SHARON MEERS leads global business development and sales for X.commerce, the open commerce platform of eBay, helping merchants grow with better technology. Formerly, Meers was a managing director at Goldman Sachs, where she worked for 16 years and was co-chair of the Women's Network in the Investment Management Division. She and her husband founded the Partners for Parity at Stanford Business School and the Dual-Career Initiative at Harvard.
Getting to 50/50: How Working Parents Can Have It All
- Publisher: Viva Editions
- Publication date: 09/10/2013
- Format: eBook
- Pages: 340
- File size: 973 KB
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Sharon Meers and Joanna Strober are professionals, wives, and mothers. They understand the challenges and rewards of two-career households. They also know that families thrive not in spite of working mothers but because of them. You can have a great career, a great marriage, and be a great mother. The key is tapping into your best resource and most powerful ally—the man you married. After interviewing hundreds of parents and employers, surveying more than a thousand working mothers, and combing through the latest government and social science research, the authors have discovered that kids, husbands, and wives all reap huge benefits when couples commit to share equally as breadwinners and caregivers. Mothers work without guilt, fathers bond with their kids, and children blossom with the attention of two involved parents. The starting point? An attitude shift that puts you on the road to 50/50—plus the positive step-by-step advice in this book. From “baby boot camp” for new dads to exactly what to say when negotiating a leave with the boss, this savvy book offers fresh ideas to today’s families offering encouragement, hope, and confidence to any woman who has ever questioned her choices regarding work and family.
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"Don't believe the myths about women and work - this advice will benefit you now and in the future."Sheryl Sandberg author of Lean In and COO of Facebook
"In light of the ongoing debate over how and if working mothers can have it all the authors say women can have successful careers and be good moms but only if their spouses are equal partners in the work at home."Washington Post
"Getting to 50/50 highlights the perpetual debate about the proper work-life balance for parents particularly for women."CBS Money Watch
"A valuable read for working couples contemplating parenthood.Financial Post
"Authors Sharon Meers and Joanna Strober (and a foreword by Sheryl Sandberg) empower mothers to strive for this goal by highlighting experts’ advice couples who are making it work and concrete steps you can take to get to 50/50."Flex Jobs
"Getting To 50/50: How Working Parents Can Have It All is a book not just for women. It’s a message of freedom a guide to empowerment and shows how two spouses working can benefit the entire family unit. Reading it will spark discussion with your husband and whomever you choose to share its views with. Let the dialogue begin!"Savvy GeekMoms
"An inspiring and empowering read for all Proud Working Moms."Proud Working Mom
"Real tips and tricks to make your marriage 50/50 before baby and once the kids have arrived."Salt and Nectar
"Getting to 50/50: How working parents can have it all is a call to arms."Working Mums
"An interesting social study into the dynamics of the nuclear family and the demands on working parents. "Redefining Mom
"I highly recommend this book for dads that want to give their families more balance."Playground Dad
"Kudos to Meers and Strober for publishing this important much-needed book."Working Moms Against Guilt
"All types of families can benefit from shifting perspective from competition between men and women to cooperation that improves life for everyone involved."Foreword Reviews
"Getting to 50/50 offers hope and help perspective and advice and ultimately some extraordinarily practical approaches to making a family work regardless of the specific challenges that family faces."
"Meers and Strober tell a highly readable story about how a 50/50 commitment to work AND family affects work marriage children and sex. You won’t want to miss Getting to 50/50."Stew Friedman Director Wharton Work/Life Integration Project and author of Total Leadership: Be a Better Leader Have a Richer Life
"[Sharon and Joanna] have spoken at companies and business schools for more than a decade. They know the culture and the challenges. But they're convinced 50/50 can and should be done."The Chicago Tribune
"Offers advice on how to get husbands to pull their weight around the house.""Woman's Hour" BBC 4
“Sharon and Joanna are mothers with five young children between them. They understand the challenges and rewards of two career households. The key is tapping into your best resource and most powerful ally the man you married.”The Green Parent
“Finally! A book about two-income families that speaks the truth and provides solid advice. Every working mom needs to read this book... twice.” – Lois P. Frankel Ph.D. author of Nice Girls Don’t Get the Corner Office
“Getting to 50/50 presents a solid business case for gender-equal workplaces and families and then helps us realize how wonderful this solution is for relationships as well.” – Marc and Amy Vachon authors of Equally Shared Parenting: Rewriting the Rules for a New Generation of Parents
"Wish I'd had a book like this years ago when I was a young working mother. Neither my husband nor I had a clue how to juggle the demands of our careers with the demands of being good parents. Our marriage suffered as a result. Today's working couples are fortunate to have a great book like Getting to 50/50 to turn to for helpful advice."--BJ Gallagher author of It's Never Too Late To Be What You Might Have Been and What Would Buddha Do At Work?
"Sharon Meers and Joanna Strober are pioneers in illuminating the path for working couples to have it all. And as pioneers they have personally travelled the territory and offer an array of insights and options that nourish relationships & careers. If you are struggling with how working couples can have it all you must read Getting to 50/50 for yourself for your children and for your career and for your relationship."–Susyn Reeve author of The Inspired Life
"When I was growing up there was a chewing gum commercial on the radio with a tune that touted “Double Your Pleasure Double Your Fun.” I think it would be a great anthem for this insightful book that wisely shows not only the advantages of being a working couple but also why it is great for the kids as well. And you the reader will surely double your knowledge and pleasure by reading Getting to 50/50.-Allen Klein author of Mom’s the Word: The Wit Wisdom and Wonder of Motherhood
“We all have the capacity to be successful in our career and in our family life as well. Getting to 50/50: How Working Couples Can Have It All is the ideal resource every spouse needs to make that happen. This book is not only a tool to help improve your work/life balance; it also serves as a timeless gift which benefits the entire family.” –David Mezzapelle author of Contagious Optimism