Good Strategy Bad Strategy: The Difference and Why It Matters

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    by Richard Rumelt



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    • ISBN-13: 9780307886231
    • Publisher: Crown Publishing Group
    • Publication date: 07/19/2011
    • Pages: 336
    • Product dimensions: 6.60(w) x 9.40(h) x 1.00(d)

    RICHARD P. RUMELT is one of the world’s most influential thinkers on strategy and management. The Economist profiled him as one of twenty-five living persons who have had the most influence on management concepts and corporate practice. McKinsey Quarterly described him as being “strategy’s strategist” and as “a giant in the field of strategy.” Throughout his career he has defined the cutting edge of strategy, initiating the systematic economic study of strategy, developing the idea that companies that focus on core skills perform best, and that superior performance is not a matter of being in the right industry but comes from a firm’s individual excellence. He is one of the founders of the resource-based view of strategy, a perspective that breaks with the market-power tradition, explaining performance in terms of unique specialized resources. Richard Rumelt received his doctoral degree from Harvard Business School, holds the Harry and Elsa Kunin Chair at the UCLA Anderson School of Management, and is a consultant to small firms such as the Samuel Goldwyn Company and giants such as Shell International, as well as to organizations in the educational and not-for-profit worlds.

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    Table of Contents

    Introduction: Overwhelming Obstacles 1

    Part I Good and Bad Strategy 9

    Chapter 1 Good Strategy is Unexpected 11

    How Steve Jobs saved Apple

    Business 101 is surprising

    General Schwarzkopf's strategy in Desert Storm

    Why "Plan A" remains a surprise

    Chapter 2 Discovering Power 21

    David and Goliath is a basic strategy story

    Discovering Wal-Mart's secret

    Marshall and Roche's strategy for competing with the Soviet Union

    Chapter 3 Bad Strategy 32

    Is U.S. national security strategy just slogans?

    How to recognize fluff

    Why not facing the problem creates bad strategy

    Chad Logan's 20/20 plan mistakes goals for strategy

    What's wrong with a dog's dinner of objectives?

    How blue-sky objectives miss the mark

    Chapter 4 Why So Much Bad Strategy? 58

    Strategy involves choice, and DEC's managers can't choose

    The path from charisma to transformational leadership to fill-in-the-blanks template-style strategy

    New Thought from Emerson to today and how it makes strategy seem superfluous

    Chapter 5 The Kernel of Good Strategy 77

    The mixture of argument and action lying behind any good strategy

    Diagnosing Starbucks, K-12 schools, the Soviet challenge, and IBM

    Guiding policies at Wells Fargo, IBM, and Stephanie's market

    The president of the European Business Group hesitates to act

    Incoherent action at Ford

    Centralization, decentralization, and Roosevelt's strategy in WWII

    Part II Sources of Power 95

    Chapter 6 Using Leverage 97

    Anticipation by Toyota and insurgents in Iraq

    How Pierre Wack anticipated the oil crisis and oil prices

    Pivot points at 7-Eleven and the Brandenburg Gate

    Harold Williams uses concentration to make the Gettya world presence in art

    Chapter 7 Proximate Objectives 106

    Why Kennedy's goal of landing on the moon was a proximate and strategic objective

    Phyllis Buwalda resolves the ambiguity about the surface of the moon

    A regional business school generates proximate objectives

    A helicopter pilot explains hierarchies of skills

    Why what is proximate for one organization is distant for another

    Chapter 8 Chain-Link Systems 116

    Challenger's O-ring and chain-link systems

    Stuck systems at GM and underdeveloped countries

    Marco Tinelli explains how to get a chain-link system unstuck

    IKEA shows how excellence is the flip side of being stuck

    Chapter 9 Using Design 124

    Hannibal defeats the Roman army in 216 B.C. using anticipation and a coordinated design of action in time and space

    How a design-type strategy is like a BMW

    Designing the Voyager spacecraft at JPL

    The trade-off between resources and tight configuration

    How success leads to potent resources that, in turn, induce laxity and decline

    Design shows itself as order imposed on chaos-the example of Paccar's heavy-truck business

    Chapter 10 Focus 142

    A class struggles to identify Crown Cork & Seal's strategy

    Working back from policies to strategy

    The particular pattern of policy and segmentation called "focus"

    Why the strategy worked

    Chapter 11 Growth 151

    The all-out pursuit of size almost sinks Crown

    A noxious adviser at Telecom Italia

    Healthy growth

    Chapter 12 Using Advantage

    Advantage in Afghanistan and in business

    Stewart and Lynda Resnick serial entrepreneurship

    What makes a business "interesting"

    The puzzle of the silver machine

    Why you cannot get richer by simply owning a competitive advantage

    What bricklaying teaches us about deepening advantage

    Broadening the Disney brand

    The red tide of pomegranate juice

    Oil fields, isolating mechanisms, and being a moving target

    Chapter 13 Using Dynamics 178

    Capturing the high ground by riding a wave of change

    Jean-Bernard Lévy opens my eyes to tectonic shifts

    The microprocessor changes everything

    Why software is king and the rise of Cisco Systems

    How Cisco rode three interlinked waves of change

    Guideposts to strategy in transitions

    Attractor states and the future of the New York Times

    Chapter 14 Inertia and Entropy 202

    The smothering effect of obsolete routine at Continental Airlines

    Inertia at AT&T and the process of renewal

    Inertia by proxy at PSFS and the DSL business

    Applying hump charts to reveal entropy at Denton's

    Entropy at GM

    Chapter 15 Putting it Together 223

    Nvidia jumps from nowhere to dominance by riding a wave of change using a design-type strategy

    How a game called Quake derailed the expected march of 3-D graphics

    Nvidia's first product fails, and it devises a new strategy

    How a faster release cycle made a difference

    Why a powerful buyer like Dell can sometimes be an advantage

    Intel fails twice in 3-D graphics and SGI goes bankrupt

    Part III Thinking Like a Strategist 239

    Chapter 16 The Science of Strategy 241

    Hughes engineers start to guess at strategies

    Deduction is enough only if you already know everything worth knowing

    Galileo heresy trial triggers the Enlightenment

    Plypotheses, anomalies, and Italian espresso bars

    Why Americans drank weak coffee

    Howard Schultz as a scientist

    Learning and vertical integration

    Chapter 17 Using Your Head 257

    A baffling comment is resolved fifteen years later

    Frederick Taylor tells Andrew Carnegie to make a list

    Being "strategic" largely means being less myopic than your undeliberative self

    TiVo and quick closure

    Thinking about thinking

    Using mind tools: the kernel, problem-solution, create-destroy, and the panel of experts

    Chapter 18 Keeping Your Head 276

    Can one be independent without being eccentric, doubting without being a curmudgeon?

    Global Crossing builds a transatlantic cable

    Build it for $1.5 and sell it for $8

    The worst industry structure imaginable

    Kurt Gödel and stock prices

    Why the 2008 financial crisis was almost certain to occur

    The parallels among 2008, the Johnstown Flood, the Hindenburg, the Hurricane Katrina aftermath, and the gulf oil spill

    How the inside view and social herding blinded people to the coming financial storm

    The common cause of the panics and depressions of 1819, 1837, 1873, 1893, and 2008

    Notes 299

    Acknowledgments 311

    Index 313

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    Good Strategy/Bad Strategy clarifies the muddled thinking underlying too many strategies and provides a clear way to create and implement a powerful action-oriented strategy for the real world.
    Developing and implementing a strategy is the central task of a leader. A good strategy is a specific and coherent response to—and approach for—overcoming the obstacles to progress. A good strategy works by harnessing and applying power where it will have the greatest effect. Yet, Rumelt shows that there has been a growing and unfortunate tendency to equate Mom-and-apple-pie values, fluffy packages of buzzwords, motivational slogans, and financial goals with “strategy.”

    In Good Strategy/Bad Strategy, he debunks these elements of “bad strategy” and awakens an understanding of the power of a “good strategy.” He introduces nine sources of power—ranging from using leverage to effectively focusing on growth—that are eye-opening yet pragmatic tools that can easily be put to work on Monday morning, and uses fascinating examples from business, nonprofit, and military affairs to bring its original and pragmatic ideas to life. The detailed examples range from Apple to General Motors, from the two Iraq wars to Afghanistan, from a small local market to Wal-Mart, from Nvidia to Silicon Graphics, from the Getty Trust to the Los Angeles Unified School District, from Cisco Systems to Paccar, and from Global Crossing to the 2007–08 financial crisis.

    Reflecting an astonishing grasp and integration of economics, finance, technology, history, and the brilliance and foibles of the human character, Good Strategy/Bad Strategy stems from Rumelt’s decades of digging beyond the superficial to address hard questions with honesty and integrity.

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    From the Publisher
    "The most interesting business book of 2011." —Financial Times

    “So much that’s said and written about strategy is – from my point of view – complete junk, that I get excited when I hear someone focusing on strategy in a coherent and useful way...A very good book.” —Forbes

    “The year’s best and most original addition to the strategy bookshelf." —Strategy+Business

    "The whole middle section, about sources of power, is valuable—particularly the explication of the limitations and nuances of competitive advantage.” —Inc

    "Clearly written, thoughtful...This book is painful therapy but a necessary read nonetheless." —Washington Times

    "Represents the latest thinking in strategy and is peppered with many current real world examples. Good Strategy/Bad Strategy has much to offer and has every chance of becoming a business classic.” —Management Today

    "Drawing on a wealth of examples, Rumelt identifies the critical features that distinguish powerful strategies from wimpy ones—and offers a cache of advice on how to build a strategy that is actually worthy of the name.  If you're certain your company is already poised to out-perform its rivals and out-run the future, don't buy this book.  If, on the other hand, you have a sliver of doubt, pick it up pronto!” —Gary Hamel, co-author of Competing for the Future

    “..Brilliant … a milestone in both the theory and practice of strategy... Vivid examples from the contemporary business world and global history that clearly show how to recognize the good, reject the bad, and make good strategy a living force in your organization.” —John Stopford, Chairman TLP International, Professor Emeritus, London Business School

    Penetrating insights provide new and powerful ways for leaders to tackle the obstacles they face. The concepts of "the kernel" and "the proximate objective" are blockbusters. This is the new must-have book for everyone who leads an organization in business, government, or in-between.” —Robert A. Eckert, chairman and CEO of Mattel

    . Richly illustrated and persuasively argued … the playbook for anybody in a leadership position who must think and act strategically. “ —Michael Useem, Professor of Management at  the Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania, and author of The Leadership Moment

     “… Rumelt writes with great verve and pulls no punches as he pinpoints such strategy "sins" as fluff, blue sky objectives, and not facing the problem.” —James Roche, former Secretary of the Air Force and president of Electronic Sensors & Systems, Northrop Grumman.

    “This is the first book on strategy I have read that I have found difficult to put down. —John Kay, London Business School

    Library Journal
    Award-winning author and sought-after consultant Rumelt (Harry and Elsa Kunin Chair in Business and Society, UCLA Anderson Sch. of Management) provides keen insights on how to recognize effective approaches to promoting economic performance. Drawing from his rich experience, he offers numerous examples to help business leaders craft effective strategies. The book contains three essential components. First, it covers how to diagnose a challenge and formulate policy and action plans to address it. Then, it shows how good strategies can build upon the strengths, weaknesses, and sources of power unique to an organization. Finally, it shows the importance of business leaders sharpening their sensitivity to the challenges of an organization by viewing them from the customers' perspective. VERDICT Readers accustomed to managerial terminology should be able to cut through Rumelt's thin shroud of consultant hype to get to his practical insights. Although his candid comments and colorful examples convey his passion for counseling readers interested in strategy, the effective application of these concepts requires considerable experience and stamina.—Jerry P. Miller. Cambridge, MA

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