How to Deliver a TED Talk: Secrets of the World's Most Inspiring Presentations, revised and expanded new edition, with a foreword by Richard St. John and an afterword by Simon Sinek

    by Jeremey Donovan



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    JEREMEY DONOVAN is a TEDx organizer and speaker. He serves as group vice president of marketing at Gartner, Inc., the world's leading information technology research and advisory company with $1.6 billion in annual revenue.

    Read an Excerpt


    Secrets of the World's Most Inspiring Presentations


    McGraw-Hill Education

    Copyright © 2014 Jeremey Donovan
    All rights reserved.
    ISBN: 978-0-07-183159-8


    Choosing an Idea Worth Spreading

    TIP 1: Everybody has an idea worth spreading.

    After watching a TED Talk, most people feel at least two emotions. The first comes from the angel on your right shoulder whispering softly, "You can do anything. You can be anything. Go change the world." It makes you tingle with a sense of exhilaration about how your life and the lives of the people around you will change as you apply this newfound knowledge. The second emotion comes from the devil on your left shoulder who sows self-doubt by screaming, "You will never be able to give a talk like that! You don't even have a good idea, let alone a great idea. The only thing you have spent 10,000 hours over 10 years learning is how to watch television. You don't have a glamorous job. Nothing amazing has ever happened to you."

    The first step in being able to deliver a TED Talk is telling the devil to go back to where he came from. He could not be more wrong. Just look at the evidence. For every Bill Gates, there are hundreds if not thousands of activists who have given talks about causes they have championed without the backing of a foundation with an endowment exceeding $30 billion. In fact, antipoverty activist Bunker Roy—hardly a household name—delivered a TED Talk that has had nearly three times as many views as Mr. Gates's. If you have transformed even one life for the better, including your own, then you have the seed of an idea worth spreading.

    TIP 2: Choose your persona based on whether your primary objective is to educate, entertain, or inspire.

    Before you say, "But, I'm not an activist," remember that speeches have been given by people from nearly every walk of life. Though TED started in 1984 with a focus on bringing together people from the worlds of technology, entertainment, and design, the organization has intentionally broadened its scope. In my sampling of TED Talks, I have identified no less than 15 common personas, falling into three categories, that frequently grace the stage.

    These 15 personas are neither mutually exclusive nor collectively exhaustive. You may recognize yourself in more than one of them, or you may find yourself in none. Day to day and moment to moment, each of us changes hats. The point is simply that projecting these personas onto yourself one at a time will help you narrow your focus. Since constraints unlock creativity, this technique will help you easily identify which idea you want to spread. In addition, whether your dominant mission is education, entertainment, or inspiration, make sure to include a healthy dose of the other two components with information, humor, or emotion.

    Category 1. The Educators

    Though every great TED Talk is a mixture of education, entertainment, and inspiration, speakers in this category tend to have a heavier focus on the education component. By educator, I use a rather broad definition that is inclusive of those who seek to understand the nature of nature, the nature of people, and the nature of things people create. While not a requirement, these speakers often have advanced academic degrees in the sciences or engineering. The following four types of personas are in this category:

    The inventor. Inventors are the purveyors of cool. They share new technologies that promise to save us effort, entertain us, or even fulfill our dreams. From Pranav Mistry's SixthSense wearable electronics3 to Sebastian Thrun's driverless car, a large set of inventions discussed at TED focuses on the user experience with our gadgets. Ranking the most popular TED Talks by inventors reveals insights about our collective zeitgeist. One pattern that is telling—if not also a little funny—is that there is an unusually large concentration of TED Talks about things that fly, including robots, animals, and even people with jetpacks. The thirst for flight is more than a fad; it is a psychologically hardwired desire.

    The life scientist. Life scientists open our eyes to the wonders of living organisms, biological processes, and interrelationships among living things. As one might expect, the majority of the most viewed TED Talks by life scientists center on helping individuals understand their brains, stay healthy, and live longer. It appears that the same psychological survival instinct driving popularity for inventors is at play here. Three exceptional talks in this group include Jill Bolte Taylor's "Stroke of Insight," Hans Rosling's "Stats That Reshape Your Worldview," and Aubrey de Grey's "A Roadmap to End Aging."

    The natural scientist. The laws of nature and the physical world—inclusive of astronomy, biology, chemistry, and physics—are made accessible to the masses by natural scientists. Through the words and images of these speakers, you can journey from subatomic particles (Brian Greene), to underwater astonishments (David Gallo), to the larger universe (Stephen Hawking).

    The social scientist. Social scientists provide insights on the individual and collective human experience. Here, you will find two of the most popular TED Talks, Sir Ken Robinson's "Schools Kill Creativity" and Brené Brown's "The Power of Vulnerability." A large number of these talks help us make sense of our emotions such as love, empathy, and shame. The best of the presenters, like Dr. Brown, turn what we commonly perceive as negative into positive. Social scientists are the originators of the research commonly cited by another role you will read about in a few moments, the personal guru.

    Category 2. The Entertainers

    With the educators securely tucked away, we turn our attention to the next group, the entertainers. While their dominant mode is quite obviously to entertain, the best speakers in this category teach us by sharing the secrets of their craft.

    The comedian. Despite the organization's early commitment to entertainment, there are rather few TED Talks by comedians. Megastars like Jerry Seinfeld and Chris Rock rarely grace the TED stage. Sarah Silverman, a popular yet polarizing comedian, gave a rather explicit TED Talk in 2010 that is not available on YouTube or TED.com. Ms. Silverman shares why: "It was never officially released because [TED curator] Chris Anderson called it 'god awful.'" Why so few comedians? The best comedy is pure entertainment. Professional comics need to deliver an astonishing four to six laughs per minute. To achieve a surprise every 10 seconds, they need to continually shift their direction, which makes it nearly impossible to construct an idea worth spreading. However, a few skilled performers managed to form a message out of the madness, including Charlie Todd, Ze Frank, Reggie Watts, and Maz Jobrani.

    The magician. TED audiences like to see performers deconstruct their craft. In the case of comedians, deconstructing the craft kills the humor. In the case of magicians, deconstructing the craft is a violation of the Magician's Oath, which prevents the sharing of the secrets behind illusions with nonmagicians. Though often a personal oath, it is also a foundation of the code of ethics in most professional magicians' societies. As a consequence of this limitation and of the requirement to have an idea worth spreading, one tends to find less traditional magicians on the TED stage. Examples include Arthur Benjamin ("Mathemagic"), Keith Barry ("Brain Magic"), and Marco Tempest ("Augmented Reality, Techno-Magic"). Though not technically a magician, I put fraud debunker James Randi in this category as well.

    The writer. The writer persona includes creators of fiction and poetry. Here is where you will find Elizabeth Gilbert, Chimamanda Adichie, and Isabel Allende talking not only about their craft but also about their personal journeys as writers. My favorite in this category is Karen Thompson Walker, who weaves a historical narrative with a counterintuitive message about what fear can teach us.

    The performing artist. This group includes dancers, musicians, and singers, as well as actors and directors of stage and screen. Though there are many traditional performances that are pure entertainment, the best talks by these types of artists mix performance with insight. For example, conductor Benjamin Zander illustrated how "the job of the C [note] is to make the B [note] sad" in Chopin's "Prelude in E Minor." Though you never need to know why music makes you feel the way you do, it is enlightening to discover at least one reason why.

    The visual artist. Visual artists using nearly every medium are well represented in popular TED Talks. Candy Chang breathes new life into abandoned public spaces and structures. Erik Johansson shares his incredible photography. You can also find the intersection of technology and art in many talks, including Beau Lotto's optical illusions.

    Category 3. Change Agents

    Having covered technology and entertainment, you would expect the next group of TED personas to fall into the design category. However, design is more of a philosophy adopted by speakers of all kinds and transcends rigid classification. If technologists educate and entertainers entertain, then we need a third group to hold personas whose principal mission is to inspire. I call this largest of the three groups "change agents." If you did not find yourself in one of the prior categories, then you should adopt one of the following personas to share your idea worth spreading:

    The activist. Nearly every TED speaker is an activist in some way. So think of this role as someone vigorously engaged in driving social, political, or environmental change often by drawing attention to an immediate injustice. Three excellent speakers who conform to this persona include Bunker Roy, Jamie Oliver, and Temple Grandin.

    The authority. The authority persona is the most general. This category refers to speakers who share the epiphanies they experienced in their interesting, sometimes enviable, day jobs. The most popular talks in this category include Rory Sutherland's "Life Lessons from an Ad Man," Cameron Russell's "Looks Aren't Everything. Believe Me, I'm a Model," and Peter van Uhm's "Why I Chose a Gun." Mr. Sutherland, a senior executive at a marketing firm, shares a counterintuitive idea about using psychological advertising techniques for good rather than for evil. Ms. Russell and Mr. van Uhm take similar approaches in challenging conventional wisdom about what it is like to be a fashion model and military commander, respectively.

    The business guru. Business gurus are the successful nonfiction authors and business authorities who curate and popularize esoteric social science to help others become more successful at work. Though there are exceptions such as Sheryl Sandberg, this is a disproportionately male-dominated category that includes the likes of Simon Sinek, Dan Pink, and Seth Godin.

    The explorer. Where authorities reveal epiphanies experienced in their day jobs, explorers share insights from personal experience. In some instances, they share stories about near-death experiences such as plane crashes (Ric Elias) or brutal muggings (Ed Gavagan). But it is just as effective to describe a positive practice that many dream of but never do; Matt Cutts's "Try Something New for 30 Days" is a nice example of this. Ordinary-man Joe Smith proved that even the mundane can be transformed into an idea worth spreading with his "How to Use a Paper Towel."

    The personal guru. Personal gurus are to the self-help section of the bookstore what business gurus are to the professional motivation section. And just as in the self-help section, you will find subsections devoted to love and sexuality, happiness, and religion. There are time-tested megastars here, including Tony Robbins, Malcolm Gladwell, and Mary Roach. However, there are also plenty of newly minted phenoms such as introvert champion Susan Cain and personal health guide Ron Gutman. Most personal gurus, like their business counterparts, are writers.

    The social entrepreneur. There is a rather thin line between social entrepreneurs and activists, although in truth many speakers straddle both categories. The principal difference is that social entrepreneurs apply business management principles to social change. This category includes free online education advocate Salman Khan, video game designer Jane McGonigal, and clean-water innovator Michael Pritchard.

    TIP 3: Frame your idea worth spreading as an action-outcome response to a question worth asking.

    Excluding TED Talks whose sole purpose is to entertain, the main mission of most TED Talks is to call listeners to action in such a way that makes the world a better place. Many of the most satisfying talks recommend that listeners take tiny actions that can lead to large personal and societal benefits. Since people are naturally stuck in their ways, the tiny actions suggested need to be fast, cheap, and easy. One of my favorite examples is Joe Smith, who started his talk at TEDxConcordiaUPortald in 2012 with the following:

    If we [Americans] could reduce the usage of paper towels, one paper towel per person per day, 571,230,000 pounds of paper [would] not [be] used.

    While there is no single best way to phrase your idea worth spreading during your talk, there is an excellent way to think about it during the planning stages. To impose good discipline, the format I recommend is "To (action) so that (outcome)." Let's look at the questions that trigger ideas worth spreading and how individual speakers answered them, starting with the technologists:

    The inventor. MIT Media Labs wizard Pranav Mistry asked himself, "How do I accelerate the development and adoption of technology that will close the digital divide and restore our connection to the physical world?" He answered with this idea worth spreading: "To promote the development of digital gadgets that people can interact with using natural gestures so that we do not end up as machines sitting in front of other machines."

    The life scientist. Neuroscientist Jill Bolte Taylor asked herself, "How can I combine my personal experience and my scientific knowledge to give people a way to treat each other more compassionately?" She answered with the idea worth spreading, "To choose to live in the collective consciousness of your brain's right hemisphere (rather than the self-centric left hemisphere) so that we can have a more peaceful world."

    The natural scientist. Mycologist Paul Stamets asked himself, "How can I alert people to an unobserved but growing threat to the survival of all living organisms?" He answered with the idea worth spreading, "To preserve the biodiversity of mushrooms in old-growth forests so that we prevent the mass extinction of life on earth."

    The social scientist. Sir Ken Robinson asked, "What small change can we make to our education system that will unleash the hidden potential of our collective but repressed creativity?" He answered with the idea worth spreading, "To educate the whole being of children, their right and left brain, so that they can build a brighter future."

    Now, let's turn our attention to the entertainers:

    The comedian. Improv Everywhere founder Charlie Todd asked himself, "How can I get adults to recapture the uninhibited bliss of their childhoods?" He answered with the idea worth spreading, "To accept that there is no right or wrong way to play so that we can have more joy."

    The magician. Mathemagician Arthur Benjamin asked himself, "How do I convince people that normal minds can perform impossible tasks?" He answered with the idea worth spreading, "To use clever shortcuts so that complex problems become easy." If you listen to his talk, it is hard to catch this since he never states it explicitly. However, he illustrates it when he reveals that the trick to squaring large numbers is to break them down into the sum of three simpler calculations. For example, what is 68 squared? You could calculate it as 68 times 68, which is mind blowing for most people. Or you could sum 60 times 60 (3,600) plus 8 times 8 (64) plus 60 times 8 times 2 (960). Either way, the answer is 4,624. Maybe that is not easy, but it is at least easier.

    Excerpted from HOW TO DELIVER A TED TALK by JEREMEY DONOVAN. Copyright © 2014 Jeremey Donovan. Excerpted by permission of McGraw-Hill Education.
    All rights reserved. No part of this excerpt may be reproduced or reprinted without permission in writing from the publisher.
    Excerpts are provided by Dial-A-Book Inc. solely for the personal use of visitors to this web site.

    Table of Contents


    Foreword by Richard St. John          


    INTRODUCTION Confessions of a TED Talk Addict          

    PART I CONTENT          

    CHAPTER 1 Choosing an Idea Worth Spreading          

    CHAPTER 2 Organizing Your Talk          

    CHAPTER 3 Telling Your Story          

    CHAPTER 4 Crafting Your Catchphrase          

    CHAPTER 5 Opening Your Talk          

    CHAPTER 6 Transitioning Between Parts of Your Talk          

    CHAPTER 7 Concluding Your Talk          

    PART II DELIVERY          

    CHAPTER 8 Projecting Emotion          

    CHAPTER 9 Enhancing Your Language          

    CHAPTER 10 Adding Humor          

    CHAPTER 11 Mastering Your Verbal Delivery          

    CHAPTER 12 Managing Your Nonverbal Delivery          

    CHAPTER 13 Moving Around the Stage          

    PART III DESIGN          

    CHAPTER 14 Creating Inspiring Slides          

    CHAPTER 15 Using Video Effectively          

    CHAPTER 16 Using Props          

    CHAPTER 17 Using a Lectern          

    CHAPTER 18 Dressing for Success on Stage          


    CHAPTER 19 Getting Selected to Give a TED Talk          

    CHAPTER 20 Preparing Without Fear          

    CHAPTER 21 Being Introduced Effectively          

    CHAPTER 22 Helping Your TED Video Go Viral          

    CHAPTER 23 Stop Reading and Start Speaking          

    Afterword by Simon Sinek          



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    A nonprofit dedicated to ideas worth spreading, TED challenges the world's most fascinating thinkers and doers to give "the speech of their lives" in 18 minutes or less. The more than 14,000 talks on TED.com have been viewed over 1 billion times and include those by such luminaries as Tony Robbins, Dan Pink, and Sheryl Sandberg.

    Now you can learn how to give a TED-style talk to achieve your personal and business goals.

    How to Deliver a TED Talk provides more than 100 invaluable tips—everything from opening with an explicit statement of audience benefits to framing your idea as an action-outcome response to a question worth asking. Whether you're presenting to an audience of 1 or 1,000, this book is an indispensable resource for any public speaker.

    "Not just for TED talks, it's a great book for any presentation you have to make. If you want to deeply engage and impress your audience, this is a quick, informative, and brilliant guide." — PETER BREGMAN, TEDx talker and author of 18 Minutes

    "Jeremey's advice was key to my successful TED talk at TEDMED." — AMANDA BENNETT, Pulitzer Prize–winning journalist and Executive Editor/Projects and Investigations for Bloomberg News

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