategies, tactics, templates, and tools, Do It! Marketing shows you how to stop “marketing by accident” and start outsmarting, out-positioning, and out-executing the competition.

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