Environmental Debt: The Hidden Costs of a Changing Global Economy

    Environmental Debt: The Hidden Costs of a Changing Global Economy

    by Amy Larkin, George Witte (Editor)



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      ISBN-13: 9781137361028
    • Publisher: St. Martin's Press
    • Publication date: 06/25/2013
    • Sold by: Macmillan
    • Format: eBook
    • Pages: 256
    • File size: 4 MB

    Amy Larkin works with multinational corporations on transformative initiatives through her consulting firm Nature Means Business and serves as Vice Chair of the World Economic Forum's Global Agenda Council on Climate Change. She partners with RESOLVE convening discordant parties from business, government, and civil society to revamp public policy so it better serves our 21st-century global economy. For many years, Larkin led Greenpeace Solutions and collaborated on surprising and high-impact corporate technology revolutions for which Greenpeace and several corporations received Harvard's Roy Award for Public/Private Partnerships that protect natural resources. She is a regular contributor to the Guardian Sustainable Business and the chair of Biomimicry NYC.
    Amy Larkin works with multinational corporations on transformative initiatives through her consulting firm Nature Means Business and serves as Vice Chair of the World Economic Forum’s Global Agenda Council on Climate Change. She is the author of Environmental Debt. She partners with RESOLVE convening discordant parties from business, government, and civil society to revamp public policy so it better serves our 21st-century global economy. For many years, Larkin led Greenpeace Solutions and collaborated on surprising and high-impact corporate technology revolutions for which Greenpeace and several corporations received Harvard’s Roy Award for Public/Private Partnerships that protect natural resources. She is a regular contributor to the Guardian Sustainable Business and the chair of Biomimicry NYC.

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    Environmental Debt

    The Hidden Costs of a Changing Global Economy

    By Amy Larkin

    Palgrave Macmillan

    Copyright © 2013 Amy Larkin
    All rights reserved.
    ISBN: 978-1-137-36102-8



    In October 2010, in a dull hotel ballroom in suburban Chicago, a rare combination of individual conviction, corporate fortitude and strange bedfellows moved a group of executives to transform refrigeration in their industry. The leadership of the Consumer Goods Forum (CGF), a group of four hundred of the world's biggest retailers and consumer goods manufacturers, knew that better refrigeration could achieve a 2 percent decrease in the world's greenhouse gas emissions over the next forty years — an amount comparable to annual global air travel.

    So there I was, the keynote speaker at the first CGF Sustainable Refrigeration Summit. As then-solutions director of Greenpeace, I challenged the group to eliminate an exceptionally potent greenhouse gas, hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs), from all cooling technologies by 2015. Coca-Cola, Pepsi and Unilever had been working with Greenpeace and the United Nations Environment Programme for many years to achieve this transition. This was the day we asked the entire consumer goods sector to make the same move. We were all noticeably nervous.

    Several companies shared their own success stories and assured the group that it was a reachable goal, but others expressed concerns about the costs of transitioning to natural refrigerants. They doubted that a 2015 deadline was attainable. Fortunately, there was also a palpable feeling in the room that we could find a way to do something extraordinary together. And then at 4:00 p.m., nearing the end of the day, the meeting leader asked a vice president from a multinational retailer, "You'll do this, right?" The VP's face lost all color while he imagined what it would take to achieve this audacious goal. But before responding, he looked at his biggest competitor and asked, "You're gonna do this?" She nodded her head, and then the first VP, still looking shocked, answered, "Yes, we'll support this resolution."

    That day, the Refrigeration Subcommittee recommended to the full CGF board that the organization resolve to replace old cooling chemicals (HFCs) with natural refrigerants starting in 2015. I figured that board approval would take about six months — this was a radical step, and the board members were the chief executives of fifty of the world's largest corporations.

    Nope. Muhtar Kent, the co-chair of the CGF (and CEO of Coca-Cola), wanted to announce the resolution at the United Nations Climate talks in Cancun, exactly one month later.

    And he did.

    Nothing except for nature can transform the world as swiftly as can business — for better or for worse. Indeed, the two concurrent crises in the news virtually every day are global financial turmoil and escalating environmental uncertainty. All business, all economies, all living and man-made systems depend on nature. Growing an economy that destabilizes nature is just plain foolhardy. That's why, in this book, I offer a comprehensive framework to connect the causes and solutions of these crises — the Nature Means Business (NMB) Framework.


    There is a change in the weather. And not just from climate change. The environmental news has become so consistently terrible that its effects on business are now undeniable, unpredictable and damned expensive. In multinational boardrooms and executive suites across the world, attitudes toward environmental needs and responsibilities are changing as environmental problems start to derail corporate success — even survival.

    Such shifts directly conflict with every corporation's strong imperative to cut costs in the short term. If a company invests heavily in dramatic changes that will secure its environmental and fiscal future, it is likely to endure some lousy quarterly earnings. This is because today's rules and regulations encourage businesses to separate long- and short-term choices. Investing in new green technology and systems costs a lot on the front end, and the resulting savings might not materialize for many years. These savings have countless long-term benefits, including protecting a company's current position amid changing regulations, propelling a company into a new market position, securing more predictable costs and revenues and protecting the environment. But at the moment, stock market pressures and job security usually collude firmly on the side of quarterly earnings.

    Logically, if today's actions cause grave environmental consequences in the future, then they should not be logged as quarterly profits — not now, not ever. In fact, they should be logged instead as environmental debt. The term "environmental debt" is defined as polluting and/or damaging actions that will cost other parties (people, businesses or governments) real money in the future. And just like any other debt, at some point the bill will come due.

    We often overlook the fact that a toxic natural world threatens personal health as well as corporate health. From the stratosphere where satellites roam, to the kitchen sink where we wash the dishes, money and nature are always interconnected.

    Until we connect the profitability of business with the survival of the natural world, we will not be able to balance real profits with real losses. This book is a guide to help recalibrate and reconfigure financial choices in the public, private and individual sectors — in government, business and personal responsibility.

    Despite the current mania for cost cutting and deregulation, it is evident that business rules and standards must protect the world that business inhabits. The old rules are failing us miserably in this regard. Companies are learning the hard way that the environmental landscape factors into virtually every financial and commercial transaction. Extreme weather in Pakistan, Ukraine and Brazil spikes the cost and curtails the availability worldwide of cotton, wheat and soy, respectively. And during the summer 2012 drought, Canadian farmers earned more money from their solar installations than from their stunted, dry corn.


    In the twentieth century, most business functioned as if there were no limits on natural resources. Just as many governments accrued financial debt that will fall onto future generations, most big businesses profited at the expense of the environment. This no longer works, not for business, not for society at large and not for you and me. However seductive it is to enjoy the short-term financial benefits and phenomenal convenience and pleasure that come with this huge environmental debt, it is as financially wise as sending a teenager to a mall with a credit card.

    In the twenty-first century, governments are already agonizing under the weight of financial debt. This will only get worse as water shortages, extreme weather, and industrial and agricultural toxic spills increase the pressure on public spending.

    But there is a way out of this. In fact, as you will see throughout this book, many businesses are working with rivals to improve and align environmental and financial performance. It is time for good policy to incentivize more companies to move in this direction and for consumers to put our money where our mouths are.

    "There must be some way out of here," said the joker to the thief.
    "There's too much confusion, I can't get no relief.
    Businessmen, they drink my wine, plowmen dig my earth,
    None of them along the line know what any of it is worth."

    — Bob Dylan, "All Along the Watchtower"

    Twentieth-Century Business Rules Use Incomplete Metrics to Measure Performance

    1. Pollution is largely free to the polluter.

    2. Earnings statements do not include long-term financial, economic and social impacts.

    3. Governments subsidize business with no concern for environmental impact.

    This model no longer works. Here's what can.

    The Nature Means Business (NMB) Framework

    1. Pollution can no longer be free and can no longer be subsidized.

    2. The long view must guide all decision making and accounting.

    3. Government plays a vital role in catalyzing clean technology and growth while preventing environmental destruction.


    As Erin Brockovich memorably says in the movie that bears her name: "They dream about being able to watch their kids swim in a pool without worrying that they'll have to have a hysterectomy at the age of twenty. Like Rosa Diaz, a client of ours. Or have their spine deteriorate, like Stan Blume, another client of ours. So before you come back here with another lame-ass offer, I want you to think real hard about what your spine is worth, Mr. Walker. Or what you might expect someone to pay you for your uterus, Ms. Sanchez. Then you take out your calculator and you multiply that number by a hundred. Anything less than that is a waste of our time."

    1. Pollution Can No Longer Be Free and Can No Longer Be Subsidized

    We take for granted that government debt can destabilize economies and that individual debt can be a step on the road to ruin. Yet pollution cripples our economy daily with debt that is hidden in plain sight. A polluter is allowed to shift the environmental cost of its actions to other parties, so goods and services appear cheaper than their true cost. This pollution can be as abstract as where your electricity comes from or as down-to-earth as how you maintain your garden and diet.

    In 2011, Harvard's Institute for Global Health and the Environment released a study showing that just in the United States, the unreported life cycle costs of coal are between $350 and $500 billion a year. These hundreds of billions of dollars represent actual bills paid by unwitting families, fisheries, businesses, schools, municipal water systems and health-care providers as well as the victims of asthma, black lung and other medical problems. So, despite conventional wisdom, coal is not a cheap energy. Its price is cheap only because it is subsidized by its own victims.

    An equally vexatious problem is much closer to home. Pesticides are everywhere — in our gardens, refrigerators, even our cosmetics. In 2007, the College of Family Physicians of Canada published a peer-reviewed survey of the scientific literature on the relationship between pesticides and cancer. It is sobering reading, especially concerning the dangers to children. Pesticides were linked to increased rates of leukemia, brain cancer and non-Hodgkin's lymphoma. Other cancers are strongly suspected to have links to pesticide exposure as well. The study says: "Increased rates of all types of leukemia were found in children whose parents used insecticides in the garden and on indoor plants and whose mothers had been exposed while pregnant." Statistics are similar for other cancers. The extra cost of organic products does not feel so unreasonable when one considers that pesticide-laden agriculture achieves its large yields and cheap costs by incurring this kind of environmental debt.

    Right now, pesticide manufacturers are not paying the health-care costs of those afflicted with medical problems triggered by their products. Other businesses, taxpayers and health-care systems are. Just as with coal, the pesticide industry is subsidized by its own victims.


    Long-term impact is explained in Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home:

    mr. spock: To hunt a species to extinction is not logical.

    captain kirk: Ironic. When man was killing these creatures he was destroying his own future.

    2. The Long View Must Guide All Decision Making and Accounting

    The inability of the financial industry to correctly calculate risk is now well documented and broadly understood. The global economic meltdown between 2007 and 2009 was caused by individuals and companies reaching for short-term profits while ignoring long-term value. In 2010, when Wall Street rewarded its workers with $90 billion of legal bonuses, people from all walks of life began to question the rules and the definition of "profits." The Wall Street bonus structure rewarded those who delivered short-term profits rather than long-term value. Virtually all of us agree that this reward structure is warped.

    But we haven't yet connected environmental actions from the past with the costs and suffering they cause today. Old logging regimes from decades ago in far-off lands can harm us today while washing our hands with advanced chemicals may diminish whole ecosystems decades from now.

    Remember the catastrophic 2011 floods in Thailand? They were the result of heavy rains coupled with deforestation that occurred throughout the twentieth century. Although the Thai government banned all commercial logging in 1989, the damage was largely already done. Deforestation continued after the ban due to a combination of corrupt officials, agricultural needs and industrial demands. By 2011, the massive deforestation had degraded Thailand's topsoil, and without enough trees, the ground was unable to soak up water at a rate that would have contained the destruction. Local Thai factories that produced car parts were closed for months. These closures caused shortages for Toyota and Honda, and both companies were forced to suspend manufacturing in Kentucky, Singapore and the Philippines. Toyota alone lost production of 260,000 vehicles (3.4 percent of its previous annual output), and tens of thousands of workers lost their jobs. This logging from the twentieth century caused financial havoc around the world in 2011, a good twenty years after much of it occurred.

    An example of latent consequences in our kitchens and bathrooms is the explosion of products used for antibacterial cleaning, such as soaps, toothpaste and personal care products. Many of these ubiquitous products contain triclosan, a compound that can cause mild problems, such as skin irritation and allergies, in some people. It can also cause long-term, ecosystem-altering problems, such as endocrine disruption that affects wildlife, humans and the aquatic ecosystem. What's more, these products encourage the buildup of antibiotic resistance, which leads to the evolution of superbugs. This will fundamentally alter modern medicine's very ability to treat infection. Whoa ... think twice before using hand sanitizer; after all, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration states that regular soap and water (or alcohol) will do the same job.

    Leading scientific and medical institutions have published findings in the last decade showing that triclosan exposure at low levels causes thyroid disruption in frogs. Human and frog thyroid signaling systems are nearly identical. Triclosan can cause reproductive problems that harm local fisheries. No safe level has been established, and the questions only get more troubling as these products proliferate.

    Triclosan is now banned in household products in Canada, and the European Union is attempting to do the same. Businesses built on strong antibacterial product lines have plenty to worry about.

    Globalization is not just a buzzword. No industry is local anymore, and neither is any environmental problem. And as important, no industry's impact is limited to its present-day activities.

    3. Government Plays a Vital Role in Catalyzing Clean Technology and Growth while Preventing Environmental Destruction

    Government built and still maintains the infrastructure for twentieth-century electricity, transportation, communications, water and sanitation. After World War II, the United States even helped Europe rebuild its infrastructure through the Marshall Plan, understanding that a functioning Europe was necessary for U.S. financial growth and security. But today in the United States, there is huge public pressure to eliminate spending for basic infrastructure, even though ours currently receives an overall grade of "D" from the American Society of Civil Engineers.

    Safe and efficient infrastructure is imperative for an economy to grow, and governments use current tax dollars or incur debt by floating bonds to pay for it. Upgrading systems that benefit all of society, including business, is a good reason to incur debt. In the 1950s, when the United States built an extensive interstate highway system and developed facilities and technology for air travel, commerce, tourism and trade, all grew exponentially. Twenty-first-century clean energy infrastructure, energy efficiency upgrades and low-intensive agriculture are both the solution to the current employment crisis and the best way to lower our environmental debt.

    Perhaps the government-funded infrastructure we most take for granted today is Internet technology. It was first developed by the Department of Defense in the 1960s and 1970s and then catapulted to its full potential by the High Performance Computing Act of 1991, sponsored by then-Senator Al Gore. This is where the joke about Al Gore inventing the Internet comes from — he actually deserves tremendous credit for championing this bill, which was the funding cornerstone of the information superhighway.

    Before launching Netscape, Marc Andreessen, the coauthor of the first Web browser, said: "If it had been left to private industry, it wouldn't have happened, at least, not until years later." Today, globally, Internet infrastructure is built with a combination of public and private money. Neither can do it alone.


    Excerpted from Environmental Debt by Amy Larkin. Copyright © 2013 Amy Larkin. Excerpted by permission of Palgrave Macmillan.
    All rights reserved. No part of this excerpt may be reproduced or reprinted without permission in writing from the publisher.
    Excerpts are provided by Dial-A-Book Inc. solely for the personal use of visitors to this web site.

    Table of Contents

    Table of Contents
    Chapter One: A Framework for 21st Century Commerce
    Chapter Two: Environmental Debt
    Chapter Three: The Quest for True Profits
    Chapter Four: Courage: High Risk, High Reward
    Chapter Five: Moving Beyond Fossil Fuels
    Chapter Six: Extreme Weather and the Food/Water/Energy Nexus
    Chapter Seven: The Cutting Edge of Innovation
    Chapter Eight: Why Don't We?

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    An award-winning environmental activist and social entrepreneur exposes the link between our financial and environmental crises

    For decades, politicians and business leaders alike told the American public that today's challenge was growing the economy, and that environmental protection could be left to future generations. Now in the wake of billions of dollars in costs associated with coastal devastation from Hurricane Sandy, rampant wildfires across the West, and groundwater contamination from reckless drilling, it's becoming increasingly clear that yesterday's carefree attitude about the environment has morphed into a fiscal crisis of epic proportions.

    Amy Larkin has been at the forefront of the fight for the environment for years, and in Environmental Debt she argues that the costs of global warming, extreme weather, pollution and other forms of "environmental debt" are wreaking havoc on the economy. Synthesizing complex ideas, she pulls back the curtain on some of the biggest cultural touchstones of the environmental debate, revealing how, for instance, despite coal's relative fame as a "cheap" energy source, ordinary Americans pay $350 billion a year for coal's damage in business related expenses, polluted watersheds, and in healthcare costs. And the problem stretches far beyond our borders: deforestation from twenty years ago in Thailand caused catastrophic flooding in 2011, and cost Toyota 3.4 percent of its annual production while causing tens of thousands of workers to lose jobs in three different countries.

    To combat these trends, Larkin proposes a new framework for 21st century commerce, based on three principles: 1) Pollution can no longer be free; 2) All business decision making and accounting must incorporate the long view; and 3) Government must play a vital role in catalyzing clean technology and growth while preventing environmental destruction. As companies and nations struggle to strategize in the face of global financial debt, many businesses have begun to recognize the causal relationship between a degraded environment and a degraded bottom line. Profiling the multinational corporations that are transforming their operations with downright radical initiatives, Larkin presents smart policy choices that would actually unleash these business solutions to many global financial and environmental problems.
    Provocative and hard-hitting, Environmental Debt sweeps aside the false choices of today's environmental debate, and shows how to revitalize the economy through nature's bounty.

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    Publishers Weekly
    Is corporate America ready for some tough love from Greenpeace? Award-winning environmental activist Larkin, business advisor for Greenpeace International, and former director of Greenpeace Solutions, wants to connect business profitability with the survival of the natural world rather than its destruction. For anyone interested in environmental and economic policy, this is a fascinating, provocative book. Brisk, bold, and blunt, Larkin is a devastating critic of current business practices, but she wants to inspire, not scold. Her profiles in corporate courage include Unilever, which lobbies for stronger government regulation, and Puma, the “ to create an integrated report that converted environmental into monetary terms,” as well as some unlikely heroes, such as McDonald’s, Wal-Mart, and former California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger, who inspired the California Solar Initiative with his call for the creation of a million solar roofs in the state by 2016. Some good news: renewable energy is a true job creator. The ultimate renewable energy source Larkin celebrates is the power of thoughtful people with a common goal. In the words of McDonald’s vice-president for corporate responsibility, “Odd couples can add out-of-the-box thinking that leads to innovative win-win scenarios.” Agent: Laura Yorke, Carol Mann Agency. (June)
    From the Publisher

    “For anyone interested in environmental and economic policy, this is a fascinating, provocative book. Brisk, bold, and blunt, Larkin is a devastating critic of current business practices, but she wants to inspire, not scold.” —Publishers Weekly

    Environmental Debt expertly connects the two big systems we all depend on -- financial and ecological -- and shows that they're completely intertwined -- one cannot succeed without the other. Larkin is uniquely positioned to bridge the gap and map out a plan to make both systems stronger.” —Andrew Winston, coauthor of Green to Gold

    “Humankind's days of pillaging the earth for its resources are over. Today, a new strategy is needed if the global economy is to survive. Larkin's three guiding principles for 21st century commerce are required reading for anyone invested in a thriving business landscape as well as a healthy environment.” —Kumi Naidoo, Executive Director, Greenpeace International

    “Amy Larkin sounds the alarm of the coming economic crisis and calls for urgent actions to repair our relationship with nature. A committed environmentalist, she also knows firsthand how the business world gets real work done, and argues for pragmatism and common sense to undo environmental harm and re-make the future. As a business person and industrialist my entire career, I support Environmental Debt as part of an inclusive and well-rounded roadmap to make the world a better place.” —John Hofmeister, retired President Shell Oil Company, founder/CEO Citizens for Affordable Energy, and author of Why We Hate the Oil Companies

    “This book has an important message--pollution is not free. If the polluters do not pay the cost, others do in the form of increases in health costs, loss of property values, higher insurance rates and damages to crops, materials and public infrastructure. As fossil fuel consumption grows, these costs will mount. Regardless of one's political bent or world view, one cannot ignore Amy Larkin's powerful premise that putting a price on pollution--both carbon and conventional--will dramatically accelerate the transition to the cleaner energy systems that our world will need in the decades ahead.” —Henry Lee is the Jassim M. Jaidah Family Director of the Environment and Natural Resources Program within the Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs at Harvard's John F. Kennedy School of Government

    “Larkin offers a comprehensive framework to connect the causes of these crises to ensure businesses are not derailed by environmental problems.” —The Irish Times

    Henry Lee is the Jassim M. Jaidah Family Director of the Environment and Natural Resources Program w

    This book has an important message--pollution is not free. If the polluters do not pay the cost, others do in the form of increases in health costs, loss of property values, higher insurance rates and damages to crops, materials and public infrastructure. As fossil fuel consumption grows, these costs will mount. Regardless of one's political bent or world view, one cannot ignore Amy Larkin's powerful premise that putting a price on pollution--both carbon and conventional--will dramatically accelerate the transition to the cleaner energy systems that our world will need in the decades ahead.
    Kirkus Reviews
    A mostly cleareyed look at how taking environmental concerns into account is good business. Greenpeace veteran and environmental activist Larkin tenders a highly optimistic combination of her love for the natural world with an admiration for the dynamism and effectiveness of business, in particular, how to tame the near-unlimited influence of profit to guide our future relationship with the Earth. We must rewire the economy to connect financial and environmental debt, "defined as polluting and/or damaging actions that will cost other parties (people, businesses or governments) real money in the future"--e.g., the effect of global warming spiking the costs of cotton, wheat and soybeans, or the real cost of coal once the various health issues are figured into the equation. Larkin proposes a framework of action she calls "nature means business. Pollution must not be free or subsidized, and government must pay a vital--and even regulatory--role to catalyze technological answers and prevent environmental destruction. The author explores some surprising nexuses between environmental activists and their corporate counterparts--McDonald's, Unilever, Wal-Mart, Tiffany--where forward-thinking executives saw their best interests served by environmental responsibility. Occasionally, Larkin's enthusiasm gets the better of her argument--"Nothing except nature can transform the world as swiftly as can business"--and even the most ardent greenhouse gas advocate appreciates that we do not have enough understanding of climate and meteorology to state that, "Today's extreme weather is caused by greenhouse gas emissions." Such comments undermine her authority, as does her vested interest in biomimicry and the tired cheerleading of such proclamations as, "This is our chance to create a new paradigm." Generally frank and well-meaning but also boosterish and not always tight in its arguments.

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