Home to Holly Springs (Mitford Series #10)

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    by Jan Karon




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    • ISBN-13: 9780143114390
    • Publisher: Penguin Publishing Group
    • Publication date: 10/28/2008
    • Series: Mitford Series , #10
    • Edition description: Reprint
    • Pages: 368
    • Sales rank: 21,730
    • Product dimensions: 4.88(w) x 7.66(h) x 0.64(d)

    Jan Karon, born Janice Meredith Wilson in the foothills of North Carolina, was named after the title of a popular novel, Janice Meredith.

    Jan wrote her first novel at the age of ten. "The manuscript was written on Blue Horse notebook paper, and was, for good reason, kept hidden from my sister. When she found it, she discovered the one curse word I had, with pounding heart, included in someone's speech. For Pete's sake, hadn't Rhett Butler used that very same word and gotten away with it? After my grandmother's exceedingly focused reproof, I've written books without cussin' ever since."

    Several years ago, Karon left a successful career in advertising to move to the mountain village of Blowing Rock, North Carolina, and write books. "I stepped out on faith to follow my lifelong dream of being an author," she says. "I made real sacrifices and took big risks. But living, it seems to me, is largely about risk."

    Enthusiastic booksellers across the country have introduced readers of all ages to Karon's heartwarming books. At Home in Mitford, Karon's first book in the Mitford series, was nominated for an ABBY by the American Booksellers Association in 1996 and again in 1997. Bookstore owner, Shirley Sprinkle, says, "The Mitford Books have been our all-time fiction bestsellers since we went in business twenty-five years ago. We've sold 10,000 of Jan's books and don't see any end to the Mitford phenomenon."

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    Brief Biography

    Blowing Rock, North Carolina
    Date of Birth:
    Place of Birth:
    Lenoir, North Carolina

    What People are Saying About This

    From the Publisher

    “Mitford fans, rejoice! . . . Father Tim answers the summons—and learns that you can go home again.”—The Washington Post

    “Lovely . . . This is Karon’s most emotionally complex novel.”—USA Today

    “Karon holds varying aspects of humanity up to the light, from staggering cruelty . . . to the awesome power of love and forgiveness.”—The Atlanta Journal-Constitution

    “Mitford fans will enjoy this newest visit with wise, winsome, lovable Father Tim.”—Publishers Weekly

    Reading Group Guide

    As a retired Episcopal priest, Father Tim Kavanagh is well aware of the power of words. Words of comfort. Words of Scripture. Words of encouragement. But it only takes two simple words to inspire him to make one of the most important journeys of his life, and those words are: “Come home.”

    And so he does.

    Traveling to his boyhood home in northern Mississippi doesn’t merely take Father Tim across hundreds of miles. Thanks to a thousand sights and smells, he also travels back through memories—some fond and some he’s tried for nearly forty years to forget. He recalls his stern, quick-to-anger father, who was plagued by his own father’s abuse. He remembers his beloved maternal grandfather, who, like himself, lived his life in service to God. And, of course, he thinks back to his mother, whose beauty was rivaled only by that of the gardens she so lovingly tended. Though the memories may be very much alive, the people connected to them are all buried near the oldest tree in Hill Crest Cemetery.

    But what about the people his age? What about his best friend and blood-brother from childhood? And the boy who received a harsh punishment that rightfully should have gone to the young Timothy?

    Arriving at the town’s picturesque square, Father Tim is pleased to find a few familiar storefronts. But trying to find the people he’s looking for only leads to frustration. Until, that is, the small town rumor mill kicks in. He receives an invitation to have tea with two women, one of whom was his long ago fiancée.

    Slowly, the people from his past help illuminate for Father Tim his life and his family. For the first time he turns fully toward the memories of his childhood in Holly Springs and lets them flood over him. He’s grateful to sleep in the same room he slept in as a child. He’s thankful for the grace that allows forgiveness to take the place of resentment and anger in many of his relationships.

    Finally, the author of the mysterious note that brought him to Holly Springs is revealed. The answer to this mystery also leads Father Tim closer to understanding his parents and why, so many years ago, a beloved family friend disappeared without saying goodbye.

    But with these answers come another question, one that will lead Father Tim to an agonizing question: Should he once again seal a brotherhood with his own blood?


    Jan Karon, born Janice Meredith Wilson in the foothills of North Carolina, was named after the title of a popular novel, Janice Meredith.

    Jan wrote her first novel at the age of ten. "The manuscript was written on Blue Horse notebook paper, and was, for good reason, kept hidden from my sister. When she found it, she discovered the one curse word I had, with pounding heart, included in someone's speech. For Pete's sake, hadn't Rhett Butler used that very same word and gotten away with it? After my grandmother's exceedingly focused reproof, I've written books without cussin' ever since."

    Several years ago, Karon left a successful career in advertising to move to the mountain village of Blowing Rock, North Carolina, and write books. "I stepped out on faith to follow my lifelong dream of being an author," she says. "I made real sacrifices and took big risks. But living, it seems to me, is largely about risk."

    Enthusiastic booksellers across the country have introduced readers of all ages to Karon's heartwarming books. At Home in Mitford, Karon's first book in the Mitford series, was nominated for an ABBY by the American Booksellers Association in 1996 and again in 1997. Bookstore owner, Shirley Sprinkle, says, "The Mitford Books have been our all-time fiction bestsellers since we went in business twenty-five years ago. We've sold 10,000 of Jan's books and don't see any end to the Mitford phenomenon."


    Q. As this novel is set away from Mitford, readers don’t encounter many of the characters they’ve grown to love. Was writing this book more challenging without a cast of characters on which you could rely? Or was it freeing to create new personalities?

    A. Yes to both. But I was quite ready to leave the safety of Mitford’s shores and cast out into the deep. Frankly, it was scary. But every launch into a new story scares me. There’s a time of gnashing of teeth, then one simply must dive in and swim for yet another shore, sharks and all.

    Q. Please tell us more about your visit to the real Holly Springs. What surprised you most?

    A. I was most surprised by the lovely difference in the Deep South from the South. There’s a dash more of the past still available behind the Magnolia Curtain, and something still left of innocence.

    Q. A number of characters in Home to Holly Springs say that a visit to Graceland is a must. Have you been?

    A. I was taken there by two Memphis sisters, and it just—let me use the vernacular here—blew me away. I was never an Elvis fan and was absolutely dumbfounded when I suddenly became one a couple of years ago. It didn’t exactly grow on me, this appreciation for his great artistic gift and big heart, it just—boom!—happened. Graceland was the key, for it let me imagine his tender heart and compassion for others.

    Q. The Scriptures are very much woven through this story. Did you choose to reference your personal favorites? What are some verses you find yourself turning to most often?

    A. I think one can’t help but reference personal favorites of nearly anything in one’s work. Throughout the Mitford series, I referenced Philippians 4:13. Many of the scriptures referenced in Holly Springs are ones that have nourished and edified me, and several are repeated in the two books of quotes collected by Father Tim: Patches of Godlight and A Continual Feast.

    Q. Much of Father Tim’s past is revealed through the characters telling family stories rather than through straightforward narrative. Were there a lot of stories passed down in your family?

    A. My grandmother was a consummate storyteller. I learned everything at her knee. She had the most colorful, even playful speech habits, and small details never escaped her. She could remember, at the age of one hundred, how the bodice of a certain dress was smocked, or the fabric from which it was made. Lawn, silk shantung, crepe de chine, dotted Swiss, and marquisette were just a few of the poetic fabric names she often referenced. She told me all about her five suitors and how the best man won. “Fannie,” said my grandfather, sitting on the far end of the davenport in his courting garb, “Do you care for me?” My grandmother sat up even straighter and gave him a piercing look. “I don’t know, Monroe. Do you care for me?” She told about the hawk she killed barehanded, the games she played with her brothers and sisters under the big pine tree (this pine tree appears in Home to Holly Springs in a story Peggy Winchester tells). I must give credit also to my grandfather, who took me on his rounds to swap hunting dogs, buy horses, shop for nails and seed corn, and generally interact with the country menfolk. Out of these powerful childhood memories swarm such characters as Mule Skinner, Percy Mosely, T (for Theophilus), and a number of other male characters. No character is based on a real person, but is formed out of the soup of memory and experience. My mother provides material, too. She’s now in her eighties and perfectly gorgeous, and her hard-of-hearing episodes can be hilarious. I had to give just a touch of this odd magic to Miz Lewis.

    Q. Did any of the new characters you conceived become particular favorites? You especially seemed to have a little fun with Luola Dabney Randolph Lewis.

    A. Miz Lewis blew into the story with great force. I love the way she castigated our priest for having left his hometown for greener pastures. She preached a sermon that, bitter as it was, contains much truth, and certainly reveals a largely unspoken disappointment share by those left behind to contend with the fallout.

    I liked all the characters immensely, as I nearly always do when I write. Writing is a severely lonely occupation, as most writers will tell you, and I think my characters provide a sort of social outlet for me. Sitting on the porch with T and Ray was sublime.

    Q. Mississippi has been portrayed by some of the greatest Southern writers—from Faulkner to Welty. Did you draw inspiration from any of them? Do you have any favorite novels set in Mississippi?

    A. I draw inspiration from all the writers I read, which is why I’m careful about the reading I choose to do. I’m not aware of being inspired by Welty or Faulkner in any specific way, though the rhythm and color of their dialogue, and how each chose to cast their native speech, was a definite benefit to me. North Carolina and Mississippi are two quite diverse places—one must catch the subtle nuances of speech differences and make them ring true. I feast with pleasure on dialogue that is well crafted and authentic.


  • Which of the two men, Jim Houck or Father Tim, do you think benefited more from the truth about what happened between their fathers: Father Tim learning the truth about what happened or Jim finally being able to tell him the truth?
  • What do you think Matthew Kavanagh’s last words meant?
  • Father Tim is surprised that the courthouse was as large as he remembered it. Discuss times you revisited places from your childhood only to discover that things were different than you recalled.
  • When young Timothy Kavanagh uses a racist epithet, he’s told to read First Corinthians 12:13, which says, “For we were all baptized by one Spirit into one body—whether Jews or Greeks, slave or free—and we were all given the one Spirit to drink.” How do you think it was so easy for people to profess their Christianity while still embracing racism?
  • Father Tim reflects that since returning to Holly Springs, “his own bear had lumbered up to the wagon.” Discuss what he meant. With what other bears are the characters in this book struggling?
  • Discuss the instances in Home to Holly Springs where the sins of the father are passed on to the son. Father Tim’s father was a distant and strict person prone to bouts of depression. Why do you think Father Tim’s parenting style wasn’t negatively affected by how his father treated him?
  • Father Tim wanted to ask his dad, “Why do you hate me?” How do you think he would have reacted if the question had been posed?
  • As in Jan Karon’s previous novels, food and fellowship go hand in hand. Discuss a few examples in the book where events and people are directly tied to food. What are the foods that you associate with childhood memories or other specific times in your life? Have you carried on those traditions?
  • Several people in the book say it’s a must to see Graceland before one dies. What are your must-visit destinations?
  • Do you think the favor Peggy asks of Father Tim is selfish? What would you have done if you were in Father Tim’s shoes?
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    With Home to Holly Springs, New York Times-bestselling author Jan Karon launches a new series, The Father Tim Novels, featuring the retired Episcopal priest that her readers have come to love. With all the deep feeling, insight, and humor that fans of the Mitford series cherish, Karon in this novel takes Father Tim on a journey to his hometown of Holly Springs, Mississippi. A host of fascinating encounters with people along the way ensure that the trip is colorful, though as Father Tim arrives in response to a mysterious summons, he may discover that home is where the heart is but also where secrets are hidden.

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    "Come home." It takes only a two-word, unsigned note to call Father Tim Kavanaugh back to his Holly Springs, Mississippi, roots. And readers of Jan Karon's nine Mitford Years novels will require no greater prod than that to be drawn into this latest installment about this newly retired Episcopalian priest. Father Tim's return to his old stomping grounds brings with it heartwarming nostalgia but also the exposure of deeply buried secrets and the discovery of newfound friends. Could this be the timely arrival of a new Karon series?
    Publishers Weekly
    Karon's bestselling series of Mitford novels has concluded with 25 million copies sold to date, but to the relief of eager fans, she introduces a new series featuring Father Tim. The beloved Episcopal priest returns to his childhood town of Holly Springs, Miss., where he reconnects with old friends and battles some old demons. The novel is thick with Father Tim's past, as Karon uses flashbacks to shed light on his early adulthood, especially his transition to seminary. In Holly Springs, his penchant for getting near strangers to open up to him-and his earnest, moving reflections on faith, prayer and the risks of love-are reassuringly present. His wife, Cynthia, is on stage far less than he, but when she appears, she is charming and insightful, as usual. Yet the book is far from perfect. Development of the quirky locals in Holly Springs is thin, and the end is a tad abrupt. Most frustratingly, the central drama of the novel falls flat: Father Tim discovers a long-buried family secret, but he doesn't grapple deeply enough with the emotional consequences of his discovery, nor does Karon fully explore the ways in which the secret plunges us into the Southern quagmire of race. Still, Mitford fans will enjoy this newest visit with wise, winsome, lovable Father Tim. (Oct. 30)

    Copyright 2007 Reed Business Information
    USA Today
    Lovely . . . This is Karon's most emotionally complex novel.
    The Washington Post
    Mitford fans, rejoice! . . . Father Tim answers the summons—and learns that you can go home again.
    The Atlanta Journal- Constitution
    Karon holds varying aspects of humanity up to the light, from staggering cruelty . . . to the awesome power of love and forgiveness.
    Kirkus Reviews
    Far from Mitford and his beloved wife Cynthia, Father Tim Kavanagh enters unfamiliar emotional territory in the town of his birth. When he receives a letter postmarked Holly Springs, Miss., that contains a cryptic two-word message written in a precise, old-fashioned hand, Father Tim decides to answer its call and return to his birthplace for the first time in 38 years. On the long drive, he faces unanswered questions and half-forgotten memories: What happened to his boyhood chum and blood brother, Tommy? What caused his father's melancholy that bordered on cruelty? What happened to Peggy, the adored black caregiver who disappeared when he was 11? Who is trying to contact him, and why? As Father Tim awaits the letter writer, he is showered by blessings: He finds that his hometown has been beautifully restored, and he makes peace with an old flame. When the summons comes, it brings both joy and betrayal. He is reunited with his beloved Peggy, only to learn a terrible secret: She was carrying his father's child when she disappeared. When Peggy reveals that Henry, her son and Tim's half-brother, has leukemia and can only survive with a transfusion from a compatible sibling, Tim has to struggle to reach the decision he knows is right. In this setting away from home, we see Father Tim in a new light as he wrestles with his past and explores the origins of his religious convictions. The saga veers into magical theater as Karon (Cynthia Coppersmith's Violet Comes to Stay, 2006, etc.) ties up every loose end in Tim's past. But readers who miss Mitford's colorful eccentrics will be satisfied by Holly Springs's ample supply of quirky characters. Karon's deft interweaving of past and present infusesthe Mitford saga with new energy.
    From the Publisher
    Mitford fans, rejoice! . . . Father Tim answers the summons—and learns that you can go home again.”—The Washington Post

    “Lovely . . . This is Karon’s most emotionally complex novel.”—USA Today

    “Karon holds varying aspects of humanity up to the light, from staggering cruelty . . . to the awesome power of love and forgiveness.”—The Atlanta Journal-Constitution

    “Mitford fans will enjoy this newest visit with wise, winsome, lovable Father Tim.”—Publishers Weekly

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