Gargantua and Pantagruel

    Gargantua and Pantagruel

    2.8 15

    by Francois Rabelais, Peter Anthony Motteux (Translator)



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      ISBN-13: 9781537820866
    • Publisher: Kypros Press
    • Publication date: 03/17/2017
    • Sold by: Barnes & Noble
    • Format: eBook
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    François Rabelais was born at the end of the fifteenth century. A Franciscan monk turned Benedictine, he abandoned the cloister in 1530 and began to study medicine at Montpellier. Two years later he wrote his first work, Pantagruel, which revealed his genius as a storyteller, satirist, propagandist and creator of comic situations and characters. In 1534 he published Gargantua, a companion to Pantagruel, which contains some of his best work. It mocks old-fashioned theological education, and opposes the monastic ideal, contrasting it with a free society of noble Evangelicals. Following an outburst of repression in late 1534, Rabelais abandoned his post of doctor at the Hotel-Dieu at Lyons and despite Royal support his book Tiers Livre was condemned. His last work, and his boldest, Quart Livre was published in 1551 and he died two years later. For the last years of his life Rabelais was persecuted by both religious and civil authorities for his publications. His genius however was recognized in his own day and his influence was great.

    Dr. M. A. Screech is a Senior Research Fellow of All Souls College, Oxford, a Fellow of the British Academy and a Fellow of University College London; he long served on the committee of the Warburg Institute as Fielden Professor of French Language and Literature in London, until his election to All Souls in 1984. He is a Renaissance scholar of international renown. His books include Montaigne and Melancholy, as well as Rabelais and (on Erasmus) Ecstasy and the Praise of Folly; all are acknowledged to be classic studies in their fields.

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    Gargantua and Pantagruel

    By François Rabelais

    Dover Publications, Inc.

    Copyright © 2016 François Rabelais
    All rights reserved.
    ISBN: 978-0-486-80833-8




    Of the Genealogy and Antiquity of Gargantua.

    I must referre you to the Great Chronicle of Pantagruel for the knowledge of that Genealogy, and Antiquity of race by which Gargantua is come unto us; in it you may understand more at large how the Giants were born in this world, and how from them by a direct line issued Gargantua the father of Pantagruel'. and do not take it ill, if for this time I passe by it, although the subject be such, that the oftener it were remembered, the more it would please your worshipful Seniorias\ according to which you have the authority of Plato in Philebo and Gorgias; and Flaccus, who saies that there are some kindes of purposes (such as these are without doubt) which the frequentlier they be repeated, still prove the more delectable.

    Would to God every one had as certaine knowledge of his Genealogy since the time of the Arke of Noah untill this age. I think many are at this day Emperours, Kings, Dukes, Princes, and Popes on the earth, whose extraction is from some porters, and pardon-pedlars, as on the contrary, many are now poor wandring beggars, wretched and miserable, who are descended of the blood and lineage of great Kings and Emperours, occasioned (as I conceive it) by the transport and revolution of Kingdomes and Empires, from the Assyrians to the Medes, from the Medes to the Persians, from the Persians to the Macedonians, from the Macedonians to the Romans, from the Romans to the Greeks, from the Greeks to the French, & c.

    And to give you some hint concerning my self, who speaks unto you, I cannot think but I am come of the race of some rich King or Prince in former times, for never yet saw you any man that had a greater desire to be a King, and to be rich, then I have, and that onely that I may make good chear, do nothing, nor care for any thing, and plentifully enrich my friends, and all honest and learned men: but herein do I comfort myself, that in the other world I shall be so, yea and greater too then at this present I dare wish: as for you, with the same or a better conceit consolate your selves in your distresses, and drink fresh if you can come by it.

    To returne to our wethers, I say, that by the sovereign gift of heaven, the Antiquity and Genealogy of Gargantua hath been reserved for our use more full and perfect then any other except that of the Messias, whereof I mean not to speak; for it belongs not unto my purpose, and the Devils (that is to say) the false accusers, and dissembled gospellers will therein oppose me. This Genealogy was found by John Andrew in a meadow, which he had near the Pole-arch, under the Olive-tree, as you go to Marsay: where, as he was making cast up some ditches, the diggers with their mattocks struck against a great brazen tomb, and unmeasurably long, for they could never finde the end thereof, by reason that it entered too farre within the Sluces of Vienne; opening this Tomb in a certain place thereof, sealed on the top with the mark of a goblet, about which was written in Hetrurian letters HIC BIBITUR; They found nine Flaggons set in such order as they use to ranke their kyles in Gasgonie, of which that which was placed in the middle, had under it a big, fat, great, gray, pretty, small, mouldy, little pamphlet, smelling stronger, but no better than roses. In that book the said Genealogy was found written all at length, in a Chancery hand, not in paper, not in parchment, nor in wax, but in the bark of an elme-tree, yet so worne with the long tract of time, that hardly could three letters together be there perfectly discerned.

    I (though unworthy) was sent for thither, and with much help of those Spectacles, whereby the art of reading dim writings, and letters that do not clearly appear to the sight, is practised, as Aristotle teacheth it, did translate the book as you may see in your pantagruelising, that is to say, in drinking stiffly to your own hearts desire; and reading the dreadful and horrifick acts of Pantagruel: at the end of the book there was a little Treatise entituled the Antidoted Fanfreluches, or a Galimatia of extravagant conceits. The rats and mothes or (that I may not lie) other wicked beasts, had nibled off the beginning, the rest I have hereto subjoyned, for the reverence I beare to antiquity.


    The Antidoted Fanfreluches: Or, A Galimatia of extravagant conceits found in an ancient Monument.

    No sooner did the Cymbrians overcommer Pass through the air to shun the dew of summer But at his coming streight great tubs were fill'd With pure fresh Butter down in showers distill'd, Wherewith when water'd was his Grandam heigh. Aloud he cryed, Fish it, Sir, I pray 'ye; Because his beard is almost all beray'd, Or that he would hold to'm a scale he pray'd.

    To lick his slipper, some told was much better, Then to gaine pardons and the merit greater. In th' interim a crafty chuff approaches, From the depth issued, where they fish for Roches; Who said, Good sirs, some of them let us save, The Eele is here, and in this hollow cave You'll finde, if that our looks on it demurre, A great wast in the bottome of his furre.

    To read this chapter when he did begin, Nothing but a calves homes were found therein; I feel (quoth he) the Miter which doth hold My head so chill, it makes my braines take cold. Being with the perfume of a turnup warm'd, To stay by chimney hearths himself he arm'd, Provided that a new thill horse they made Of every person of a hair-braind head.

    They talked of the bunghole of Saint Knowles, Of Gilbatharand thousand other holes; If they might be reduc'd t' a scarry stuffe, Such as might not be subject to the cough: Since ev'ry man unseemly did it finde, To see them gaping thus at ev'ry winde: For, if perhaps they handsomely were clos'd, For pledges they to men might be expos'd.

    In this arrest by Hercules the Raven Was flayd at her returne from Lybia haven. Why am not I said Minos there invited, Unlesse it be my self, not one's omitted: And then it is their minde, I do no more Of Frogs and Oysters send them any store; In case they spare my life and prove but civil, I give their sale of distaffs to the Devil.

    To quell him comes Q. B. who limping frets At the safe passe of trixie crackarets, The boulter, the grand Cyclops cousin, those Did massacre whil'st each one wip'd his nose: Few ingles in this fallow ground are bred, But on a tanners mill are winnowed: Run thither all of you, th' alarmes sound clear, You shall have more then you had the last year.

    Short while thereafter was the bird of Jove Resolv'd to speak, though dismal it should prove; Yet was afraid, when he saw them in ire, They should o'rthrow quite flat down dead th' empire He rather chus'd the fire from heaven to steale, To boats where were red Herrings put to sale; Then to be calm 'gainst those who strive to brave us And to the Massorets fond words enslave us.

    All this at last concluded galantly, In spight of Ate and Hern-like thigh, Who sitting saw Penthesilea tane, In her old age, for a cresse-selling quean; Each one cry'd out, Thou filthy Collier toad, Doth it become thee to be found abroad? Thou has the Roman Standard filtch'd away, Which they in rags of parchment did display.

    Juno was borne who under the Rainbow, Was a bird-catching with her Duck below: When her with such a grievous trick they plyed, That she had almost been bethwacked by it: The bargain was that of that throatfull she Should of Proserpina have two egges free; And if that she thereafter should be found, She to a Haw-thorn hill should be fast bound.

    Seven moneths thereafter lacking twenty two, He, that of old did Carthage town undo: Did bravely midd'st them all himself advance, Requiring of them his inheritance; Although they justly made up the division, According to the shoe-welt-lawes decision; By distributing store of brews and beef, To those poor fellows, that did pen the Brief.

    But th' year will come signe of a Turkish Bowe, Five spindles yarnd, and three pot-bottomes too, Wherein of a discourteous King the dock Shall pepper'd be under an Hermits frock, Ah that for one she hypocrite you must Permit so many acres to be lost: Cease, cease, this vizard may become another, Withdraw your selves unto the Serpents brother.

    'Tis in times past, that he who is shall reigne With his good friends in peace now and againe; No rash nor heady Prince shall then rule crave, Each good will its arbitrement shall have: And the joy promised of old as doome To the heavens guests, shall in its beacon come: Then shall the breeding mares, that benumm'd were, Like royall palfreys ride triumphant there.

    And this continue shall from time to time, Till Mars be fettred for an unknown crime. Then shall one come who others will surpasse, Delightful, pleasing, matchlesse, full of grace. Chear up your hearts, approach to this repast, All trusty friends of mine, for hee's deceast, Who would not for a world return againe, So highly shall time past be cri'd up then.

    He who was made of waxe shall lodge each member Close by the hinges of a block of timber: We then no more shall master master whoot, The swagger, who th' alarum bell holds out; Could one seaze on the dagger which he bears, Heads would be free from tingling in the eares, To baffle the whole storehouse of abuses, And thus farewell Apollo and the Muses.


    How Gargantua was carried eleven moneths in his mothers belly.

    Grangousier was a good fellow in his time, and notable jester; he loved to drink neat, as much as any man that then was in the world, and would willingly eate salt meat: to this intent he was ordinarily well furnished with gammons of Bacon, both of Westphalia, Mayence and Bayone; with store of dried Neats tongues, plenty of Links, Chitterlings and Puddings in their season; together with salt Beef and mustard, a good deale of hard rows of powdered mullet called Botargos, great provision of Sauciges, not of Bolonia (for he feared the Lombard boccone) but of Bigorre, Longaulnay, Brene, and Rouargue. In the vigor of his age he married Gargamelle, daughter to the King of the Parpaillons, a jolly pug, and well mouthed wench. These two did often times do the two backed beast together, joyfully rubbing & frotting their Bacon 'gainst one another, insofarre, that at last she became great with childe of a faire sonne, and went with him unto the eleventh moneth, for so long, yea longer, may a woman carry her great belly, especially when it is some master-piece of nature, and a person predestinated to the performance, in his due time, of great exploits; as Homer saies, that the childe, which Neptune begot upon the Nymph, was borne a whole year after the conception, that is, in the twelfth moneth; for, as Aulus Gellius saith, libr. 3. this long time was suitable to the majesty of Neptune, that in it the childe might receive his perfect forme: for the like reason Jupiter made the night, wherein he lay with Alcmena, last fourty eight houres, a shorter time not being sufficient for the forging of Hercules, who cleansed the world of the Monstres and Tyrants, wherewith it was supprest. My masters, the ancient pantagruelists have confirmed that which I say, and withall declared it to be not onely possible, but also maintained the lawful birth and legitimation of the infant borne of a woman in the eleventh moneth after the decease of her husband. Hypocrates, lib. de alimento. Plinius lib. 2. cap. 5. Plautus in his Cistellaria. Marcus Varo in his Satyr inscribed, The Testament, alledging to this purpose the authority of Aristotle. Censorinus lib. de die natali. Arist. lib. 2. cap. 3 & 4 de natura animalium. Gellius lib. 3. cap. 16. Servius in his exposition upon this verse of Virgils Eclogues, Matri longa decern, &c. and a thousand other fooles whose number hath been increased by the Lawyers. §. Desuis et legit., 1. In testa to, § ft., & in Autent., De restitut. etea quce pant in xj. mense\ moreover upon these grounds they have foysted in their Robidilardick, or Lapiturolive Law. Galius, §. De lib. etposthu., & l. septimo §. De stat. homi. And some other Lawes, which at this time I dare not name; by means whereof the honest widows may without danger play at the close buttock game with might and maine, and as hard as they can for the space of the first two moneths after the decease of their husbands. I pray you, my good lusty springal lads, if you finde any of these females, that are worth the paines of untying the cod-peece-point, get up, ride upon them, and bring them to me; for if they happen within the third moneth to conceive, the childe shall be heire to the deceased, if before he died he had no other children, and the mother shall passe for an honest woman.

    When she is known to have conceived, thrust forward boldly, spare her not, whatever betide you, seeing the paunch is full; as Julia the daughter of the Emperour Octavian never prostituted her self to her belly-bumpers, but when she found her self with childe, after the manner of Ships that receive not their steersman, till they have their ballast and lading; and if any blame them for this their rataconniculation, and reiterated lechery upon their pregnancy and big bellednesse, seeing beasts in the like exigent of their fullnesse, will never suffer the male-masculant to incroach them: their answer will be, that those are beasts, but they are women, very well skilled in the pretty vales, and small fees of the pleasant trade and mysteries of superfetation: as Populius heretofore answered, according to the relation of Macrobius lib. 2. Satumal. If the Devill would not have them to bagge, he must wring hard the spigot, and stop the bung-hole.


    How Gargamelle, being great with Gargantua, did eate a huge deal of tripes.

    The occasion and manner how Gargamelle was brought to bed, and delivered of her childe, was thus: and, if you do not beleeve it, I wish your bum-gut fall out, and make an escapade. Her bumgut, indeed, or fundament escaped her in an afternoone, on the third day of February, with having eaten at dinner too many Godebillios. Godebillios are the fat tripes of coiros, coir os are beeves fatned at the cratch in Oxe stalls, or in the fresh guimo meadows, guimo meadows are those, that for their fruitfulnesse may be mowed twice a yeare, and of those fat beeves they had killed three hundred sixty seven thousand and fourteen, to be salted at Shrovetide, that in the entring of the Spring they might have plenty of poudred beef, wherewith to season their mouths at the beginning of their meales, and to taste their wine the better.

    They had abundance of tripes, as you have heard, and they were so delicious, that every one licked his fingers, but the mischiefe was this, that for all men could do, there was no possibility to keep them long in that relish; for in a very short while they would have stunk, which had been an undecent thing: it was therefore concluded, that they should be all of them gulched up, without losing any thing; to this effect they invited all the Burguers of Sainais, of Suille, of the Roche clermand, of Vaugaudry, without omitting the Boudray, Monpensier, the Guedevede, and other their neighbours, all stiffe drinkers, brave fellows, and good players at the kyles. The good man Grangousier took great pleasure in their company, and commanded there should be no want nor pinching for any thing: neverthelesse he bade his wife eate sparingly, because she was near her time, and that these tripes were no very commendable meat: they would faine (said he) be at the chewing of ordure, that would eat the case wherein it was. Notwithstanding these admonitions, she did eate sixteen quarters, two bushels, three pecks and a pipkin full: O the fair fecality, wherewith she swelled by the ingrediency of such shitten stuffe; after dinner they all went out in a hurle, to the grove of the willows, where on the green grasse, to the sound of the merry Flutes and pleasant Bagpipes they danced so gallantly, that it was a sweet and heavenly sport to see them so frolick.


    Excerpted from Gargantua and Pantagruel by François Rabelais. Copyright © 2016 François Rabelais. Excerpted by permission of Dover Publications, Inc..
    All rights reserved. No part of this excerpt may be reproduced or reprinted without permission in writing from the publisher.
    Excerpts are provided by Dial-A-Book Inc. solely for the personal use of visitors to this web site.

    Table of Contents

    Translator's Introduction 17(37)
    The First Book
    The Author's Prologue
    Of the Genealogy and Antiquity of Gargantua
    The Corrective Conundrums, found in an Ancient Monument
    How Gargantua was carried eleven months in his Mother's Belly
    How Gargamelle, when great with Gargantua, ate great quantities of Tripe
    The Drunkards' Conversation
    The very strange manner of Gargantua's Birth
    How Gargantua received his Name, and how he gulped his Liquor
    How Gargantua was dressed
    Gargantua's Colours and Livery
    Concerning the significance of the colours White and Blue
    Concerning Gargantua's Childhood
    Concerning Gargantua's Hobby-horses
    How Grandgousier realized Gargantua's marvellous intelligence, by his invention of an Arse-wipe
    How Gargantua was taught Latin by a Sophist
    How Gargantua was put under other Pedagogues
    How Gargantua was sent to Paris, of the huge Mare that carried him, and how she destroyed the Ox-flies of La Beauce
    How Gargantua repaid the Parisians for their welcome, and how he took the great Bells from the church of Notre-Dame
    How Janotus de Bragmardo was sent to recover the great Bells from Gargantua
    The Harangue delivered by Master Janotus de Bragmardo to Gargantua for the recovery of the Bells
    How the Sophist carried off his Cloth, and how he fought a Lawsuit against the other Masters
    Gargantua's Studies, according to the Directions of his Tutors, the Sophists
    Gargantua's Games
    How Gargantua was so disciplined by Ponocrates that he did not waste an Hour of the Day
    How Gargantua spent his Time in rainy Weather
    How a great Quarrel arose between the Cake-bakers of Lerne and the people of Grandgousier's country, which led to great Wars
    How the Inhabitants of Lerne, at the command of their King Picrochole, made an unexpected attack on Grandgousier's Shepherds
    How a Monk of Seuilly saved the Abbey-close from being sacked by the Enemy
    How Picrochole stormed La Roche-Clermault, and of the reluctance and aversion with which Grandgousier made war
    The Tenour of the Letter sent by Grandgousier to Gargantua
    How Ulrich Gallet was sent to Picrochole
    Gallet's Speech to Picrochole
    How Grandgousier, in order to buy Peace, had the Cakes returned
    How certain of Picrochole's Advisers, by their headstrong Counsel, put him in extreme Peril
    How Gargantua left the city of Paris to save his Country, and how Gymnaste met the Enemy
    How Gymnaste neatly killed Captain Tripet and others of Picrochole's men
    How Gargantua demolished the Castle at the Ford of Vede and how they passed the Ford
    How Gargantua, in combing his Head, made the Cannon-balls fall out of his Hair
    How Gargantua ate six Pilgrims in a Salad
    How the Monk was feasted by Gargantua, and of the fine Discourse he delivered during Supper
    Why Monks are shunned by the world, and why some have bigger Noses than others
    How the Monk made Gargantua sleep, and of his Hours and Breviaries
    How the Monk encouraged his Companions, and how he hanged on a Tree
    How Picrochole's Scouts were met by Gargantua; and how the Monk killed Captain Drawforth, and was then captured by the Enemy
    How the Monk got rid of his Guards, and how Picrochole's Scouts were defeated
    How the Monk brought in the Pilgrims, and how Gargantua welcomed them
    On Grandgousier's humane treatment of his Prisoner Touch-spigot
    How Grandgousier sent for his Legions, how Touchspigot killed Hasticalf and how he was afterwards killed at Picrochole's Orders
    How Gargantua attacked Picrochole in La Roche-Clermault, and defeated the said Picrochole's Army
    How Picrochole was overtaken by Misfortune in his Flight, and what Gargantua did after the Battle
    Gargantua's Address to the Vanquished
    How the victorious Gargantuans were rewarded after the Battle
    How Gargantua had the Abbey of Theleme built for the Monk
    How the Thelemites' Abbey was built and endowed
    The Inscription set above the great Gate of Theleme
    Concerning the Establishment of the Thelemites' House
    How the Monks and Nuns of Theleme were dressed
    The Rules according to which the Thelemites lived
    A Prophetic Riddle
    The Second Book
    The Author's Prologue
    Of the Origin and Antiquity of the great Pantagruel
    Of the Nativity of the most redoubted Pantagruel
    Of the Mourning Gargantua made for the Death of his Wife Badebec
    Of Pantagruel's Childhood
    The youthful Deeds of the noble Pantagruel
    How Pantagruel met a Limousin who murdered the French Language
    How Pantagruel came to Paris, and of the fine Books in the Library of Saint Victor's
    How Pantagruel, when at Paris, received a Letter from his Father Gargantua, together with a copy of the same
    How Pantagruel found Panurge, whom he loved all his life
    How Pantagruel made a fair Judgement in a Controversy which was strangely difficult and obscure, and of the Admiration which this very fair Judgement inspired
    How the Lords Kissmyarse and Suckfizzle pleaded before Pantagruel without Advocates
    How the Lord of Suckfizzle pleaded before Pantagruel
    How Pantagruel delivered Judgement on the Differences between these two Gentlemen
    Panurge's account of the way in which he escaped from the Turks
    How Panurge demonstrated a very new way of building the Walls of Paris
    Panurge's Character and Qualities
    How Panurge gained the Pardons and married the old Women, and of the Lawsuits he had in Paris
    How a great English Scholar attempted to argue against Pantagruel and was worsted by Panurge
    How Panurge confounded the Englishman who argued by Signs
    Thaumaste speaks of the Virtues and Knowledge of Panurge
    How Panurge fell in love with a great Parisian Lady
    How Panurge played a Trick on the Parisian Lady which was not at all to her advantage
    How Pantagruel left paris, on hearing that the Dipsodes were invading the Country of the Amaurots; and the reason why Leagues are so short in France
    A Letter brought to Pantagruel from a Lady of Paris, and the explanation of a Motto on a gold Ring
    How Pantagruel's Companions, Panurge, Carpalim, Eusthenes, and Epistemon, most cunningly discomfited six hundred and sixty Knights
    How Pantagruel and his Companions were tired of eating Salt Meat, and how Carpalim went hunting after Venison
    How Pantagruel set up a Trophy in memory of their Prowess, and Panurge another in memory of the Leverets; and how Pantagruel with his Farts begot little men, and with his Poops little women; and how Panurge broke a great Staff over two Glasses
    How Pantagruel won a very strange Victory over the Dipsodes and the Giants
    How Pantagruel defeated the three hundred Giants armoured with Freestone, and Werewolf, their Captain
    How Epistemon, who had his Chop headed off, was skilfully healed by Panurge, and some news from the Devils and the Damned
    How Pantagruel entered the City of the Amaurots; and how Panurge found a Wife for King Anarch, and made him a crier of Green Sauce
    How Pantagruel covered a whole Army with his Tongue, and what the Author saw in his Mouth
    How Pantagruel fell ill, and the Method of his Cure
    The Conclusion of the Present Book, and the Author's Excuse
    The Third Book
    Prologue of the Author
    How Pantagruel transported a Colony of Utopians into Dipsodia
    How Panurge was made Warden of Salmagundia in Dipsodia, and ate his Wheat in the Blade
    Panurge's praise of Debtors and Borrowers
    The Continuation of Panurge's speech in praise of Lenders and Debtors
    Pantagruel's detestation of Debtors and Borrowers
    Why newly married Men were exempted from going to the Wars
    Panurge has a Flea in his Ear, and gives up wearing his magnificent Codpiece
    To prove that the Codpiece is the principal piece in a Warrior's Armour
    How Panurge consulted Pantagruel as to whether he should marry
    Pantagruel points out to Panurge the difficulty of offering Advice about Marriage, and something is said of the Homeric and Virgilian Lotteries
    Pantagruel points out that Divination by Dice is unlawful
    Pantagruel inquires of the Virgilian Lottery how Panurge's marriage will turn out
    Pantagruel advises Panurge to test the future Happiness or Unhappiness of his Marriage by Dreams
    Panurge's Dream and its Interpretation
    Panurge's Excuse, and the Explanation of the Monastic Cabala in the matter of Salt Beef
    Pantagruel advises Panurge to consult a Sibyl of Panzoust
    Panurge speaks to the Sibyl of Panzoust
    Pantagruel and Panurge find different explanations for the Verses of the Sibyl of Panzoust
    Pantagruel speaks in praise of Dumb men's Counsel
    Goatnose answers Panurge by Signs
    Panurge takes Counsel with an old French poet called Raminagrobis
    Panurge defends the Order of Friars Mendicant
    Panurge speaks in favour of returning to Raminagrobis
    Panurge consults Epistemon
    Panurge consults Herr Trippa
    Panurge consults Friar John of the Hashes
    Friar John gives Panurge some cheerful Advice
    Friar John comforts Panurge about the doubtful matter of his Cuckoldry
    How Pantagruel summoned a meeting of a Theologian, a Doctor, a Lawyer, and a Philosopher, to consider Panurge's Perplexity
    Hippothadeus the Theologian gives Panurge advice on the subject of his Marriage
    How Rondibilis the Physician advised Panurge
    Rondibilis declared that Cuckoldry is one of the natural Attributes of Marriage
    Rondibilis's Remedy for Cuckoldry
    How Women generally long for Forbidden Things
    How the Philosopher Wordspinner handles the diifficulty of Marriage
    Continuation of the Replies of Wordspinner, the Ephectic and Pyrrhonian Philosopher
    Pantagruel persuades Panurge to take counsel of a Fool
    How Pantagruel and Panurge proclaimed the virtues of Triboulet
    How Pantagruel was present at the Trial of Judge Bridlegoose who decided Cases by the Fall of the Dice
    Bridlegoose explains his reasons for examining the Documents of the Cases which he has decided by the Throw of the Dice
    Bridlegoose's Story of the Man who settled Cases
    How Lawsuits are born, and how they come to full Growth
    Pantagruel justifies Bridlegoose's Judgements by Dice
    Epistemon tells a strange story of the Perplexities of Human Judgement
    How Panurge consulted Triboulet
    Pantagruel and Panurge interpret Triboulet's words in contradictory ways
    Pantagruel and Panurge resolve to visit the Oracle of the Holy Bottle
    Gargantua points out that it is not lawful for Children to marry without the knowledge and consent of their Fathers and Mothers
    How Pantagruel prepared to put to sea, and of the Herb called Pantagruelion
    How to prepare and apply the famous herb Pantagruelion
    Why the Plant is called Pantagruelion, also something about its marvellous properties
    How a certain kind of Pantagruelion cannot be consumed by Fire
    The Fourth Book
    Prologue of the Author
    How Pantagruel put to sea to visit the Oracle of the Holy Bacbuc
    Pantagruel buys many fine things on the Island of Medamothy
    How Pantagruel received a Letter from his Father Gargantua, and of a strange way of getting very speedy News from distant Countries
    Concerning Pantagruel's Letter to his Father Gargantua, and the several valuable Curiosities which he sent him
    Pantagruel meets a Ship with Travellers returning from Lanternland
    The Quarrel being over, Panurge bargains with Dingdong for one of his Sheep
    Continuation of the Bargain between Panurge and Dingdong
    Panurge drowns the Dealer and his Sheep in the Sea
    Pantagruel reaches the Island of Ennasin, and of the strange Relationships there
    Pantagruel goes ashore on the Island of Cheli, whose reigning Monarch is St Panigon
    Why Monks love to be in Kitchens
    How Pantagruel passed through the land of Clerkship, and of the strange customs among the Bum-bailiffs
    The Lord of Basche praises his Servants after the manner of Master Francois Villon
    More Bum-bailiff-bashing at my Lord of Basche's
    Some ancient Wedding Customs are revived by the Bum-bailiffs
    Friar John's Investigations into the character of Bum-bailiffs
    Pantagruel passes the Isles of Vacuum and Void, and of the strange Death of Slitnose the Windmill-swallower
    How Pantagruel survived a great Storm at Sea
    The Behaviour of Panurge and Friar John during the Storm
    The Captains abandon their Ships at the height of the Storm
    The Storm continues, also some brief remarks on the Making of Wills at Sea
    The Storm ends
    How Panurge was the best companion, once the Storm was over
    Friar John proves that Panurge was needlessly frightened during the Storm
    After the Storm, Pantagruel visits the Isles of the Macreons
    The good Macrobe tells Pantagruel what happens on the Deaths of Heroes
    Pantagruel discourses on the Deaths of Heroic Souls, and tells of the Prodigies that occurred on the decrease of the late Lord of Langey
    Pantagruel's pitiable story about the Death of Heroes
    Pantagruel sails past Sneaks' Island, where King Lent used to reign
    Xenomanes's Anatomy and Description of Lent
    Lent's external Anatomy
    More about Lent's Anatomy
    Pantagruel sights a monstrous spouting Whale near Savage Island
    The Monstrous Spouter is slain by Pantagruel
    Pantagruel goes ashore on Savage Island, the ancient abode of the Chitterlings
    How the wild Chitterlings laid an Ambush for Pantagruel
    Pantagruel sends for Colonel Maul-chitterling and Colonel Chop-sausage; also a notable digression concerning the proper Names of Persons and Places
    Why men have no reason to despise Chitterlings
    Friar John joins the Cooks in an attack on the Chitterlings
    How Friar John fitted up the Sow, and of the brave Cooks who manned it
    Pantagruel snaps the Chitterlings over his Knees
    Pantagruel's Negotiations with Niphleseth, Queen of the Chitterlings
    Pantagruel lands on the Island of Ruach
    How a little Rain lays a high Wind
    Pantagruel lands on Popefigs' Island
    How the little Devil was fooled by a Popefigland Farmer
    How the Devil was fooled by an old Woman of Popefigland
    Pantagruel goes ashore on the Isle of Papimania
    How Greatclod, Bishop of Papimania, showed us the Heavensent Decretals
    How Greatclod showed us the Archetype of a Pope
    Some small talk during dinner in Praise of the Decretals
    More about the Miracles wrought by the Decretals
    How, by virtue of the Decretals, Gold is subtly drawn out of France into Rome
    Greatclod gives Pantagruel some Good-Christian Pears
    Pantagruel, on the high seas, hears various Words that have been thawed
    Pantagruel hears some gay Words among those that are thawed
    Pantagruel lands at the Home of Messer Gaster, the first Master of Arts in the World
    Pantagruel's dislike of the Engastrimythes and the Gastrolaters at the Court of this Master of Ingenuity
    Of the ridiculous Statue called manduce, also of how and what the Gastrolaters sacrifice to their Ventripotent God
    How the Gastrolaters sacrificed to their God, on the interlarded Fast-days
    Gaster's invention of a means of getting and preserving Corn
    Gaster invents an ingenious method of being neither wounded nor touched by Cannon-balls
    How Pantagruel fell asleep near the Island of Chaneph; and the Problems proposed on his Waking
    Pantagruel gives no answer to the Problems propounded
    Pantagruel passes the time gaily with his Retainers
    How, near Ganabin Island, a Salute was fired to the Muses, on Pantagruel's instructions
    Panurge shits himself out of utter fear, and of the large cat Rodilardus, which he took for a Devil
    The Fifth and Last Book
    To All Kindly Readers
    How Pantagruel arrived at Ringing Island, and of the Noise we heard
    How the Ringing Island had been inhabited by the Siticines, who had turned into Birds
    How there is only one Popinjay in the Ringing Island
    How the Birds of Ringing Island were all Birds of Passage
    On the Dumbness of the Gormander-birds on Ringing Island
    How the Birds of Ringing Island are fed
    Panurge tells Master Æditus the Fable of the Horse and the Ass
    How with much difficulty we got a sight of the Popinjay
    A Landing on Tool Island
    Pantagruel arrives at Sharping Island
    How we passed the Wicket presided over by Clawpuss, the Archduke of the Furrycats
    Clawpuss propounds us a Riddle
    Panurge solves Clawpuss's Riddle
    How the Furrycats live on Bribery
    Friar John of the Hashes decides to plunder the Furrycats
    How Pantagruel came to the Island of Ignoramuses, who have long Fingers and crooked Hands; and of the terrible Adventures and Monsters he encountered there
    How we passed out
    How our Ship was stranded, and how we were aided by some Travellers who carried the Quintessence
    We arrive at the Kingdom of the Quintessence called Entelechy
    How the Quintessence cured the Sick by Music
    How the Queen passed her time after dinner
    Of the diverse Employments of the Officers of the Quintessence, and how the Lady engaged us in the capacity of Abstractors
    How the Queen's Supper was served, & of her way of eating it
    How a festive Ball, in the form of a Tournament, was held in the Quintessence's Presence
    The Battle between the Thirty-two at the Ball
    We land on the Isle of Odes, on which the Roads go up and down
    How we came to the Isle of Sandals; and of the Order of the Quavering Friars
    Panurge interrogates a Quavering Friar, and only gets monosyllablic answers
    Epistemon's Displeasure at the Institution of Lent
    Our Visit to Satinland
    How we saw Hearsay in Satinland, who kept a School for Witnesses
    How we came in Sight of Lanternland
    We land at the Port of the Midnight-oilers and enter Lanternland
    How we arrived at the Oracle of the Bottle
    How we approached the Temple of the Bottle by an Underground Way, and why Chinon is the finest City in the World
    Our Descent of the Tetradic Steps; and Panurge's fright
    How the Temple doors opened of themselves, in a marvellous Manner
    The marvellous Emblems on the Temple Pavement
    Bacchus's Victory over the Indians, as represented in the Mosaic-work of the Temple
    The good Bacchus's attack on the Indians as shown in the Temple Mosaics
    The wonderful Lamp which lit the Temple
    The Priestess Bacbuc shows us a curious Fountain inside the Temple
    How the Water of the Fountain tasted of different Wines according to the imagination of the Drinkers
    How Bacbuc dressed Panurge, to listen to the Verdict of the Bottle
    The Priestess Bacbuc leads Panurge into the presence of the Holy Bottle
    Bacbuc's interpretation of the Verdict of the Bottle
    How Panurge and the rest rhymed in a poetic Frenzy
    How we took leave of Bacbuc and left the Oracle of the Bottle

    What People are Saying About This

    Alain Renoir

    Raffel has done the impossible...he has produced a text that is amazingly true to the meaning and the linguistic gusto of the original.

    J. P. Donleavy

    Grand to see this new rendition of a work full of what life is all about and translated with an equal authenticity.

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    Biting and bawdy, smart and smutty, lofty and low, Gargantua and Pantagruel is fantasy on the grandest of scales, told with an unquenchable thirst for all of human experience. Rabelais's vigorous examination of the life of his times-from bizarre battles to great drinking bouts, from satire on religion and education to matter-of-fact descriptions of bodily functions and desires-is one of the great comic masterpieces of literature.

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    Library Journal
    ``Plainly, translating Rabelais is extraordinarily difficult,'' writes Raffel in his preface. Indeed, Rabelais (1483?-1554?) is not easy to read in the original Middle French, with its long, intricate sentences and its immense vocabulary mixing erudition, obscenities, and scatology. The reader will find here the comic chronicles of two giants, Gargantua and his son, Pantagruel (and let's not forget Pantagruel's companion, Panurge) exploring and passing judgment on all aspects of the life of their times. A satire on religion, education, and law appears alongside unabashed descriptions of bodily functions and desires. Parts of the work were censured upon publication, and since that time timid modern French and English translations have freely expurgated segments of the text. Fortunately, Raffel has not and, having wrestled with this difficult text, has provided us with a classic work, restored to its original complexity, humor, and gusto.-- Danielle Mihram, Univ. of Southern California
    Alain Renoir
    Raffel has done the impossible. . . . [He] has produced a text which is amazingly true to the meaning and the linguistic gusto of the original.
    J. P. Donleavy
    Grand to see this new rendition of a work full of what life is all about and translated with an equal authenticity.
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