Everwild (Skinjacker Trilogy Series #2)

    Everwild (Skinjacker Trilogy Series #2)

    4.5 141

    by Neal Shusterman



    Customer Reviews

    Neal Shusterman is the New York Times bestselling author of more than thirty award-winning books for children, teens, and adults, including The Unwind Dystology, The Skinjacker trilogy, Downsiders, and Challenger Deep, which won the National Book Award. Scythe, the first book in his newest series Arc of a Scythe, is a Michael L. Printz Honor Book. He also writes screenplays for motion pictures and television shows. The father of four children, Neal lives in California. Visit him at Storyman.com and Facebook.com/NealShusterman.

    Read an Excerpt

    Fresh Havoc

    There were rumors.

    Of terrible things, of wonderful things, of events too immense to keep to oneself, and so they were quietly shared from soul to soul, one Afterlight to another, until every Afterlight in Everlost had heard them.

    There was the rumor of a beautiful sky witch, who soared across the heavens in a great silver balloon. And there were whispers of a terrible ogre made entirely of chocolate, who lured unsuspecting souls with that rich promising smell, only to cast them down a bottomless pit from which there was no return.

    In a world where memories bleach clean from the fabric of time, rumors become more important than that which is actually known. They are the life's blood of the bloodless world that lies between life and death.

    On a day much like any other in Everlost, one boy was about to find out if those rumors were true.

    His name is unimportant — so unimportant that he himself had forgotten it — and less important still, because in a brief time he will be gone forever.

    He had died about two years earlier, and, having lost his way to the light, he slept for nine months, then had woken up in Everlost. The boy was a wanderer, solitary and silent, hiding from others who crossed his path, for fear of what they might do to him. Without camaraderie and friendship to remind him who he was, he forgot his identity more quickly than most.

    On the occasions that he did come across packs of other Afterlight kids, he would listen to them from his hiding spot as they shared with each other the rumors of monsters, so he knew as well as any other Afterlight what lay in store for the unwary.

    When the boy had first crossed into Everlost, his wanderings had a purpose. He had begun in search of answers, but now he had even forgotten the questions. All that remained was an urge to keep moving, resting only when he came across a deadspot — a solid, bright patch of earth that had, like him, crossed into Everlost. He had learned very quickly that deadspots were unlike the faded, unfocused world of the living, where every footfall pulled you ankle-deep, and threatened to take you all the way down to the center of the earth if you stood still for too long.

    On this day, his wanderings had brought him to a field full of deadspots — he had never seen so many in one place...but what really caught his attention was the bucket of popcorn. It just sat there on a deadspot, beside a huge Everlost tree, like it had no better place to be.

    Somehow, the popcorn had crossed over!

    The dead boy had not had the luxury of food since arriving in Everlost — and just because he didn't need to eat anymore, it didn't mean the cravings ended — so how could he resist that popcorn? It was the largest size, too — the kind you order with big eyes in the movie theater, but can never finish. Even now the corn inside glistened with butter. It seemed too good to be true!

    Turns out, it was.

    As he stepped onto the deadspot and reached for the tub, he felt a trip wire against his ankle, and in an instant a net pulled up around him, lifting him off the ground. Only after he was fully snared within the net did he realize his mistake.

    He had heard of the monster that called itself the McGill, and his soul traps — but he had also heard that the McGill had traveled far away, and was now wreaking fresh havoc across the Atlantic Ocean. So then, who had set this trap? And why?

    He struggled to free himself, but it was no use — his only consolation was that the bucket of popcorn was trapped in the net with him, and although half of its contents had spilled onto the ground, half still remained. He savored every single kernel, and when he was done, he waited, and he waited. Day became night, became day over and over, until he lost track of time, and he began to fear that his eternity would be spent strung up in this net.... Until he finally heard a faint droning sound — some sort of engine approaching from the north. The sound was echoed from the south — but then, as both sounds grew louder, he realized it wasn't an echo at all. The sounds were different. He was being approached on two sides.

    Were these other Afterlights coming for him, or were they monsters? Would he be freed, or would he become the victim of fresh havoc himself? The faint memory of a heart pounded in his ghostly chest, and as the whine of engines grew louder, he waited to see who would reach him first.

    Copyright © 2009 by Neal Shusterman

    The View on High

    Miss Mary, one of our lookouts spotted a trap that's sprung."

    "Excellent news! Tell Speedo to bring us down close, but not too close — we don't want to frighten our new friend."

    Mary Hightower was in her element this far from the ground. Not so high as the living flew, where even the clouds were so far below, they seemed painted on the earth, but here, in that gap between earth and the heavens, is where she felt at home. She was queen of the Hindenburg, and she liked that just fine. The massive silver airship — the largest zeppelin ever built — had gone up in a ball of flames way back in 1937, leaving the living world and crossing into Everlost. Mary, who believed all things happened for a reason, knew why it had exploded: It had crossed into Everlost for her.

    The Starboard Promenade, which ran the full length of the passenger compartment, was her plush personal retreat, and her center of operations. Its downward-slanted windows gave her a dramatic view of the ground below: the washed-out hues of the living world, speckled with features both man-made and natural that stood out more boldly than the rest. Those were the places that had crossed into Everlost. Trees and fields, buildings and roads. While Afterlights could still see the living world, it was blurred and faded. Only things and places that had crossed into Everlost appeared bright and in sharp focus. Mary estimated that one in a hundred things that died or were destroyed crossed into Everlost. The universe was very selective in what it chose to keep.

    Only now, as she spent her days riding the skies, did she realize she had stayed put for way too long. She had missed so much up in her towers — but then the towers were a citadel against her brother, Mikey — the monster who called himself the McGill. Mikey had been defeated. He was harmless now. And now Mary no longer had to wait for Afterlights to find her. She could go out and find them herself.

    "Why are you always looking out of those windows?" Speedo would ask her, when he took a break from piloting the airship. "What do you see?"

    "A world of ghosts," she would tell him. Speedo had no idea that the ghosts she spoke of were the so-called living. How insubstantial that world was. Nothing in it lasted, not places, not people. It was a world full of pointless pursuits that always ended the same way. A tunnel, and surrender. Well, not always, she thought happily. Not for everyone.

    "I'd still rather be alive," Speedo would say whenever she spoke of how blessed they were to be here in Everlost.

    "If I had lived," Mary would remind him, "I'd be long dead by now...and you'd probably be a fat, bald accountant."

    Then Speedo would look at his slight physique, dripping wet — always dripping wet in the bathing suit he died in — to reassure himself that he'd never have grown fat and bald, had he lived. But Mary knew better. Adulthood can do the most horrific things to the best of people. Mary much preferred being fifteen forever.

    Mary took a moment to gather herself and prepare to greet the new arrival. She would do it personally. It was her way, and it was the least she could do. She would be the first out of the ship — a slender figure in a plush green velvet dress, and with a perfect fall of copper hair, descending the ramp from the impossibly huge hydrogen airship. This is how it was done. With class, with style. The personal touch. All new arrivals would know from the first moment they met her that she loved each and every child in her care and they were safe under her capable protection.

    As she left the Starboard Promenade, she passed other children in the common areas of the ship. She had collected forty-seven of them. In her days at the towers, there had been many, many more — but Nick had taken them from her. He had betrayed her, handing each of her children the key to their own undoing. He had placed a coin in each of their hands. The coins! Those horrid little reminders that a true death did await all of them if they were foolish enough to seek it — and just because there was a light at the end of the tunnel, it didn't mean it was something to be desired. Not the way Mary saw it. Heaven might shine bright, but so do flames.

    As the ship descended, Mary went to the control car — the ship's bridge which hung from the belly of the giant craft. From there she would have the best view as they descended.

    "We should touch down in a few minutes," Speedo told her, as he intently piloted the sleek silver beast. He was one of the few Afterlights to refuse to take a coin on the day Nick betrayed her. That had earned him a special place. A position of trust and responsibility.

    "Look at that field." Speedo pointed it out. "Do you see all those deadspots?"

    From the air it looked like a hundred random polka dots on the ground.

    "There must have been a battle here once," Mary suggested. "Perhaps the Revolutionary War."

    There was one Everlost tree, standing on its own deadspot. "The trap is in that tree," Speedo told her as they neared the ground.

    It was a grand tree, its leaves full of rich reds and yellows, set apart from the greener summertime trees of the living world. For this tree it would always be the early days of fall, but the leaves would never drop from its branches. Mary wondered what had caused it to cross over. Perhaps lovers had carved their initials in it, and then it was struck by lightning. Perhaps it was planted in someone's memory, but was then cut down. Or maybe it simply soaked up the blood of a fallen soldier, and died years later in a drought. For whatever reason, the tree didn't die entirely. Instead it crossed into Everlost, like so many things that the universe saw fit to preserve.

    The foliage of the tree was so dense, they couldn't see the trap, even after they had touched down.

    "I'll go first," Mary said. "But I'd like you to come too. I'll need you to free our new friend from the net."

    "Of course, Miss Mary." Speedo smiled a smile that was slightly too large for his face.

    The ramp was lowered, and Mary stepped from the airship to the earth, keeping the grace of her stride even as her feet sank almost to her ankles in the living world with each step.

    But as she got closer to the tree, she saw that something was terribly, terribly wrong. The net had been taken down, and there was no Afterlight inside. All that remained was the empty popcorn tub on the ground — the bait she had left, just as her brother used to — but while the McGill offered his captives slavery, Mary offered them freedom. Or at least her definition of it. But there was no Afterlight in the net to receive her gift today.

    "Musta gotten out," Speedo said as he came up behind her.

    Mary shook her head. "No one gets out of these nets."

    And then a scent came to her from the tree. It was a sweet, heady aroma that filled her with a rich blend of love, swirled with loathing.

    The aroma was coming from a brown handprint on the trunk of the tree. A handprint left there to mock her.

    "Is that dried blood?" Speedo asked.

    "No," she told him, maintaining her poise in spite of the fury that raged within her. "It's chocolate."

    Copyright © 2009 by Neal Shusterman

    Audience with an Ogre

    It was an old steam engine, forged and destroyed in the nineteenth century, but so well-loved by its conductor that it earned a place in Everlost. Of course it could travel only on tracks that no longer existed. Such were the inconveniences of life after life.

    A kid with hands much too large for his body, and with a cigarette that never went out dangling from his lip, had freed the boy from Mary's net. Now he gripped the kid's arm a little too hard as he moved him through fields and woods toward the waiting train.

    "Whose train is it?" The boy asked in a panic, "What's gonna happen to me?"

    "Don't ask stupid questions," said the kid with big hands, "or I'll send you down soon as look at you, I swear I will." Then he pushed the boy up the steps and into a parlor car.

    The smell hit him right away.

    "Oh, no! No!"

    As wonderful as that chocolate smell was, it could only mean one thing. The rumors were true, and he was doomed.

    At the other end of the car sat a figure wearing a tie and a white shirt, although the shirt had become stained with countless brown smudges. So was the rich red carpet. So were the red velvet chairs.

    "Don't be afraid," the Chocolate Ogre said — which was always what monsters said when you really should be afraid.

    Light poured in from the windows into the frightened boy's eyes, so he couldn't see the face of the ogre clearly, but then the ogre stood and came into the light. All at once everything became clear.

    It was as if someone had dipped the entire left half of his face in a fudge bucket. It seemed to ooze right out of his pores — even the color of his left eye had gone chocolate-brown. It was the other half of his face that was the more surprising, for that half did not look monstrous at all. In fact the right side of his face looked like that of an ordinary fifteen-year-old boy.

    "Let me go," the terrified Afterlight begged. "I'll do anything you want, just let me go."

    "I will," said the Chocolate Ogre. "Even better than letting you go, I'll send you on your way."

    That did not sound good, and the boy waited for the bottomless pit to open beneath his feet. But that didn't happen.

    "What's your name?" the ogre asked.

    It was something the boy had not thought about for a long time. "I'm...me."

    The Chocolate Ogre nodded. "You can't remember. That's okay." Then the ogre held out his hand to shake. "I'm Nick."

    The boy looked at the ogre's hand, and didn't know how to respond. It was much cleaner than the other one, which was totally covered in chocolate — but still even his "clean" hand had plenty of stains, probably from touching all the other chocolate-splattered things on the train.

    "What's the matter? You didn't expect the 'Chocolate Ogre,' to actually have a name?" His smile made chocolate drip from his cheek and to the darkly stained carpet.

    Then the big-handed kid, still standing behind the boy, nudged his shoulder hard. "Shake his hand — you're being rude!"

    The boy did as he was told — he shook the ogre's hand, and when he brought his hand back, there was chocolate on it. Even in his fear, that chocolate on his hand looked better to him than the popcorn had.

    As if reading his mind, the ogre said, "Go ahead — it's real, and it's just as good as when you were alive."

    And although the boy sensed this was a trick — that maybe it was somehow poisoned, or worse — he raised his fingers to his lips, and licked the chocolate off. The ogre was right — it was real and it was good.

    The ogre pointed to his face. "The only good thing about it is that I get to share."

    "And it's milk chocolate today," said the kid with big hands. "You must be in a good mood."

    The Chocolate Ogre shrugged. "Any day I save someone from Mary is a good day."

    This monster was being far too friendly. The boy would have much preferred a fiery temper. At least then he would have known exactly where he stood.

    "What are you going to do to me?" he asked.

    "I'm not going to do anything. The question is, what are you going to do?" He folded his arms. "You crossed over with a coin. Do you remember what happened to it?"

    The boy shrugged. "It was just a slug," he said. "I threw it away."

    Then the Chocolate Ogre reached into a rusty gray bucket. "Hmm...looks like I found it." He pulled a coin out of the bucket and held it out to the boy. "Take it." And when he hesitated, the big-handed kid behind him nudged him again.

    The boy took the coin. It did look much like the slug he had tossed when he first arrived.

    "Tell me how it feels in your hand," the ogre said.

    "It feels warm."

    The ogre smiled. "Good. Very good. Now you have a choice. You can keep holding it in your hand...or you can put it into your pocket, and save it for another time."

    "What happens if I hold it?"

    "I really don't know. Maybe you can tell me."

    And although the boy had not been this frightened since his first days in Everlost, there was a certain comfort coming from the coin itself. It filled his hand with a relaxing warmth — a sense of peace that was already radiating from his hand to his arm, to his entire spirit. His afterglow — the faint aura of light that every Afterlight radiated — seemed to grow brighter.

    Before he could change his mind, he closed his fist on the coin which grew ever warmer in his hand, and in a moment, space itself seemed to split before him, revealing a tunnel. Its walls were blacker than black, but at some impossible distance ahead was a light, as bright as the walls were dark. Why, this wasn't a bottomless pit at all! He had seen this before! Yes! He had seen it the very moment he —

    " — Jason!" he shouted joyfully. "My name is Jason!"

    The ogre nodded. "Have a safe trip, Jason."

    He wanted to thank the Chocolate Ogre, but he found he was already too far away, shooting down the tunnel, finally on his way to where he was going.

    A rainbow sparkling of light, a shimmer in the air like heat on a summer road, and the boy was gone.

    "They never tell what they see," complained Johnnie-O, cracking his oversized knuckles. "You'd think at least one of them would."

    "If you really want to know what they see," said Nick, "then take a coin yourself."

    Johnnie-O shifted his shoulders uncomfortably. "Naah," he said, "I'm not done makin' your life miserable."

    Nick had to laugh. With all of Johnnie-O's tough-guy attitude, he had turned out to be a solid friend. Of course it hadn't started that way. Johnnie-O was none too happy when Nick showed up with his magic bucket of coins. That bucket, like the fortune cookies, like the coins themselves, were a gift from the unknown places beyond the tunnel — because the bucket was never empty as long as there was a soul who needed a coin. Nick thought he'd have to search far and wide for those coins, and the fact that the bucket would refill itself the moment no one was looking was a sign to Nick that he was doing the right thing.

    Johnnie-O had watched as every member of his gang took a coin, and completed their journey out of Everlost. Why Johnnie-O didn't use his own coin is something only he could know — Nick never asked him why — such a decision was too personal to ever question.

    "I'll send you down!" Johnnie-O had screamed the day his gang took their coins and disappeared. "Even if I gotta go down to the center of the earth with you, I'll send you down!" And he had almost done it too. He and Nick had fought and struggled until both were chest deep in the earth. But when Johnnie-O realized he really would go down along with Nick, he backed off, pulled himself out, and let Nick pull himself out as well.

    Nick liked to think that, in the end, Johnnie-O realized that giving those kids a ticket out of Everlost was the right thing to do. Nick liked to think Johnnie-O respected him for it. Of course Johnnie-O would never admit that aloud, but the fact that he stayed with Nick, and helped him in his own intimidating way, was proof enough for Nick.

    With the boy dispatched to his destination, Nick went up to the train's engine, where a nine-year-old who called himself Choo-choo Charlie stoked the boiler and studied a map that he had drawn himself. Aside from Charlie's map, no one had ever made a record of Everlost's rail lines.

    "D'ya think Mary would put my map in one of her books?" Charlie asked.

    "Mary won't put anything in her books that doesn't help Mary," Nick told him. "You'd probably have to draw a map where all roads lead to her."

    Charlie laughed. "Most of 'em kinda do," he said. "She's got her fingers in everything." Then he got a little quiet. A little scared, maybe. "D'ya think she knows I'm helping you?"

    "She'll forgive you," Nick said. "She prides herself on how forgiving she is. She'd even forgive me if I gave up my 'evil ways.' Anyway, you're not 'helping me' — I've hired you, and business is business, right?"

    Then Nick handed Charlie a mug full of chocolate. Payment for his services.

    "Someday I'm gonna get tired of this stuff," Charlie warned.

    "Well," said Nick, "it's all I've got to give."

    Charlie shrugged it off. "No worries. I can always trade it for something else."

    He was right about that. As awful as Nick's affliction was, in Everlost dripping chocolate was like dripping gold. It was his bad luck to die at fourteen with a chocolate smudge on his face, and as he forgot more and more of his life on earth, that little smudge spread. In Everlost, we are what we remember, Mary had once told him. So why did he have to remember that stupid chocolate stain?

    Allie — who had died in the same accident as Nick — had never laughed at Nick because of it. And when other kids in Mary's domain had taken to calling him "Hershey," she helped him fight to keep his memories and his name. The thought of Allie saddened him. They had arrived here together, and had journeyed through Everlost together. He had always felt that their fates were somehow intertwined, but they had both gone their separate ways, and Nick never even had the chance to say good-bye. No doubt Allie finally made her way home to find what became of her family. He wondered if she ever took hold of her coin, and completed her journey. He hoped she had, but another, more selfish side of himself hoped that she remained here in Everlost, so he might see her again someday.

    "Look," said Charlie, "Mary's already leaving."

    Sure enough, Nick could see the Hindenburg in the distance, rising up to the sky.

    "I should have stayed there by that tree," Nick said. "Then she'd have to face me."

    "Wouldn't work," said Johnnie-O. "If she saw you there, she'd never get out of that ship."

    Johnnie-O was, right, of course. Still, Nick longed for the moment they came face-to-face. It wasn't just about seeing her frustration — it was about seeing her. Being close to her again. In spite of everything, he still loved her. It made no sense to Charlie or Johnnie-O, but it made perfect sense to Nick, because he understood Mary more than she understood herself. She was a victim of her own righteous nature — a slave to the order she tried to impose on Everlost. If he could, Nick would open her eyes to the truth of it, making her see that she was creating far more harm than good. Then, he would be there to comfort her in that moment of revelation, when all she believed about herself crumbled before her. Once she understood what was truly right, Nick had to believe she would embrace it, and together they would free as many souls from Everlost as they could. This was the Mary he loved. The Mary that could be.

    Each time Nick arrived at one of her traps, and freed one of her snagged souls, he hoped for that moment of confrontation, where her anger would be undermined by the love he knew she felt for him. But she never came forward to face him. Instead, Mary always left without affording him the dignity of a proper slap in the face.

    "She's heading northwest," Charlie said. "D'ya want to follow her again?"

    "Where are we?" Nick asked.

    Charlie looked at his map. "Somewhere in Virginia. East of Richmond."

    This was the farthest south they'd ever been — but there were Afterlights who Nick had come across, who spoke of things even farther south than this. Rumors. Things that could not be believed in the living world, but in Everlost, anything was possible. So Mary would not face him — and now he suspected she never would without a full-out war. There was no question her soul traps were all about gathering up an army. Fine, Mary, thought Nick. If that's what you want, then I'll play.

    "Head south."

    Charlie shook his head. "Can't. I haven't charted any tracks south of Virginia. Why d'ya wanna go south anyway? Nothing there but the Everwild."

    Nick grunted in frustration at the mention of it. "That's all I ever hear! Everwild to the north, Everwild to the west, Everwild to the south — "

    "Hey, it's not my fault no one knows what's out there!"

    "And to the Afterlights there, we're in the Everwild."

    Perhaps the living world had finally connected coast-to-coast and around the world, but Everlost was a new frontier. It was just like the days when America was still the New World, and no one knew what breathtaking vistas and unforeseen dangers lay over the next ridge. Perhaps the unknown wouldn't have been so daunting if they had an entire crew — but unlike Mary, Nick hadn't been interested in collecting followers. His job was to get rid of them, which made it hard to maintain more than just the barest of skeleton crews — namely, himself, Charlie, and Johnnie-O. It was time to change all that.

    "Come on, Charlie — let's tame the Everwild! We'll chart the rails, and mark the deadspots on the way!"

    And although Charlie was reluctant to travel to places unknown, Nick knew he was tempted. There was a certain excitement in breaking away from the familiar, and shattering old routines.

    "We'll need to look for a finder who can trade us the paper we'll need to make a new map," said Charlie, "but until then I can scratch the map into the engine bulkhead."

    Nick slapped him on the back, leaving an accidental chocolate stain. "Let's get started, then. We'll get to the southern Afterlights before Mary can!"

    With the furnace blazing on the memory of coal, the steam engine headed south into a vast unknowable wild.

    Copyright © 2009 by Neal Shusterman

    What People are Saying About This

    From the Publisher

    "Shusterman has once again created a world that is beautiful and imaginative yet increasingly eerie and grim. Each character grows, developing new aspects of their personality and finding out just how far they’ll go to achieve their aims, whether anyone else likes it or not. Everlost is turning into Everwild, right before readers’ eyes. A fascinating read penned by an expert hand."—Kirkus Reviews

    Reading Group Guide


    by Neal Shusterman


    When teens Allie and Nick are killed in a car crash, it isn’t the end of their story, but the beginning: they wake up in Everlost, a world poised between life and death, superimposed on the living world and populated only by the souls of children. The bickering Allie and Nick, traveling with their new friend Lief, head toward their homes. Along the way they spend time with Mary Hightower, who has made it her mission to save and comfort all the lost children of this inter-world, whom she has named “Afterlights”. They also hear stories of a monster called the McGill, a fearsome creature searching for souls to devour. But as Nick falls in love with Mary, and Allie comes to know the McGill, they begin to wonder which one is the real monster.


    Nick has made it his mission to help children escape from Everlost to the light at the end of the tunnel. But Mary Hightower finds purpose in gathering these Afterlights to her, and wants to control all of Everlost. Even though she still loves Nick, she sees his actions as the ultimate betrayal. Meanwhile, Allie heads for home with Mikey, the boy she loves—formerly the monstrous McGill, now returned to human form. Allie, who has learned to “skinjack” (possess and take over a living human body), meets a team of skinjackers led by the charming Milos. When Milos and his team go to work for Mary, creating terror in the living world, Allie and Mikey team up with Nick to take one last stand against Mary—at Graceland.


    After her seeming defeat, Mary returns to Everlost, using her skinjackers to sow chaos and terror across the western United States, replenishing her stock of Afterlights. Mary has a plan to bring the souls of millions of children to her in one stroke: with the help of Milos and his skinjackers, she is going to destroy the living world. When Allie, Nick, and Mikey discover Mary’s terrible goal, they vow to stop her. They enlist the help of a new friend, Jix, a “furjacker” (who possesses great cats, like leopards), and a “scar wraith” named Clarence, an adult in the living world who can see into Everlost, and whose touch will annihilate any Afterlight. Together they travel to meet Mary and her army of children for the ultimate showdown at Trinity, test site of the first atomic bomb.

    Discussion Topics


    • Allie and Nick gradually discover they were killed in the car crash, and gradually accept their existence in Everlost. How do you think you would react to this news? What is the first thing you would do?

    • In the novel, we learn that the spirits in Everlost, detached from the living world, begin to forget things. Even if forgetting in Everlost brings comfort and remembering brings pain, which memories would you most want to hold on to? Which would you want to forget?

    • Lief has been happy in his private forest for a hundred years. Mary Hightower tries to get her Afterlights do the same things over and over again, living out their perfect day. If you had to spend your eternity in Everlost doing one thing, what would that thing be?

    • While Mary hopes each Afterlight will find their niche, Allie sees this as being stuck in a rut. We in the living world are not immune to our own repetitive tasks. What are your ruts?

    • Paranorming (causing living world objects to move), ecto-ripping (bringing living world objects into Everlost), and skinjacking (possessing and controlling a live body) are also known as “the Criminal Arts.” Which of these three Everlost skills would you like to have? Why?

    • Buildings and objects, from the old Penn Station to Lief’s rabbit’s foot, cross over to Everlost when they are made with love or become beloved, and then are lost quickly. What loved things, gone from your world—objects you’ve lost, buildings demolished, etc.—do you think deserve to wind up in Everlost?

    • Strength in Everlost has nothing to do with muscle mass. It has to do with the strength of one’s will. How is this similar to the living world?

    • When Allie pretends to teach the McGill how to skinjack, one step she tells him to perform is a selfless act. But the McGill points out anything he does won’t technically be selfless because he will be doing it to get something. Is it actually possible to perform a completely selfless act? Give examples.

    • Allie at first is revolted by the McGill but ultimately falls in love with him; instead of killing her, he saves her life. How does Neal Shusterman make this character arc feel natural and inevitable?

    • When Nick learns the purpose of the coins, to get the kids where they’re going, he distributes them to all the Afterlights. What do you think of Nick’s choice? Would you have made the same one?

    • Throughout the novels, we see how different characters perceive things differently. For instance, Nick believes helping the children move on to the light is his purpose, while Mary thinks this makes him as monstrous as the McGill. Each believe they are right. How does Shusterman make us identify with each character, as each believe they are the good one, doing the right thing?


    • “Memory in Everlost was a far greater force than gravity,” the author writes. Two examples are the space shuttle Challenger being suspended in midair, and Nick slowly turning into chocolate. What are some other examples from the book? How powerful is memory in our world?

    • Allie begins to compare her skinjacking ability to being a vampire. The taste, the hunger, the need are almost overwhelming. How would you feel under these circumstances? Would you feed the addiction, or fight it?

    • Milos tries to explain to Allie how skinjacking is her purpose, that the living take their lives for granted, and only the skinjackers really appreciate “every breath, every breeze, every beat of the heart.” What do you think of his argument? Why does Allie find it so compelling?

    • Mary, with only good and positive thoughts, sends skinjackers into the world to murder children in order to turn them into Afterlights. How is it possible to believe that you’re the force of good as you do unspeakable evil?


    • In Everlost, Wurlitzer, the old-fashioned jukebox, is given unlimited power by the Neon Nightmares. Jix fears “how much power a thing could have when it was given permission to have it.” Can you think of some examples of actual objects of power in our living world?

    • For the first half of Everfound, Mary Hightower is not involved in the story directly, yet her presence looms over the novel. How does Shusterman achieve this?

    • Jix believes that everything has a purpose, while Clarence thinks “it all goes belly-up in the end.” Who do you think is right? Why?

    • From the first time Allie skinjacks, she feels bad about changing the course of people’s lives, scaring them, using them. By the time she takes Milos’s life, she wonders if she’s as much of a monster as Mary is. What do you think? How is killing Milos different from what Mary is doing?

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    • Lief has saved three objects from his life that have crossed over—a shoe that had been his father’s, a rabbit’s foot, and a photo of himself. Make a list of objects you’d like to have with you in Everlost, and explain why.

    • Mary Hightower’s books include Tips for Taps, The Gravity of Gravity, Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Vortexes but Were Afraid to Ask, and You’re Dead—So Now What? Make up the title of your own book about Everlost, and write some appropriate tips for Greensouls.

    • The twin towers of the World Trade Center crossed over to Everlost on September 11, 2001. They are Mary Hightower’s headquarters and the source of her name. Research any aspect of the towers—the origin, construction, use, or destruction—and present your findings in a report.

    • In Everlost, you wear forever the clothes you died in. Cut out photos from a magazine that show what you would most like to spend your eternity in. Explain why. Discuss the disadvantages of your particular outfit.

    • Allie the Outcast writes her own book and calls it Everything Mary Says Is Wrong. But her title isn’t entirely correct—only some things Mary says are lies. Put two columns on a piece of paper, labeled “Truth” and “Lie.” Go through the writings of Mary and place quotes in the appropriate column.

    • The McGill became a monster by imagining himself as the ugliest, most terrifying creature in the world—with an eye that dangled from its socket, a tongue that forked into three octopus tentacles, etc. Draw a picture of the monster that you would become if you had to.

    • Allie, quick on her feet, tells the McGill that she will teach him how to skinjack. She claims it takes twelve steps, but only gets through seven before he finds out that she’s lying. Write down your own five final steps that Allie might have used to trick him.

    • Mary and Nick travel to meet the McGill in the Hindenburg, a giant airship that crashed and burned in Lakehurst, NJ, in 1937. There is a famous news report of the destruction of the Hindenburg. Listen to the recording, then imagine how such an event would be handled today—via TV coverage, live tweets, on-the-spot interviews, etc. Then, with a group, do a live report for your class on the disaster.


    • “The rational world demands rational explanations,” the novel explains by way of justifying how ecto-rippers get away with pulling objects out of the real world. Research some paranormal events (the Loch Ness Monster, hauntings, UFO reports) and find the “rational” explanations offered by experts. Do you think these official responses hold up?

    • Zinnia Kitner is a young girl who was so determined to fight in the Civil War that she cut her hair and dressed as a boy. In real life, before women had equal rights, many girls have done the same—to fight in a war, to play music as a career, or simply to get a job. Often the truth came out only after they died. Research and write a report on a real-life woman who pretended to be a man in order to fight, perform, or work.

    • It turns out the reason that Allie can skinjack is that she isn’t really dead—her body is still alive, but in a coma. There is a political and ethical debate taking place in the country regarding the question of when life ends, what medical science can and should do, living wills, etc. Choose one aspect of the issue and stage a debate on the right to die.

    • Graceland, the former home of Elvis Presley, is now a landmark and tourist attraction. In Everlost, the structure is a vortex known as The Intolerable Nexus of Extremes. Learn more about Graceland and Elvis Presley, and explain why the name of this vortex makes sense.

    • When the story ends, Zinnia (the Civil War girl) has been returned to the living world, and we never see her again. Write a short story describing what you think happens to her in the present day.

    • The first character we meet in this novel is Jix, a child from the Yucatan Peninsula in Mexico whose ancestors were Mayan. Learn what you can about the Mayan civilization and draw a map of their empire. Include Chichen Itza and the great pyramid of Kukulcan.

    • The Alamo was the site of a battle between Texas and Mexico in 1836. Folk heroes James Bowie and Davy Crockett both died there, defending the Alamo. Research the causes of the battle, and the results of the Mexican victory there.

    • Wurlitzer, an old jukebox in the basement of the Alamo, an Object of Power as defined by Mary Hightower, is worshipped by the Neon Nightmares. Wurlitzer plays songs to answer questions posed by its devoted followers. Make up your own list of questions, along with a playlist of songs that answer them.

    • The more Allie tries to help the living world by skinjacking, the more problems she causes. (For instance, when she frees Seth Fellon, the innocent kid accused of arson, she has to occupy the bodies of prison guards and the warden—all of whom may go to prison for allowing Fellon to escape.) Allie has run afoul of the Law of Unintended Consequences, a theory of the social sciences. Research and find real-world examples of unintended consequences.

    • Alamogordo, Trinity, Ground Zero—the climax of the novel takes place in the New Mexico desert where the first atomic bomb was tested, and where Mary develops her plan to use such a weapon to destroy the world. Choose a topic involving nuclear bombs and present a report. You can choose the development of the first atomic bomb, the debate over their use in Hiroshima and Nagasaki at the end of World War II, the Cold War between the United States and the Soviet Union, or the current status of nuclear weapons around the world.

    This reading group guide has been provided by Simon & Schuster for classroom, library, and reading group use. It may be reproduced in its entirety or excerpted for these purposes.

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    Going against Mary Hightower's wishes, Nick, "the chocolate ogre," is slowly trying to reach every kid in Everlost to hand each and every one a coin, which will release them from Everlost. Mikey McGill and Allie have joined a band of skinjackers who have more of an impact on the living world then any other inhabitant of Everlost. Except Mikey can't skinjack and Allie can - and there is a very good reason: Allie is not actually dead.

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    VOYA - Cheryl Clark
    In the second novel of the planned Skinjacker trilogy, Allie and Nick are following their separate paths in Everlost, that strange world between the living and the dead into which children sometimes stumble. Nick, now known as the Chocolate Ogre, begins building an army to defeat Mary the Sky Witch, whose fanatic obsession is to trap young souls in an eternal monotony. In the meantime, Allie has teamed up with Mikey, the monster-turned-boy, to find objects that have crossed into Everlost, and when the two come across a trio of skinjackers—those who can possess the bodies of the living—Allie is tempted to indulge in her own skinjacking skills. Unbeknownst to either of them, Nick and Allie are on course to reunite in a showdown that will affect every soul in Everlost—and possibly in the living world as well. Shusterman creates a solid, entertaining sequel to Everlost (Simon & Schuster, 2006/VOYA October 2006). In fact, it might even be better. The characters are drawn with more emotional complexity as Allie feels the pull from the living world and Nick's inner turmoil leave him melting, quite literally, into a pile of fudge. There is plenty of romance to draw in readers. While Nick broods over his love for his sworn enemy, Allie is torn between two possible love interests. The broad scope of this installment creates wonderful tension and excitement as readers flip the pages to find out what will happen next. Secondary readers of fantasy will eat up this sequel. Reviewer: Cheryl Clark
    School Library Journal
    Gr 8 Up—Some young people, when they die, lose their way on the path toward the light and end up in Everlost, a sort of purgatory between life and final peace that the light brings. Everwild continues the story of Allie the Outcast; Nick the Chocolate Ogre; and Mikey McGill and his sister, Mary Hightower, that began in Everlost (S & S, 2006). Nick continues to oppose Mary, who believes that her destiny is to keep all children in Everlost forever, preferably in her care. One of his new allies is Zin, a girl who can "rip" things from the living world into Everlost. Allie meets other "skinjackers," Afterlights who can possess people in the world of the living, and learns from them matters both exhilarating and horrifying. Mikey gains more control over his power to change himself and even learns to extend his ability to others. Shusterman demonstrates by Mary's choices of allies and goals just how terrifying the righteous can be. As with any good book two of a trilogy, readers are treated to unexpected developments and a blockbuster cliff-hanger to hook them in for the concluding episode. In this moment in popular culture when vampires are everywhere and zombies are shuffling to the fore, Shusterman has created a new way to be undead. A perfect read for the spooky time of the year—and without any loss of vital fluids.—Eric Norton, McMillan Memorial Library, Wisconsin Rapids, WI
    Kirkus Reviews
    Everlost is where children go when they die, if they miss their chance to go into the light or are just not ready to transition into the hereafter. It's a world between, where lost souls search for safety, for permanence or just a feeling of belonging (not unlike real life). Mary seeks to trap children there forever as her loyal-but unwitting-followers. Nick, the Chocolate Ogre, has already discovered how to send these lost souls into the light and is determined to fight Mary before he turns completely into a chocolate statue. Allie can move back to the real world by hijacking the body of a living being, but she can't move on into the light, even if she wanted to. In this sequel to Everlost (2006), Shusterman has once again created a world that is beautiful and imaginative yet increasingly eerie and grim. Each character grows, developing new aspects of their personality and finding out just how far they'll go to achieve their aims, whether anyone else likes it or not. Everlost is turning into Everwild, right before readers' eyes. A fascinating read penned by an expert hand. (Fantasy. 12 & up)
    From the Publisher
    "Thought-provoking and scary, invoking elements from history and mythology, the novel ends with a shocking event that will leave its fans wanting the next volume immediately."—Horn Book Magazine

    "Shusterman creates a solid, entertaining sequel to Everlost. In fact, it might even be better...The broad scope of this installment creates wonderful tension and excitement as readers flip the pages to find out what will happen next. Secondary readers of fantasy will eat up this sequel."—VOYA

    Children's Literature - Claudia Mills
    Everlost is the limbo land of dead children, the ghostly land where the souls of dead children linger between life and death. In this second title of Shusterman's extremely popular "Skinjacker Trilogy," Nick the Chocolate Ogre is working to help the children of Everlost escape its confines by slipping them coins that have the power to release them to freedom, while Mary Hightower, the self-righteous, self-styled savior of lost children, is working with even greater relentlessness to keep its children perpetually in her frightening care. Allie the Outcast travels back to the land of the living to reunite with her parents with her traveling companion Mikey (formerly the monster McGill). But Allie will find that her journey has complications and challenges she never could have imagined. As in the first book of the series, Shusterman creates an entire, vividly realized world complex enough to have its own extensive vocabulary—"afterlights," "afterglow," "gravity fatigue," "skinjacking"— and chronicles its adventures with storytelling mastery. Characters are psychologically complex and layered. Gorgeous sentences cascade one after the other: "It was an old steam engine, forged and destroyed in the nineteenth century, but so well-loved by its conductor that it earned a place in Everlost. Of course it could travel only on tracks that no longer existed. Such were the inconveniences of life after life." Wow. Reviewer: Claudia Mills, Ph.D.

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