Following Atticus: Forty-Eight High Peaks, One Little Dog, and an Extraordinary Friendship

    4.5 186

    by Tom Ryan



    Customer Reviews

    • ISBN-13: 9780061997112
    • Publisher: HarperCollins Publishers
    • Publication date: 08/07/2012
    • Pages: 304
    • Sales rank: 19,643
    • Product dimensions: 5.40(w) x 7.84(h) x 0.74(d)

    Tom Ryan is the founder of the Newburyport, Massachusetts, newspaper the Undertoad and served as its publisher and editor for more than a decade. In 2007 he moved to the White Mountains of New Hampshire with miniature schnauzer Atticus M. Finch. Over the last five years, Tom and Atticus have climbed more than 450 four-thousand-foot peaks. After raising thousands of dollars for Angell Animal Medical Center in Jamaica Plain, Massachusetts, the pair was inducted into the Massachusetts Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Hall of Fame. Tom currently writes the popular The Adventures of Tom & Atticus column in the Northcountry News and Mountainside Guide, and the blog The Adventures of Tom & Atticus. Tom and Atticus live in the White Mountains of New Hampshire.

    Table of Contents

    Prologue x

    Part I Innocence Lost, Innocence Found

    1 A Door Opens 3

    2 "Carry Him Everywhere You Go" 24

    3 Big Changes 38

    4 A Gift 53

    5 "People Die Up There in the Winter" 65

    6 For The Kids 84

    7 The Greatest Quest 93

    8 The Little Giant 99

    9 Stars to Light the Way 108

    10 The M. Is Important 115

    11 "Our Faith Comes in Moments …" 121

    12 Atticus in Disguise 127

    13 The Spell of Agiocochook 131

    14 Five Astounding Days 142

    15 "Thank You, Friend" 147

    Part III Light over Dark

    16 A Heartrending Turn of Events 155

    17 "I'm Not Leaving Him Alone" 165

    18 The Friends of Atticus 169

    19 Soul Work 175

    20 Bread Crumbs 183

    21 Dinner with Frank Capra 189

    22 The Promise 194

    Part III Full Circle

    23 A New Quest 203

    24 The Witch 207

    25 Magic Is Where You Find It 214

    26 Death on Franconia Ridge 219

    27 My Last Letter Home 228

    28 Those Eyes, Those Beautiful Eyes 235

    29 Mount Washington 243

    30 Good-bye 247

    31 Heartache 253

    32 The Great Art of Sauntering 261

    33 Paige 266

    34 Home 271

    Acknowledgments 274

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    After a close friend died of cancer, middle-aged, overweight, acrophobic newspaperman Tom Ryan decided to pay tribute to her in a most unorthodox manner. Ryan and his friend, miniature schnauzer Atticus M. Finch, would attempt to climb all forty-eight of New Hampshire's four thousand- foot peaks twice in one winter while raising money for charity. It was an adventure of a lifetime, leading them across hundreds of miles and deep into an enchanting but dangerous winter wonderland. At the heart of the amazing journey was the extraordinary relationship they shared, one that blurred the line between man and dog.

    Following Atticus is an unforgettable true saga of adventure, friendship, and the unlikeliest of family, as one remarkable animal opens the eyes and heart of a tough-as-nails newspaperman to the world's beauty and its possibilities.

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